Systemic Lisbon Battery na reabilitação neurocognitiva da lesão cerebral adquirida
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O presente estudo pretende explorar a função neurocognitiva, em indivíduos com LCA, após intervenção num plano de tratamento integrado onde se incluí a SLB, numa
instituição de reabilitação. O objetivo é verificar se existem diferenças na função cognitiva
global, funções executivas, atenção e memória entre baseline e follow-up e estudar a
contribuição da função cognitiva global, da atenção e da memória para a variação dos
resultados das F.E. entre a baseline e follow-up.
A amostra clinica é constituída por 11 utentes do CMRA com LCA, em regime de
internamento, 10 dos quais sofreram de AVC e um de TCE, com idades compreendidas
entre 35 e os 84 anos. Os resultados demonstram diferenças significativas entre a baseline
e follow-up para todas as variáveis neuropsicológicas, sugerindo valores médios superiores
no follow-up. Adicionalmente, verificou-se uma contribuição positiva do funcionamento
cognitivo geral, atenção e memória nas F.E. em todos os casos.
Podemos concluir que a utilização da SLB inserido num programa de reabilitação
misto para indivíduos com LCA, é vantajosa, especialmente ao nível das funções do lobo
frontal, podendo ser benéfico na promoção de uma maior funcionalidade e qualidade de vida
dos individuos.
The present study intends to explore the neurocognitive function in individuals with ABI after intervention in an integrated treatment plan where the SLB was included in a rehabilitation institution. The aim is to verify if there are differences in global cognitive function, executive functions, attention and memory between baseline and follow-up and to study the contribution of global cognitive function, attention and memory to the variation of the results of the executive functions. between baseline and follow-up. The clinical sample consisted of 11 CMRA patients with ABI who were hospitalized, 10 of whom suffered stroke and one of TBI, aged between 35 and 84 years. The results demonstrate significant differences between baseline and follow-up for all neuropsychological variables, suggesting higher scores at follow-up. In addition, there was a positive contribution of general cognitive functioning, attention and memory in executive functions, in all studied participants. Overall results suggest that the use of SLB included in a mixed rehabilitation program for individuals with ABI is useful for ABI patients, particularly by the effects of intervention on frontal lobe functions, which may reflect in benefits for functionality and quality of life of individuals.
The present study intends to explore the neurocognitive function in individuals with ABI after intervention in an integrated treatment plan where the SLB was included in a rehabilitation institution. The aim is to verify if there are differences in global cognitive function, executive functions, attention and memory between baseline and follow-up and to study the contribution of global cognitive function, attention and memory to the variation of the results of the executive functions. between baseline and follow-up. The clinical sample consisted of 11 CMRA patients with ABI who were hospitalized, 10 of whom suffered stroke and one of TBI, aged between 35 and 84 years. The results demonstrate significant differences between baseline and follow-up for all neuropsychological variables, suggesting higher scores at follow-up. In addition, there was a positive contribution of general cognitive functioning, attention and memory in executive functions, in all studied participants. Overall results suggest that the use of SLB included in a mixed rehabilitation program for individuals with ABI is useful for ABI patients, particularly by the effects of intervention on frontal lobe functions, which may reflect in benefits for functionality and quality of life of individuals.
Orientação: Jorge Oliveira ;
co-orientação: Paulo Lopes