ULP Law Review : Revista de Direito da ULP, v. 15 n.º 1 (2021)

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    Algumas considerações sobre a proteção diplomática das sociedades e dos seus acionistas
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2021) Farias, Eduardo Pimentel de; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência Política
    Using the hypothetical deductive method, we used the Barcelona Traction, Elettronica Sicula and Diallo cases to clarify the debate on the problem of diplomatic protection for corporations and their shareholders. Corporations must be seen as a being with a distinct moral personality. If the corporations and the shareholder suffered a loss, this does not imply that the two have the right to demand redress. The issue of diplomatic protection for corporations and their shareholders has been a constant theme in international jurisprudence, in the practice of States, in international conventions, in doctrine and in the course of the work of the International Law Commission on diplomatic protection. The relevance and pertinence of the topic is also recognized in the fact that diplomatic protection applies to all other legal entities constituted by the State. We share the perspective that diplomatic protection for corporations and shareholders should not be considered obsolete. This should be seen as the ultima ratio under which States can invoke the international responsibility of another State for the damage caused to a Corporation or shareholders that hold its nationality.
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    Misogyny: Are Personal Laws Androcentric?
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2021) Monteiro, Pearl; FL - Faculty of Law
    The age-old prejudice of misogyny is still retained in insidious form even in legislations. There are numerous international conventions, as well as Constitutional provisions which claim to set man and woman on an equal plane. In India, one legislative sphere which prima facie appears to perpetuate the gender divide are the personal laws. In India, except for the State of Goa, personal matters are determined on the basis of religion. Different religions follow different laws, but what is common to them all, is the secondary position accorded to women. This paper discusses the international provisions dealing with equal human rights such as, Charter of the United Nations, 1945, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1948, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966 and The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The paper elaborates on the Constitutional provisions providing for equality as well investigates whether the personal law provisions applicable to the Hindu, Muslim, and Christian women dealing with marriage, divorce, guardianship, and inheritance are discriminatory and misogynistic in nature. The paper studies the laws from date of enactment till the present day. The method of study is doctrinal. As a road map or suggestion, the analogous provisions of the Uniform Civil Code in Goa are highlighted. Judicial precedents are cited, suggestions are put forward.
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    A incriminação do branqueamento em Portugal à luz do direito comunitário : a questão das vantagens licitamente adquiridas no estrangeiro
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2021) Cheniaux, Rafael; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência Política
    The present paper focuses on money laundering in Portuguese and European criminal law. In regard to the recycling of property derived from predicate offences committed abroad not constituting illegal activity in the light of the lex loci, the Portuguese Criminal Code seems to present a solution wich is incompatible with the impositions of the Directive (EU) 2018/1673. This study will discuss the discrepancies between the two systems of law in the matter, giving particular attention to the recent transpostion of the aformentioned directive by the Portuguese Parliament, and will conclude that Portugal is not in violation of the European Union law.
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    O Despacho do Tribunal de Justiça, de 17 de Setembro de 2020 no Processo c-837/19, Super Bock bebidas S.A., sobre a compatibilidade das disposições do artigo 21º do Código do IVA português com a Directiva Europeia. Alguns comentários.
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2021) Oliveira, Maria Odete; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência Política
    O presente comentário mais não pretende do que aportar alguns factos que fundamentam e ajudam a interpretar a inclusão da disciplina do artigo 21º do Código do IVA português e a sua manutenção até à presente data. visa-se contribuir. O contexto é o do bastante recente Despacho do Tribunal Europeu proferido no Processo C-837/19, de 20 de Setembro, processo que envolvia como partes A sociedade Super Bock Bebidas SA contra a Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira, litígio que tendo sido objecto depronúncia arbitral ao Centro de Arbitragem Administrativa (CAAD), foi por este objecto de um pedido de decisão prejudicial àquele Tribunal de Justiça, em 19 de Novembro de 2019. Partindo da respectiva fundamentação, analisa-se, para compreender, descrever e sistematizar o percurso do legislador nacional na consagração da disciplina de exclusões ao direito de dedução do IVA suportado a montante, confrontando a sua redacção inicial, no âmbito da reforma da tributação indirecta então em vigor (o Imposto de Transações) e os seus fundamentos, com as razões que legitimaram a sua manutenção, à data da adesão de Portugal à então Comunidade Económica Europeia, as quais continuam a verificar-se, para concluir pela decisão adequada, acertada, e como tal, justa do Tribunal Europeu de Justiça.
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    Kant on Punishment and Criminal Law – Nine Thesis
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2021) Renzikowski, Joachim; FL - Faculty of Law
    Kant is generally regarded as a representative of the theory of retaliation. This position is accused as scientific untenable. Supposedly, the idea of retaliation disregards all social purposes and demands punishment even where it was not necessary for the protection of legal interests. In doing so it would lose its social legitimacy. The state was not entitled to realize the “metaphysical idea of justice”. Finally, the idea of guilt which is to retaliate could not alone bear the punishment, because individual guilt was bound to the existence of a freedom of will. But freedom of will could not be proved which made it unsuitable as the sole foundation for state intervention. This view of Kant’s has been widely held since the “Verabschiedung” of Kant by Ulrich Klug in 1968. However, as will be shown below, it has very little to do with Kant. On the contrary: Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals of 1797 5 contains an already quite sophisticated criminal theory of timeless quality. In order to elaborate on them, however, one must not, as is customary, pick out a few passages, but one must take note of the “whole” doctrine of law, in particular Kant’s statements on subjective law, on the abandonment of the law and on the rule of law. The basic features of Kant’s theory of crime will be presented in the following nine theses, backed up by relevant textual evidence.
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    O Direito Penal da Prevenção como resposta ao populismo penal : as emoções públicas como dimensões menosprezadas da política criminal
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2021) Caria, Rui; FL - Faculty of Law
    The rise of penal populism has become alarming due to the increase of its supporters and the growing severity of the punishments it demands to turn into law. It takes advantage of political emotions to achieve its goals, channeling fear and anger into proposals for legislations. Today’s criminal policy is guided by the goal of crime prevention, finding strength in the principles of the Constitution and the Democratic State of Law. However, it does not seem to concern itself with public emotion. Giving up the task of channeling public emotion into public policy to populist actors can be regarded as a great danger to Democracy. Our study’s aim is to reflect on the importance of public emotion in a preventive criminal policy as an answer to penal populism. With this in mind, we shall analyze how each one of these frames treats public emotions, highlighting how preventive criminal policy can use positive emotions to strengthen its guiding principles and honor them through legislation. The topic of public emotions has been growing among development policy studies; however, it has not been fully developed in criminal law. In this way, we see our study as one of the first contributions to the development of this view. These can have an influence upon the way we construct penal-dogmatic categories such as guilt, as well as help humanize and individualize sentencing.
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    A inteligência artificial nos contratos : uma hipótese possível?
    (Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2021) Giannakos, Demétrio Beck da Silva; Engelmann, Wilson; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência Política
    O texto visa analisar se, dada a realidade brasileira, seria possível inserir nos contratos privados sistemas de Inteligência Artificial - IA. Primeiro, serão analisados os conceitos existentes sobre IA, bem como a dificuldade em conceituá-la de uma única maneira. O texto abordará, através do conceito de contrato, a possibilidade e as vantagens da utilização da IA nos contratos privados. Tal ideia foi, primeiramente, publicada por Gustavo Tepedino e Rodrigo da Guia Silva que, então, surgiu como inspiração para a elaboração do presente trabalho, com a proposta de tentar ir além. Palavras-chave: Inteligência Artificial; Contratos; Custos de Transação; Reajuste