Adolescentes em conflito com a lei : contributos para o estudo sobre o processo de construção da prática infracional
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Esta pesquisa cujo tema adolescente em conflito com a lei: contributos para o estudo sobre o processo de construção da pratica infracional, procura fornecer elementos para a
reflexão sobre os fatores que potencialmente contribuem para a prática do ato infracional
presentes na trajetoria de vida dos adolescentes em conflito com a lei, que cumprem medida
socioeducativa de internação no Centro Educacional Masculino - CEM em Teresina/PI. 0
estudo apresenta a trajetoria da constituição dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil a partir, do período da ditadura militar de 64 à metade dos anos 80 do século passado, ate à redemocratização e finalizando com a Doutrina da proteção integral de 1990. Permite a
reflexão sobre a Influencia das estruturas socializadoras na contemporaneidade, com ênfase
na famili80 na escola e na mídia entendendo a socialização como fator preponderante no desenvolvimento integral de crianças e adolescentes. Enfatiza a dimensão educacional como
possibilidade de mudança na trajetória infracional, sendo priorizada e estando focada no
desenvolvimento das potencialidades dos adolescentes, com vista à sua reinserção ao convívio
sócio-familiar e comunitário, visando ainda a formação da cidadania e criando espaço para
que o adolescente possa situar-se no mundo. Faz uma abordagem sobre a delinquência
juvenil, influência dos grupos de pares e das drogas na adolescência, os vários tipos de
violências sofridas pelos adolescentes e os contextos de pobreza e desigualdade social.A pesquisa e de natureza qualitativa porque procura envolver uma abordagem interpretativa e
naturalista dos sujeitos empíricos no cenário natural (CEM), foi realizada com a participação de doze adolescentes na faixa etária entre 14 e 20 anos, por meio de observações
participante e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas procurando analisar os fatores de risco
que potencialmente favorecem a prática de atos infracionais. Foram identificados alguns
fatores de risco presentes nos contextos nos quais os adolescentes estavam inseridos que respondem aos objetivos propostos.Esses adolescentes cumprem medida socioeducativa de
internação prevista no artigo 112 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Essa medida privativa de liberdade responsabiliza legalmente a adolescente pela prática de ato infracional.
Nesse sentido com a responsabilidade partilhada da família e a efetiva presença do Estado,
desenvolvendo Politicas Publicas coerentes e com a contribuição da sociedade, será possível criar um novo caminho capaz de propiciar oportunidades de cidadania para as crianças e
adolescentes do Brasil. Grande parte dos adolescentes brasileiros, por falta de oportunidades,
carência de implementação de Politicas Publicas integradas nas áreas de saúde, educação, esporte, cultura, lazer, trabalho e habitação, voltadas para a sua inc1usao na sociedade muitas
vezes se perdem num caminho difícil de retornar à sua condição de cidadão sujeito de direitos
assegurados nas leis brasileiras. Reverter essa trajetória e um desafio da contemporaneidade.
The present study deals with a necessary challenge one has to face in modem day society, dealing with adolescents in conflict with the law, contributions to intervene with adolescents who commit unlawful acts namely at primary and secondary level of prevention. This study aims at presenting elements for discussion on factors that might contribute towards leading adolescents to commit unlawful acts and thus are confined in the Centro Educacional Masculino CEM (Masculine Internment Center) in the city of Teresina/'Piaui. The present study also presents the historical course of the constitution of rights of children and adolescents in Brazil since 1964, when the country was governed by the military to the mid 1980s, when Brazil regained democracy, and closing in the 1990s, when doctrine for integral protection was exacted. It also intends to provide elements for thought on the influence exercised by the contemporary internment organization, with emphasis on the family, school and the media, and it comprehends socialization as a leading factor for total development of children and adolescents’ potentialities, aiming at reintegrating them socially, with their families and the community, and thus to make them productive and law abiding citizens. This study also makes an approach on juvenile delinquency, influence by pares and drugs in society, the various types of violence adolescents suffer, as well as social contexts of poverty and social inequality. The research is of a quantitative nature because we aim to interpret our discoveries. Twelve adolescents between ages 12 to 20 agreed to participate in this research, which was carried out by means of ethnographic observations and semi structured interviews and life stories, all in the intent of tracing the social and demographic profile of the adolescents that are serving a social internment penalty and to identify risk factors which potentially encourage the practice of illegal acts. Some risk factors were identified in the contexts in which the adolescents were placed. The adolescents studied in this work are submitted to social internment measure under Article number 12 of the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Statute of Children and Adolescents). This measure that deprives adolescents of their freedom also legally makes them responsible for their acts. In that sense and by making the family co-responsible, by considering an effective presence of the State in developing coherent public policies, and also with contribution by society it is possible to engender a new path that will enable Brazilian youngsters to make a new start and become productive citizens. A great deal of Brazilian adolescents are led astray mainly because of the lack of public policies that should be incorporated in various areas such as health, education, sports and leisure, labor and housing aiming at providing opportunities for adolescents not to fall into such difficult routs that make it almost impossible to come back to ways of righteousness, and thus to be accepted by society as citizens with all rights assured them by Brazilian Law. To reverse this situation is a contemporary challenge.
The present study deals with a necessary challenge one has to face in modem day society, dealing with adolescents in conflict with the law, contributions to intervene with adolescents who commit unlawful acts namely at primary and secondary level of prevention. This study aims at presenting elements for discussion on factors that might contribute towards leading adolescents to commit unlawful acts and thus are confined in the Centro Educacional Masculino CEM (Masculine Internment Center) in the city of Teresina/'Piaui. The present study also presents the historical course of the constitution of rights of children and adolescents in Brazil since 1964, when the country was governed by the military to the mid 1980s, when Brazil regained democracy, and closing in the 1990s, when doctrine for integral protection was exacted. It also intends to provide elements for thought on the influence exercised by the contemporary internment organization, with emphasis on the family, school and the media, and it comprehends socialization as a leading factor for total development of children and adolescents’ potentialities, aiming at reintegrating them socially, with their families and the community, and thus to make them productive and law abiding citizens. This study also makes an approach on juvenile delinquency, influence by pares and drugs in society, the various types of violence adolescents suffer, as well as social contexts of poverty and social inequality. The research is of a quantitative nature because we aim to interpret our discoveries. Twelve adolescents between ages 12 to 20 agreed to participate in this research, which was carried out by means of ethnographic observations and semi structured interviews and life stories, all in the intent of tracing the social and demographic profile of the adolescents that are serving a social internment penalty and to identify risk factors which potentially encourage the practice of illegal acts. Some risk factors were identified in the contexts in which the adolescents were placed. The adolescents studied in this work are submitted to social internment measure under Article number 12 of the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Statute of Children and Adolescents). This measure that deprives adolescents of their freedom also legally makes them responsible for their acts. In that sense and by making the family co-responsible, by considering an effective presence of the State in developing coherent public policies, and also with contribution by society it is possible to engender a new path that will enable Brazilian youngsters to make a new start and become productive citizens. A great deal of Brazilian adolescents are led astray mainly because of the lack of public policies that should be incorporated in various areas such as health, education, sports and leisure, labor and housing aiming at providing opportunities for adolescents not to fall into such difficult routs that make it almost impossible to come back to ways of righteousness, and thus to be accepted by society as citizens with all rights assured them by Brazilian Law. To reverse this situation is a contemporary challenge.
Orientação: Marlene Braz Rodrigues