Determinantes da lealdade dos consumidores à marca Sumol
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As marcas têm vindo a ganhar relevância no domínio do marketing, sendo esta uma variável que
muitas das empresas não dominam, não estudam, não percebem quanto vale uma marca, como
realmente nos sentimos quando interagimos com uma marca e sobretudo perceber como isso vai
influenciar a decisão de compra dos nossos consumidores e potenciais consumidores.
Para o efeito foi escolhida a marca Sumol, uma vez que, em Portugal a maioria dos estudos que
abordam este tema focam-se, essencialmente, em estudar apenas os seus produtos, e esquecendo-se
da parte mais importante sendo eles os seus consumidores. É por isso importante perceber como se
mantêm fiéis e o que mais apreciam os consumidores à marca em causa.
Para desenvolver o estudo foi assim utilizado um modelo sendo ele as 5 dimensões da personalidade
da marca para Aaker ( 1997 ) .
No que diz respeito à metodologia utilizada neste trabalho, utilizamos o método quantitativo e a sua
técnica de recolha de dados foi o questionário que obteve uma amostra com 165 inquiridos. O
questionário foi assim publicado em meios online, através da utilização da ferramenta de criação de
questionário do “ Google Docs “.
Os resultados obtidos mostram que as características que os consumidores da marca Sumol apreciam
cada vez mais são: a importância do acompanhamento ao longo do tempo do seu cliente e que possam
continuar a inovar ao longo do tempo para manter e captar as atenções de novos consumidores.
Brands have been gaining relevance in the marketing domain, which is a variable that many companies do not master, do not study, do not realize how much a brand is worth, how we really feel when we interact with a brand and, above all, understand how this will influence the purchase decision of our consumers and potencial consumers. For this propose, the Sumol brand was chosen. In Portugal most of the studies that address this topic are focused, essentially on studying only its products, and forgetting the most important part, as they are its consumers. It is important to understand how they remain loyal and what consumers like most about the brand in question. To develop the study, a model was used, which is the 5 dimensions of brand personality for Aaker ( 1997 ) Regarding to the methodology used in this work, we used the quantitative method and its data collection technique was the questionnaire that obtained a sample of 165 respondents. The questionnaire was published online, through the use of “ Google Docs “ questionnaire creation tool. The results obtained show that the characteristicsthat Sumol brand consumers appreciate increasingly more are: the importance of following up with your customer over time and that I can continue to innovate over time to keep and capture the attention of new consumers.
Brands have been gaining relevance in the marketing domain, which is a variable that many companies do not master, do not study, do not realize how much a brand is worth, how we really feel when we interact with a brand and, above all, understand how this will influence the purchase decision of our consumers and potencial consumers. For this propose, the Sumol brand was chosen. In Portugal most of the studies that address this topic are focused, essentially on studying only its products, and forgetting the most important part, as they are its consumers. It is important to understand how they remain loyal and what consumers like most about the brand in question. To develop the study, a model was used, which is the 5 dimensions of brand personality for Aaker ( 1997 ) Regarding to the methodology used in this work, we used the quantitative method and its data collection technique was the questionnaire that obtained a sample of 165 respondents. The questionnaire was published online, through the use of “ Google Docs “ questionnaire creation tool. The results obtained show that the characteristicsthat Sumol brand consumers appreciate increasingly more are: the importance of following up with your customer over time and that I can continue to innovate over time to keep and capture the attention of new consumers.
Orientação: Miguel Nuno Vieira de Carvalho Abreu Varela