Representações sociais : a sua relação com a gestão de stress e qualidade de vida no trabalho em profissionais das forças de segurança
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Esta investigação visa explorar a possível relação entre a representação social da profissão
e a manifestação do stress ocupacional nos agentes de diversas Forças de Segurança, tendo em
conta as suas duas vertentes: o distress e o eustress, assim como avaliar a eficácia das estratégias
utlizadas para fazer face aos eventos stressores da profissão. Especificamente, procura
compreender o tipo de stress percecionado pelos elementos das organizações e, se a representação
social da profissão tem alguma relevância na classificação do evento e na eficácia das estratégias
utilizadas em resposta ao mesmo. Consiste numa investigação de cariz qualitativo, não
experimental, com um caráter exploratório e descritivo (Given, 2008) e, para esta análise recorreu se ao modelo holístico de stress de Nelson & Simmons (2003). Este modelo assume particular
relevância no estudo desta população profissional, porque existem muitas referências ao forte
impacto do stress no trabalho destes profissionais (McGowan, DianneGardner, & Fletcher, 2006)
e, alguns estudos apontam também no sentido da vivência de eustress no exercício desta profissão
(Azevedo, 2017). Sendo que essa vivência parece estar associada ao reconhecimento da profissão,
questionou-se se a própria representação social da profissão poderia constituir um fator moderador
entre as exigências da profissão e a vivência de eustress ou distress, com o subsequente impacto
nas estratégias de abordagem utilizadas pelos profissionais e consequências na qualidade de vida.
Mais especificamente, pretende-se apreciar em que medida estas representações sociais podem
constituir um mecanismo de suporte nestas profissões, com elevado risco de burnout e mal-estar
psicológico (Aster, 2008; Cintas & Sprimont, 2011; Serra, 2005). Também a abordagem
psicológica da gestão de stress (Lazarus & Folkman, 1980) será importante para a análise, na
medida em que se concetualizou que as representações sociais sobre a profissão e instituição
constituirão um elemento relevante de análise primária para a identificação do contexto profissional
como stressante.
Na medida em que as representações sociais constituem uma interface entre o indivíduo e
a sociedade, congregando dinâmicas sociológicas e psicológicas, pareceu ser um conceito de
particular utilidade para o estudo destas profissões onde a vivência profissional é fortemente
determinada pelo social. Sendo as representações sociais construções que permitem ao indivíduo
entender o mundo em seu redor, comunicar e definir comportamentos adequados a cada situação, considerou-se relevante analisar o trabalho psicológico individual de negociação e adaptação dos
profissionais às contingências do seu trabalho (Malczewski, 2013; Moscovici, 2007; Ramos &
Novo, 2002; Vala, 1993)
Paralelamente foram investigadas estratégias de coping (Folkman & Lazarus, 1988), bem
como outros fatores individuais e organizacionais, respetivamente protetores e potenciadores de
stress ocupacional.
Com estes objetivos em mente foram conduzidas 103 entrevistas semiestruturadas a uma
amostra de conveniência de elementos de três Forças de Segurança – PSP, GNR e Polícia
Municipal. Os conteúdos das respostas foram sujeitos a uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa e
quantitativa assim como a uma análise temática (Vala, 1986).
A análise de conteúdo compreende procedimentos especiais para o processamento de
dados científicos e constitui uma metodologia de pesquisa usada para descrever e interpretar o
conteúdo de documentos e textos (Bardin, 2011). E, a analise temática é um método de análise
qualitativa de dados para identificar, analisar, interpretar e relatar padrões (temas) a partir de dados
qualitativos, sendo que possui características semelhantes a procedimentos também adotados na
análise qualitativa (Braun & Clarke, 2016).
Os resultados obtidos mostraram apoio a três das hipóteses colocadas e relacionadas com
o modelo holístico de stress de Nelson e Simmons (2003). Indivíduos com uma representação
social positiva evidenciaram uma predominância de eustress e de estratégias de savoring e
indivíduos com uma representação social negativa evidenciaram uma predominância de estratégias
de coping, no entanto, não evidenciaram uma predominância de distress.
Ambas as hipóteses colocadas com base no modelo transacional de stress de Lazarus e
Folkman (1984) não foram apoiadas pelos dados recolhidos, ou seja, indivíduos com uma
representação social positiva não classificam maioritariamente os eventos como positivos ou
irrelevantes e, numa avaliação secundária dos mesmos também não evidenciam uma perceção de
maior disponibilidade de recursos pessoais para lidar com a situação.
This investigation aims to explore the possible relation between professional social representations and the manifestation of occupational stress among agents of different Security Forces, considering its two aspects: distress and eustress, as well as assessing the effectiveness of the strategies used to cope with professional stressor events. Specifically, it seeks to understand the type of stress perceived by elements of organizations and, if professional social representations has any relevance in the classification of the event and in the effectiveness of the strategies used in response to it. It consists of a qualitative, non-experimental investigation, with an exploratory and descriptive character (Given, 2008) and, for this analysis, we use the holistic stress model of (Nelson & Simmons, 2003). This model seems of particular relevance in the study of this professional population, because there are many references to the strong impact of stress on the work of these professionals (McGowan, DianneGardner, & Fletcher, 2006) and also some studies point towards the experience of eustress in the exercise of this profession (Azevedo, 2017). Since this experience seems to be associated with the recognition of the profession, we questioned whether the social representation of the profession itself could constitute a moderating factor between the requirements of the profession and the experience of eustress or distress, with the subsequent impact on the approach strategies used by and consequences for quality of life. More specifically, we intend to appreciate the extent to which these social representations can constitute a support mechanism in these professions, with a high risk of burnout and psychological malaise (Aster, 2008; Cintas & Sprimont, 2011; Serra, 2005). The psychological approach to stress management (Lazarus & Folkman, 1980) will also be important for the analysis, as it is conceptualized that social representations about the profession and institution will be a relevant element of primary analysis for the identification of the professional context as stressful. To the extent that social representations constitute an interface between the individual and society, bringing together sociological and psychological dynamics, it seemed to be a concept of particular use for the study of these professions where professional experience is strongly determined by the social. Considering that social representations are constructions that allow individuals to understand the world around them, communicate and define appropriate behaviors for each situation, we consider it relevant to analyze the individual psychological work of negotiation and adaptation of professionals to the contingencies of their work (Moscovici, 2007; Malczewski, 2013; Ramos & Novo, 2002; Vala, 1986). In parallel, coping strategies were investigated (Folkman & Lazarus, 1988), as well as other individual and organizational factors, respectively protective and potentiating occupational stress. With these objectives in mind, 103 semi-structured interviews were conducted with a convenience sample of elements from three Security Forces - PSP, GNR and Municipal Police. The contents of the responses were subjected to a qualitative and quantitative content analysis as well as a thematic analysis (Vala, 1986). Content analysis comprises special procedures for processing scientific data and constitutes a research methodology used to describe and interpret the content of documents and texts (Bardin, 2011) and thematic analysis is a method of qualitative data analysis to identify, analyze, interpret and report patterns (themes) from qualitative data, and it has characteristics similar to procedures also adopted in qualitative analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2016). The results obtained showed support for three of the hypotheses posed and related as a holistic stress model by Nelson and Simmons (2003). Individuals with a positive social representation showed a predominance of eustress and savoring and individuals with a negative social representation showed a predominance of coping strategies, however, they did not show a predominance of distress which does not support one of the hypotheses. Both hypotheses based on the transactional stress model of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) were not supported by the data collected, that is, individuals with a positive social representation didn’t classify professional events as mostly positive or irrelevant and, in a secondary evaluation of them, also they do not show a perception of greater availability of personal resources to deal with the situation.
This investigation aims to explore the possible relation between professional social representations and the manifestation of occupational stress among agents of different Security Forces, considering its two aspects: distress and eustress, as well as assessing the effectiveness of the strategies used to cope with professional stressor events. Specifically, it seeks to understand the type of stress perceived by elements of organizations and, if professional social representations has any relevance in the classification of the event and in the effectiveness of the strategies used in response to it. It consists of a qualitative, non-experimental investigation, with an exploratory and descriptive character (Given, 2008) and, for this analysis, we use the holistic stress model of (Nelson & Simmons, 2003). This model seems of particular relevance in the study of this professional population, because there are many references to the strong impact of stress on the work of these professionals (McGowan, DianneGardner, & Fletcher, 2006) and also some studies point towards the experience of eustress in the exercise of this profession (Azevedo, 2017). Since this experience seems to be associated with the recognition of the profession, we questioned whether the social representation of the profession itself could constitute a moderating factor between the requirements of the profession and the experience of eustress or distress, with the subsequent impact on the approach strategies used by and consequences for quality of life. More specifically, we intend to appreciate the extent to which these social representations can constitute a support mechanism in these professions, with a high risk of burnout and psychological malaise (Aster, 2008; Cintas & Sprimont, 2011; Serra, 2005). The psychological approach to stress management (Lazarus & Folkman, 1980) will also be important for the analysis, as it is conceptualized that social representations about the profession and institution will be a relevant element of primary analysis for the identification of the professional context as stressful. To the extent that social representations constitute an interface between the individual and society, bringing together sociological and psychological dynamics, it seemed to be a concept of particular use for the study of these professions where professional experience is strongly determined by the social. Considering that social representations are constructions that allow individuals to understand the world around them, communicate and define appropriate behaviors for each situation, we consider it relevant to analyze the individual psychological work of negotiation and adaptation of professionals to the contingencies of their work (Moscovici, 2007; Malczewski, 2013; Ramos & Novo, 2002; Vala, 1986). In parallel, coping strategies were investigated (Folkman & Lazarus, 1988), as well as other individual and organizational factors, respectively protective and potentiating occupational stress. With these objectives in mind, 103 semi-structured interviews were conducted with a convenience sample of elements from three Security Forces - PSP, GNR and Municipal Police. The contents of the responses were subjected to a qualitative and quantitative content analysis as well as a thematic analysis (Vala, 1986). Content analysis comprises special procedures for processing scientific data and constitutes a research methodology used to describe and interpret the content of documents and texts (Bardin, 2011) and thematic analysis is a method of qualitative data analysis to identify, analyze, interpret and report patterns (themes) from qualitative data, and it has characteristics similar to procedures also adopted in qualitative analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2016). The results obtained showed support for three of the hypotheses posed and related as a holistic stress model by Nelson and Simmons (2003). Individuals with a positive social representation showed a predominance of eustress and savoring and individuals with a negative social representation showed a predominance of coping strategies, however, they did not show a predominance of distress which does not support one of the hypotheses. Both hypotheses based on the transactional stress model of Lazarus and Folkman (1984) were not supported by the data collected, that is, individuals with a positive social representation didn’t classify professional events as mostly positive or irrelevant and, in a secondary evaluation of them, also they do not show a perception of greater availability of personal resources to deal with the situation.
Orientação: Fátima Rodrigues ; Co-orientação: Mauro Bianchi