Acesso de acadêmicos de direito à advocacia : perfis e percursos educativos em instituições de Ensino Superior de Goiânia
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O presente estudo pretende averiguar a relação entre o perfil dos acadêmicos do curso de
graduação em Direito que foram aprovados no Exame da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil
(OAB) e que pertencem a uma Instituição de Ensino Superior pública e a uma Instituição de
Ensino Superior privada, da cidade de Goiânia, estado de Goiás. Recorremos a um estudo
predominantemente quantitativo por meio de aplicação de inquérito por questionário a 60
discentes aprovados no exame da OAB no último ano de graduação em Direito, bem como à
análise a documentos estruturantes das duas instituições. Os resultados demonstraram
semelhanças e diferenças entre os perfis dos acadêmicos. As semelhanças, em ambas as
instituições, centram-se, primeiramente, no sexo masculino, que foi predominante dentre os
aprovados no Exame de Ordem, ao seguir a escolha pelo curso de Direito, que se deu pela
admiração às carreiras jurídicas. Para a maioria dos inquiridos a aprovação nas duas fases do
Exame de Ordem ocorreu logo na primeira tentativa e as estratégias utilizadas para alcançar
êxito foram a combinação de resolução autónoma de exercícios e participação em aulas
preparatórias, em cursos livres. Tal deve-se ao fato de os inquiridos considerarem que os
conteúdos oferecidos pelas IES, apesar de serem úteis ao acesso à advocacia, não preparam
para o mercado de trabalho. Quanto às diferenças entre os perfis, relativamente à IES pública,
com a maioria de jovens, solteiros e que não possuem filhos, frequentou as aulas no período
matutino e a renda familiar é elevada. Em contraste, os discentes da IES privada estão na fase
adulta, casados, com filhos, frequentaram as aulas no período noturno, e sua renda familiar é
significativamente menor. Conclui-se que o acesso de acadêmicos de Direito à advocacia
pode variar conforme o perfil, o percurso e a Instituição de Ensino Superior frequentada.
Embora o Ministério da Educação estabeleça critérios para a garantia da qualidade dos cursos
superiores, em especial o Curso de Direito, é possível verificar que, apesar dos diferentes
fatores que influenciam na aprovação do Exame da OAB, o resultado parece depender de
maior empenho, autonomia e preparação especializada do discente.
This study seeks to determine the relationship between the profile of undergraduate law students who have undergone and passed an examination at the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) and that belong to a Public Higher Education Institution and a Private Higher Education Institution in the city of Goiânia, state of Goiás. We chose to use a predominantly quantitative study through the application of a questionnaire inquiry to 60 students who passed the OAB exam in the last year of their law degree, as well as the analyzis of the structuring documents from both institutions. The results showed similarities as well as differences among the academic profiles. The similarities, in both institutions, refer to the male gender, which was preponderant among those who passed the Bar Examination, followed by the choice to study law, which was motivated by an admiration for legal careers. For most of the respondents the approval in the two stages of the Bar Examination occurred right on the first attempt and the strategies used to achieve success were the combination of autonomous solving of exercise and the participation in preparatory classes available in free courses. This is due to the fact that the respondents considered that the contents of the IES, although useful in providing access to law practice, are unsatisfactory in preparing one for the marketplace. As for the differences among the profiles, when it comes to the public IES, they comprise a majority of young people who are single, who do not have children, who have also attended classes in the morning and possess a high family income. In contrast, students from a private IES are in adulthood, married with children, they attended classes at night and their family income is significantly lower. In conclusion, the access of law students to law practice can vary according to the profile, the path chosen and the Higher Education Institution they have attended. Although the Ministry of Education establishes a guarantee of quality for higher education courses, especially Law, we can verify that, despite the different factors that influence the OAB Examination, the result seems to be the reflection of higher commitment, autonomy and specialized preparation of the scholar.
This study seeks to determine the relationship between the profile of undergraduate law students who have undergone and passed an examination at the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) and that belong to a Public Higher Education Institution and a Private Higher Education Institution in the city of Goiânia, state of Goiás. We chose to use a predominantly quantitative study through the application of a questionnaire inquiry to 60 students who passed the OAB exam in the last year of their law degree, as well as the analyzis of the structuring documents from both institutions. The results showed similarities as well as differences among the academic profiles. The similarities, in both institutions, refer to the male gender, which was preponderant among those who passed the Bar Examination, followed by the choice to study law, which was motivated by an admiration for legal careers. For most of the respondents the approval in the two stages of the Bar Examination occurred right on the first attempt and the strategies used to achieve success were the combination of autonomous solving of exercise and the participation in preparatory classes available in free courses. This is due to the fact that the respondents considered that the contents of the IES, although useful in providing access to law practice, are unsatisfactory in preparing one for the marketplace. As for the differences among the profiles, when it comes to the public IES, they comprise a majority of young people who are single, who do not have children, who have also attended classes in the morning and possess a high family income. In contrast, students from a private IES are in adulthood, married with children, they attended classes at night and their family income is significantly lower. In conclusion, the access of law students to law practice can vary according to the profile, the path chosen and the Higher Education Institution they have attended. Although the Ministry of Education establishes a guarantee of quality for higher education courses, especially Law, we can verify that, despite the different factors that influence the OAB Examination, the result seems to be the reflection of higher commitment, autonomy and specialized preparation of the scholar.
Orientação: Alcina Manuela de Oliveira Martins