A utilização da língua portuguesa em duas regiões do Estado do Ceará
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A presente Dissertação de Mestrado, intitulada: A utilização da Língua Portuguesa em duas
regiões do estado do Ceará, analisa a língua falada em duas cidades do estado do Ceará,
Brasil (distam cc.600 Kms). São elas: Pentecoste e Juazeiro do Norte, investigando
principalmente, as diferenças lexicais e suas causas, embasando-se nos Parâmetros
Curriculares Nacionais – Ensino Médio – Parte II – Linguagem, Códigos e suas Tecnologias,
Nacionais (1997) e em linguistas como: Bagno (2015), Traváglia (2017) e Lucchesi (2012,
2015, 2017). A Literatura que propõe novos caminhos para o ensino da Língua Portuguesa,
considerando os diversos dialetos que a compõem. E historiadores como: Aranha, (2020) e
Fausto, (2019). A metodologia é qualitativa, tendo como campo empírico de pesquisa uma
escola de cada município estudado. Os sujeitos participantes são os coordenadores,
professores e alunos. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de sessões de entrevistas
semiestruturadas e individuais (2018). E sua análise baseada no método ―análise de conteúdo‖
de Bardin (2015). As conclusões indicam que: há um dialeto para cada uma das cidades
pesquisadas, devido a poucas convergências encontradas, paralelamente, apresentam-se as
causas elencadas para estas diferenças, sobressaindo-se as questões diatópicas e culturais
The present Master's Thesis, entitled: The use of the Portuguese Language in two regions of the state of Ceará, analyzes the language spoken in two cities in the state of Ceará, Brazil (cc.600 Kms apart). They are: Pentecoste and Juazeiro do Norte, investigating mainly, the lexical differences and their causes, basing itself on the National Curricular Parameters - High School - Part II - Language, Codes and their Technologies, nationals (1997) and on linguists such as: Bagno (2015), Traváglia (2017) and Lucchesi, (2012, 2015, 2017). Literature, which proposes new ways to teach the Portuguese Language, considering the various dialects that compose it; and historians such as Aranha, (2020) and Fausto, (2019). The methodology is qualitative, with one school in each municipality studied as the empirical field of research. The participating subjects are the coordinators, teachers and students. Data collection was conducted through semistructured and individual interview sessions (2018). And its analysis based on the method "content analysis" of Bardin (2015). The conclusions indicate that: there is a dialect for each of the cities surveyed, due to few lexical convergences found, in parallel, the causes listed for these differences are presented, standing out the diatopic and cultural issues.
The present Master's Thesis, entitled: The use of the Portuguese Language in two regions of the state of Ceará, analyzes the language spoken in two cities in the state of Ceará, Brazil (cc.600 Kms apart). They are: Pentecoste and Juazeiro do Norte, investigating mainly, the lexical differences and their causes, basing itself on the National Curricular Parameters - High School - Part II - Language, Codes and their Technologies, nationals (1997) and on linguists such as: Bagno (2015), Traváglia (2017) and Lucchesi, (2012, 2015, 2017). Literature, which proposes new ways to teach the Portuguese Language, considering the various dialects that compose it; and historians such as Aranha, (2020) and Fausto, (2019). The methodology is qualitative, with one school in each municipality studied as the empirical field of research. The participating subjects are the coordinators, teachers and students. Data collection was conducted through semistructured and individual interview sessions (2018). And its analysis based on the method "content analysis" of Bardin (2015). The conclusions indicate that: there is a dialect for each of the cities surveyed, due to few lexical convergences found, in parallel, the causes listed for these differences are presented, standing out the diatopic and cultural issues.
Orientação: Marisa Pascarelli Agrello