Compostos de origem alimentar com potencial efeito na progressão do cancro
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O cancro é uma das duas patologias do século XXI, com maior taxa de mortalidade, sendo a primeira patologia, as doenças cardiovasculares. Isto deve-se sobretudo às alterações dos estilos de vida das pessoas, a modificações das necessidades básicas e ao aumento da idade média de vida. Os números de novos casos e de mortes têm vindo a aumentar, o que também se deve à melhoria dos meios de diagnóstico.
A alimentação é importante pois permite a ingestão de nutrientes essenciais para que o organismo mantenha as suas funções básicas. Os alimentos podem conter compostos bioativos e metabolitos que contrariam o desenvolvimento do cancro. Estes compostos incluem o trissulfeto de dialilo, os isotiocianatos ou os polifenóis, onde se destacam o resveratrol e a curcumina, pelo impacto na metastização.
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste numa revisão bibliográfica dos estudos acerca do papel dos compostos alimentares bioativos na metastização e na quimioprevenção. Realizou-se ainda uma experiência com curcumina em células de osteossarcoma, um cancro presente nos ossos, de modo a verificar ação da curcumina na viabilidade das células deste tumor.
É relevante que os indivíduos tenham uma alimentação equilibrada, saudável e, por fim completa e intercalando com o exercício físico de forma a prevenir e evitar doenças crónicas e cancros.
Cancer is one of the two 21st century ´s disease, the first are cardiovascular diseases. These are mainly due to changes in people's lifestyle, changes in basic needs and increase in the average life-span. The numbers of new cases and deaths are increasing also because of the better diagnosis tools. Other related factors are incorrect behaviours, pollution or food habits. Food habits are important because they allow the ingestion of essential nutrients that help the body maintaining its basic functions. Some foodstuff contains bioactive compounds and metabolites that may thwart cancer development. These compounds include diallyl trisulfide, isothiocyanates or polyphenols, such as resveratrol and curcumin. Both may impact metastization, a critical phase in cancer development This work consisted on a bibliographic review about the effects of dietary bioactive compounds in metastization and chemoprevention. In addition, an experiment with curcumin in cells of osteosarcoma, a cancer in bone was performed, in order to verify the action of curcumin in the viability of the cells of this tumour. It is essential that people adopt a healthy and balanced diet associated with physical exercise in order to prevent chronic diseases and cancer.
Cancer is one of the two 21st century ´s disease, the first are cardiovascular diseases. These are mainly due to changes in people's lifestyle, changes in basic needs and increase in the average life-span. The numbers of new cases and deaths are increasing also because of the better diagnosis tools. Other related factors are incorrect behaviours, pollution or food habits. Food habits are important because they allow the ingestion of essential nutrients that help the body maintaining its basic functions. Some foodstuff contains bioactive compounds and metabolites that may thwart cancer development. These compounds include diallyl trisulfide, isothiocyanates or polyphenols, such as resveratrol and curcumin. Both may impact metastization, a critical phase in cancer development This work consisted on a bibliographic review about the effects of dietary bioactive compounds in metastization and chemoprevention. In addition, an experiment with curcumin in cells of osteosarcoma, a cancer in bone was performed, in order to verify the action of curcumin in the viability of the cells of this tumour. It is essential that people adopt a healthy and balanced diet associated with physical exercise in order to prevent chronic diseases and cancer.
Orientação: Ana Fernandes