Estudo microbiológico de óleos essenciais e extratos de orégãos e as suas aplicações na saúde
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A Organização Mundial da Saúde encontra-se preocupada com o número de pessoas
que são infetadas e que morrem anualmente por contraírem infeções causadas por bactérias
multirresistentes. Estima-se que morram mais pessoas infetadas com bactérias resistentes
do que em acidentes de viação. Esta situação agrava-se também pela falta de resposta na
criação de novos antibióticos. Cada vez mais as bactérias adaptam-se aos antibióticos, por
isso a descoberta de novos princípios ativos torna-se lenta dada a rápida adaptabilidade das
bactérias. Este trabalho prático foca-se no estudo de atividade antimicrobiana de novos
compostos naturais que possam ser alternativas ou em combinação com antibióticos nos
tratamentos de infeções causadas por bactérias resistentes.
Para este trabalho efetuaram-se os seguintes testes microbiológicos: estudos de
suscetibilidade antibacteriana; Kirby – Bauer; suscetibilidade em meio sólido,
determinação da concentração mínima inibitória e concentração mínima bactericida,
reversões de resistência a determinados antibióticos e determinação de sinergismos pela
técnica de checkerboard. Estes testes realizaram-se com dois tipos de bactérias resistentes
a antibióticos frequentes em unidades hospitalares, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e
Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA). Para se determinar a atividade
antimicrobiana de compostos naturais, utilizam-se 7 tipos de óleos essenciais,
nomeadamente, Carvacrol, Cinamaldeído, Tomilho, Óleo do Chá (tea tree oil), óleo de
Cravo, óleo de Casca de Canela e Geraniol e também extrato natural de orégão, extraído
por duas técnicas diferentes (soxhlet e micro-ondas). Verificou-se que dos 7 óleos testados,
o carvacrol apresentou uma grande atividade antimicrobiana. Os mesmos resultados foram
obtidos com o extrato natural de orégão. No entanto, observou-se que pela técnica de
soxhlet que o extrato do orégão inibe mais o crescimento bacteriano do que pela técnica do
micro-ondas. Com este trabalho pode-se concluir que a utilização de compostos naturais
poderá ajudar no futuro na inibição do crescimento bacteriano ou mesmo na eliminação de
bactérias resistentes a antibióticos.
The World Health Organization is concerned about the number of people who are infected and who die annually from contracting multiresistant bacteria. It is estimated that more people die from resistant bacteria-associated infections than from road traffic accidents. This concern is also due to the lack of response in the creation of new antibiotics. Increasingly bacteria adapt to antibiotics, so the discovery of new active principles becomes slow to deal with the rapid adaptability of bacteria to antibiotics. For this work the following microbiological tests were carried out: antibacterial susceptibility; Kirby - Bauer; susceptibility in solid medium; determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration; reversal of resistance to selected antibiotics and determination of synergies using the checkerboard method. These tests were performed with two types of antibiotic resistant bacteria commonly found in hospital units, namely, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), in order to determine the antimicrobial activity of natural compounds. To do this, 7 types of essential oils (Carvacrol, Cinnamaldehyde, Thyme, Tea Tree oil, Clove, Cinnamon Bark and Geraniol) and natural extracts from oregano, extracted by two different techniques (soxhlet and Microwave) were tested. From the 7 oils tested, carvacrol had the highest antimicrobial activity, comparabale with the natural extract obtained from oregano. However, it was observed that using the soxhlet technique the oregano extract inhibit more bacteria than the extract obtained by microwave extraction. With this work it can be concluded that the use of natural compounds may in the future help in the inhibition or elimination of antibiotic resistant bacterial infections.
The World Health Organization is concerned about the number of people who are infected and who die annually from contracting multiresistant bacteria. It is estimated that more people die from resistant bacteria-associated infections than from road traffic accidents. This concern is also due to the lack of response in the creation of new antibiotics. Increasingly bacteria adapt to antibiotics, so the discovery of new active principles becomes slow to deal with the rapid adaptability of bacteria to antibiotics. For this work the following microbiological tests were carried out: antibacterial susceptibility; Kirby - Bauer; susceptibility in solid medium; determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration; reversal of resistance to selected antibiotics and determination of synergies using the checkerboard method. These tests were performed with two types of antibiotic resistant bacteria commonly found in hospital units, namely, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), in order to determine the antimicrobial activity of natural compounds. To do this, 7 types of essential oils (Carvacrol, Cinnamaldehyde, Thyme, Tea Tree oil, Clove, Cinnamon Bark and Geraniol) and natural extracts from oregano, extracted by two different techniques (soxhlet and Microwave) were tested. From the 7 oils tested, carvacrol had the highest antimicrobial activity, comparabale with the natural extract obtained from oregano. However, it was observed that using the soxhlet technique the oregano extract inhibit more bacteria than the extract obtained by microwave extraction. With this work it can be concluded that the use of natural compounds may in the future help in the inhibition or elimination of antibiotic resistant bacterial infections.
Orientação: Maria Adilia Charmier