Abordagens terapêuticas no carcinoma renal: estado da arte
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O carcinoma renal representa cerca de 2-3% de todos os carcinomas existentes
mundialmente, sendo que o carcinoma de células renais é o mais relevante de todos os
cancros com origem no rim, por ser o mais comum. Obesidade, consumo de tabaco, historial
de doença renal e propensão genética são considerados fatores de risco para carcinoma de
células renais.
Neste tipo de cancro, refratário à quimioterapia, a nefrectomia continua a ser uma das
principais técnicas utilizadas, sendo frequentemente associada a outros tratamentos. A
imunoterapia, com utilização de doses elevadas de interleucina-2 e interferão-α, tem
contribuído para o aumento da sobrevida global mas apenas numa porção minoritária de
pacientes. Novas terapêuticas dirigidas, tais
como sunitinib, sorafenib, temsirolimus e bevacizumab demonstraram atividade antitumoral
com bons resultados em ensaios clínicos e ganharam importância no tratamento deste
tipo de carcinoma. Atualmente, vários novos agentes imunoterapêuticos, tais como as vacinas,
imunoterapia celular adotiva, inibidores de checkpoint, entre outras novas abordagens têm
ganho destaque e são tidos como importantes promessas no controlo desta patologia.
Nesta dissertação é revista toda a terapêutica utilizada no tratamento do carcinoma de
células renais, desde a mais convencional às mais recentes descobertas.
Kidney cancer accounts for about 2-3% of all carcinomas worldwide, and renal cell carcinoma is the most relevant of all cancers with kidney origin, as it is the most common. Obesity, smoking, history of kidney disease and genetic propensity are considered risk factors for renal cell carcinoma. In this type of cancer, refractory to chemotherapy, nephrectomy remains one of the main techniques, being, usually, associated with other treatments. Immunotherapy, using high doses of interleukin-2 and interferon-α, has contributed to increase overall survival but only in a minority group of patients. New targeting therapeutic agents such as sunitinib, sorafenib, temsirolimus and bevacizumab have demonstrated anti-tumor activity with good results in clinical trials and have gained importance in the treatment of this carcinoma type. Several new immunotherapeutic agents, such as vaccines, adoptive cellular immunotherapy, checkpoint inhibitors, among other new approaches have gained prominence and are considered important promises in the control of this pathology. In this dissertation all the therapeutics used in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma are reviewed, from the conventional procedures to the most recent techniques.
Kidney cancer accounts for about 2-3% of all carcinomas worldwide, and renal cell carcinoma is the most relevant of all cancers with kidney origin, as it is the most common. Obesity, smoking, history of kidney disease and genetic propensity are considered risk factors for renal cell carcinoma. In this type of cancer, refractory to chemotherapy, nephrectomy remains one of the main techniques, being, usually, associated with other treatments. Immunotherapy, using high doses of interleukin-2 and interferon-α, has contributed to increase overall survival but only in a minority group of patients. New targeting therapeutic agents such as sunitinib, sorafenib, temsirolimus and bevacizumab have demonstrated anti-tumor activity with good results in clinical trials and have gained importance in the treatment of this carcinoma type. Several new immunotherapeutic agents, such as vaccines, adoptive cellular immunotherapy, checkpoint inhibitors, among other new approaches have gained prominence and are considered important promises in the control of this pathology. In this dissertation all the therapeutics used in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma are reviewed, from the conventional procedures to the most recent techniques.
Orientação: Ana Sofia Fernandes ; co-orientação: João Costa