A integração de alunos sobredotados no Ensino regular - perspectivas dos docentes
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A sobredotação é uma temática que desperta bastante curiosidade, uma vez que
inicialmente a pessoa sobredotada seria uma pessoa super inteligente em todas as áreas,
mas que na realidade e após vários estudos pude verificar que não é bem assim.
Uma vez que existe agora a inclusão de todas as crianças que eram consideradas
fora do “normal”, nas escolas, após o decerto - lei 3/2008 em que refere que se deve
“…promover a igualdade de oportunidades, valorizar a educação e promover a melhoria da
qualidade do ensino. Um aspecto determinante dessa qualidade é a promoção de uma
escola democrática e inclusiva, orientada para o sucesso educativo de todas as crianças e
jovens. Nessa medida importa planear um sistema de educação flexível, pautado por uma
política global integrada, que permita responder à diversidade de características e
necessidades de todos os alunos que implicam a inclusão das crianças e jovens com
necessidades educativas especiais no quadro de uma política de qualidade orientada para o
sucesso educativo de todos os alunos”.
Tendo em conta esta realidade, compete aos Professores, promover de forma
cooperativa juntamente com a restante comunidade educativa, o desenvolvimento
psicossocial e académico do aluno.
Neste contexto, será levado a cabo um estudo exploratório, descritivo, sobre a
percepção dos Professores do ensino regular relativamente à inclusão dos alunos
sobredotados neste tipo de ensino.
Giftedness is a very interesting subject because if in the past a gifted was someone with a superior intelligence in all areas of knowledge, a wide range of scientific studies proved that in wasn’t truth. Today gifted children are being put together with all the other “normal” children, since the 3/2008 decreet stated that we should “… promote equality of opportunities, value education and promote the improvement of the quality of the teaching. An important aspect of that quality is the promotion of a democratic and inclusive school, oriented to the educative success in all children and young’s. Is therefore important to plane the flexibility of the educational system, by an integrated global politic, that allows to give answer to the diversity of characteristics and needs of all the students, that the inclusion of all children and young’s with special educational needs be taken into consideration for the success of all students”. Having in consideration that in reality, is up to the teachers to promote, in a cooperative way and along with the rest of the educative community, the psychosocial and academic development of the student. In this way, it will be taken a exploratory and descriptive study, about the perception of the teachers of the regular school regarding the inclusion of the gifted students in these teaching.
Giftedness is a very interesting subject because if in the past a gifted was someone with a superior intelligence in all areas of knowledge, a wide range of scientific studies proved that in wasn’t truth. Today gifted children are being put together with all the other “normal” children, since the 3/2008 decreet stated that we should “… promote equality of opportunities, value education and promote the improvement of the quality of the teaching. An important aspect of that quality is the promotion of a democratic and inclusive school, oriented to the educative success in all children and young’s. Is therefore important to plane the flexibility of the educational system, by an integrated global politic, that allows to give answer to the diversity of characteristics and needs of all the students, that the inclusion of all children and young’s with special educational needs be taken into consideration for the success of all students”. Having in consideration that in reality, is up to the teachers to promote, in a cooperative way and along with the rest of the educative community, the psychosocial and academic development of the student. In this way, it will be taken a exploratory and descriptive study, about the perception of the teachers of the regular school regarding the inclusion of the gifted students in these teaching.
Orientação: Paulo Sequeira