Ensino superior e políticas públicas : o voluntariado do projeto escola legal e a formação universitária
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O trabalho de investigação que se apresenta tem como objetivo analisar
os desafios e oportunidades na gestão do voluntariado realizado no Projeto Escola Legal
realizado, por uma faculdade do município de Caruaru, no processo de políticas públicas
dirigidas para o ensino superior, assim como suas interfaces a formação universitária. Na era
da globalização é fundamental que todos tenham conhecimento do exercício da sua cidadania.
A intervenção em sociedade, através de voluntariado, deve ser pautada por valores de respeito
recíproco e cooperação, que facultem o diálogo, a entre ajuda e a mudança. O Projeto Escola
Legal, atua na rede pública estadual e municipal do município de Caruaru e tem por finalidade
reduzir a violência, entre crianças e adolescentes, em contexto escolar, utilizando técnicas de
Para a realização da nossa investigação recorremos a uma abordagem qualiquantitativa,
de estudo de caso.
Como conclusão, identificaram-se alguns avanços trazidos pelo trabalho voluntário
dos estudantes em análise. Verificou-se, igualmente, que este projeto apresenta uma
vertente do Bem-Estar Social a partir de um ‘novo gerencialismo’ estatal focado em novos
sujeitos e instituições que possam representar um novo pensar das políticas públicas,
inclusive na e para a educação superior.
The research presented here is going to analyze the challenges and opportunities in volunteer management of the Project Cool School, conducted by a College of the City of Caruaru, in public policies directed towards higher education process as well as their interfaces to the university formation. In the era of globalization it is essential that the society at all be aware of the exercise of their citizenship. The intervention in society through volunteering should be guided by values of mutual respect and cooperation, to make available dialogue, mutual help and change. The Project Cool School operates on Caruaru’s public education system and aims to reduce violence among children and adolescents in school settings, using mediation techniques. For the realization of our investigation we use a qualitative and quantitative approach known as Case Study. At the end we identified some advances brought by volunteer students in the analysis. It was found also that this project presents one strand of the Social Welfare from a ' new managerialism ' focused on new subjects and state institutions, which may represent new thinking public policies, including in and for Higher Education.
The research presented here is going to analyze the challenges and opportunities in volunteer management of the Project Cool School, conducted by a College of the City of Caruaru, in public policies directed towards higher education process as well as their interfaces to the university formation. In the era of globalization it is essential that the society at all be aware of the exercise of their citizenship. The intervention in society through volunteering should be guided by values of mutual respect and cooperation, to make available dialogue, mutual help and change. The Project Cool School operates on Caruaru’s public education system and aims to reduce violence among children and adolescents in school settings, using mediation techniques. For the realization of our investigation we use a qualitative and quantitative approach known as Case Study. At the end we identified some advances brought by volunteer students in the analysis. It was found also that this project presents one strand of the Social Welfare from a ' new managerialism ' focused on new subjects and state institutions, which may represent new thinking public policies, including in and for Higher Education.
Orientação: Alcina Manuela de Oliveira Martins