ULHT/HEI-Lab - Atas de Conferências Nacionais

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    Heterogeneidade da personalidade na fibromialgia e suas implicações na vivência da doença
    (CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics University of Algarve, 2019) Gonzalez, Bárbara Isabel Dinis; Novo, Rosa Ferreira; Ferreira, Ana Sousa
    Introdução: A fibromialgia (FM) é uma síndrome dolorosa crónica de etiologia desconhecida. No âmbito de um modelo de diátese stress, as características psicológicas podem ter um importante papel na sua compreensão. Após uma recente meta-análise que comprovou diferenças significativas na personalidade e psicopatologia entre participantes saudáveis e pacientes com FM, e um estudo posterior que identificou especificidades da FM em comparação com outra doença reumatológica de etiologia bem identificada, o objetivo do presente estudo foi o de testar a heterogeneidade das características psicológicas de pacientes FM, a partir da psicopatologia da personalidade. Método: 56 pacientes FM com idades entre os 30 e os 60 anos (M=45.95; SD= 9.39) foram avaliadas com o MMPI-2. Procedeu-se a uma análise de clusters (K-médias) a partir dos resultados das escalas de psicopatologia da personalidade (PSY-5), seguida de MANOVAs relativamente a diferentes variáveis clínicas e de doença. Resultados: Foram identificados dois clusters: um, com 32 participantes, sem elevações significativas nas escalas PSY-5 (i.e., T < 65), e outro, com 24 participantes, que apresentam elevações significativas nas escalas Emocionalidade Negativa/Neuroticismo e Introversão/Baixa Emocionalidade Positiva. As análises multivariadas das escalas clínicas indicam que os participantes do segundo cluster apresentam valores superiores em várias dimensões. Discussão: A heterogeneidade das características psicológicas e psicopatológicas identificadas são discutidas considerando o papel da personalidade na etiologia desta síndrome, bem como as implicações para o delineamento terapêutico.
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    GBL for Psychological Intervention Related Skills: What Challenges? What Paths?
    (Academic Conferences International Ltd., 2021) Sousa, Carla Patrícia Gonçalves e; Fonseca, Micaela; Mansuklal, Shivani Atul; Carvalho, Jéssica; Silva, Diogo; Neves, Pedro Pinto; Luz, Filipe Costa; Salvador, Ágata; Costa, Leonor Pereira da; Oliveira, Jorge; Gamito, Pedro
    In recent research, games have become an important reference with regards to learning skills with certain characteristics, as well as in promoting contemporary literacies. Games have similarly become highly relevant in the promotion of psychological well-being and mental health. Even considering this role in promoting learning in general, soft skills, motivation, cooperation, empathy, among others, in the field of psychological intervention, the potential of games has been much more applied to patients than to the psychologists and their professional development. The present study aims at mapping the intersection between psychological intervention related skills learning and game-based pedagogical strategies. For such purpose, a Systematic Literature Review was conducted through some of the most relevant scientific databases. The obtained sample was further selected following the PRISMA guidelines with screening and eligibility processes based on inclusion criteria, defined considering the research’s aim. Non-peer reviewed research and studies aimed at other pedagogical approaches, such as gamification, were excluded from the final sample. Papers were categorized, coded, and analysed through statistical procedures and content analysis techniques. The results contextualize games as effective and feasible tools in the professional development of psychologists and psychology graduates, simultaneously highlighting the scarcity of resources in this field and the need for more experimental and quasi experimental approaches to foster evidence-based pedagogical choices. Keywords: GBL, Psychology, Psychology Learning, Psychology Students, Mental Health Professionals, Therapists
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    O MMPI-2 na diferenciação da fibromialgia face à artrite reumatóide
    (Associação Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico e Avaliação Psicológica (AIDAP-AIDEP), 2018) Gonzalez, Bárbara Isabel Dinis; Novo, Rosa Ferreira; Peres, Rodrigo; Baptista, Telmo Ventura Mourinho
    Este estudo visa explorar características psicológicas e psicopatológicas associadas à fibromialgia (FM), uma patologia dolorosa de etiologia desconhecida. Para tal, pretende comparar pacientes com FM e pacientes com artrite reumatóide (AR), uma patologia dolorosa de etiologia conhecida, e identificar grupos típicos (GTs) de cada patologia. 70 participantes (FM: n = 38; Midade = 46.03, DPidade = 8.48; AR: n = 32, Midade = 45.31, DPidade = 8.68) foram avaliadas com o MMPI-2. Procedeu-se a uma análise de clusters (K-médias) para identificação de GTs e análises multivariadas intergrupos. A análise de clusters da amostra global, com base na pontuação em oito escalas clínicas, identificou dois clusters: um de menor dimensão (n = 29), caracterizado por médias significativamente inferiores em sete escalas e sem elevações clinicamente significativas (T ≥ 65), integrando 24 pacientes com AR, e outro de maior dimensão (n = 41), caracterizado por elevações clinicamente significativas em cinco escalas, integrando 33 pacientes com FM. Considerados estes clusters como representativos das características psicológicas nucleares de cada uma das patologias, as análises multivariadas mostraram que o FMGT apresenta valores significativamente superiores ao ARGT em várias escalas de psicopatologia da personalidade, suplementares e de conteúdo. Esses resultados serão discutidos reconhecendo-se o papel da personalidade na etiologia e manutenção da FM.
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    Academic procrastination : psychological impact and predictor aspects under the self-determination theory
    (Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), 2019) Pereira, Janaina Fagundes Silva Morgado; Gonzalez, Bárbara Isabel Dinis
    Background: Academic procrastination is a dynamic phenomenon involving personal, behavioral and environmental aspects and is characterized by delaying the beginning or the ending of an academic task, in a purposeful and frequent way. As such, it generates a subjective discomfort associated with negative psychological consequences in students. Very few studies have investigated procrastination within the frame of the self determination theory, and specifically in the context of basic psychological needs satisfaction. This study aims to explore the relation among academic procrastination, basic psychological needs satisfaction, coping strategies (with a focus on proactive coping), and depression, anxiety and stress. Methods: 211 university students with ages between 18 and 44 years (M = 24.23; DP = 5.72), most of them being females (56.4%), have participated in this transversal study, and fulfilled the Questionnaire of Procrastination in Study, the Basic Psychologic Needs Satisfaction Scale, the Questionnaire of Reactions to Daily Events and the Scale of Anxiety, Depression and Stress-21. Results: The correlation analysis verified that academic procrastination has a negative relation with basic psychological needs satisfaction, and proactive coping, and a positive relation with avoidance coping, and with anxiety, depression and stress. A mediation analysis identified proactive coping as a partial mediator of the relation between basic psychological needs satisfaction and procrastination. Conclusion: The non-satisfaction of the basic psychological needs in students is related to the usage of less adaptative coping strategies, and seems to prevent the use of more effective proactive strategies. On the other hand, those strategies lead to procrastination, which has a negative psychological impact. As such, an intervention based on the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs in the academic context is considered relevant
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    VR-based assessment and intervention of cognitive functioning after stroke
    (2020) Gamito, Pedro; Souto, Maria Teresa Soares; Dias, Ana Rita Conde; Salvador, Ágata; Galhordas, João; Oliveira, Jorge
    Worldwide, stroke affects one out of every six individuals, being associated with physical and cognitive impairments, and leaving a striking footprint on individuals, their families and society. Assessment of acquired deficits and rehabilitation of lost and compromised functions is based typically on exercises that may not replicate the demands of everyday life activities lacking ecological validity. These tests fail at predicting daily functioning and their similarity with daily life activities is far from being sound. Assessing and training cognitive functions under an ecologically oriented approach, i.e. using exercises that replicate instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) seems to be the suitable strategy to follow. Virtual Reality (VR) worlds have been used to simulate IADL for assessment and rehabilitation of acquired cognitive deficits since the late 1990’s. This chapter reports and debates existing studies that support the use of VR in this context. When it comes down to veridicality and verisimilitude, evidences illustrate the opportunity of adopting this strategy that outperforms traditional paper and pencil exercises. A glance through the perspective of a therapist, that has adopted VR for cognitive rehabilitation in patients with stroke is also debated.