Os comportamentos sedentários e a qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde de crianças e adolescentes
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O presente estudo teve como primeiro objectivo analisar, através de uma revisão
sistemática de literatura, os Comportamentos Sedentários (CS) na sua relação específíca com
a Qualidade de Vida Relacionada com a Saúde (QVRS) e Bem-Estar em crianças e
adolescentes. O segundo objectivo foi avaliar o impacto da intervenção sobre os CS e a
QVRS dos alunos participantes no programa PESSOA e analisar a associação específica
entre as variáveis.
Numa primeira fase, foi conduzida uma pesquisa electrónica estruturada, em três bases
de dados distintas, seguindo a abordagem do modelo PI[C]OS referenciada e recomendada
nas guidelines do PRISMA. Numa segunda fase, no estudo longitudinal, foram analisados os
dados de 1243 alunos participantes no programa PESSOA no que respeita aos CS e à QVRS
No primeiro estudo, a pesquisa resultou na inclusão de 16 artigos que avaliam os
comportamentos sedentários e a relação com outcomes psicológicos de qualidade de vida e
bem estar para a síntese qualitativa.
No estudo empírico, verificou-se que as variáveis em estudo não evoluiram com a
intervenção, e que existe associação entre os CS e a QVRS percepcionada.
Na semelhança com outros artigos, a revisão encontra-se circunscrita e limitada à
qualidade e quantidade dos estudos identificados. Não obstante, a evidência encontrada é
consistente e dá suporte à ideia de que a um maior tempo dispendido em CS se associam
vários indicadores de saúde psicossocial. No estudo empírico, embora o programa PESSOA
não tenha tido o impacto esperado nos CS e na QVRS percepcionada, verificou-se que as
variavéis se encontram inversamente correlacionadas, indo de encontro à evidência existente.
Purpose The present study had as its primary goal to analyze, through a systematic review of literature, the Sedentary Behaviors (SB) in their specific relation to the Quality of Life Related with Health (HRQOL) and Well Being in children and adolescents. The second goal was to evaluate the impact on the SB and of the students participating in the PESSOA program and to analyze the specific association between the variables. Method On a first phase, a structured electronic survey was conducted, in three distinct databases, following the approach of the PI[C]OS model referenced and recommended in the PRISMA guidelines. On a second phase, in the longitudinal study, data from 1243 students participating in the PESSOA program was analyzed with regard to the SB and the HRQOL. Results In the first study, the research resulted in the inclusion of 16 articles that assess sedentary behaviors and the relation to the psychological outcomes of the quality of life and well being for the qualitative synthesis. In the empirical study, it was found that the variables under study did not evolve with the intervention, and that there is an association between the SB and the perceived HRQOL. Conclusions Similarly to other articles, the review is limited to the quality and quantity of the identified studies. However, the evidence found is consistent and supports the idea that an increased time spent in SB is associated with several psychosocial health indicators. In the empirical study, although the PESSOA program has not had the expected impact on the SB and the perceived HRQOL, it was found that the variables are inversely correlated, going towards the existing evidence.
Purpose The present study had as its primary goal to analyze, through a systematic review of literature, the Sedentary Behaviors (SB) in their specific relation to the Quality of Life Related with Health (HRQOL) and Well Being in children and adolescents. The second goal was to evaluate the impact on the SB and of the students participating in the PESSOA program and to analyze the specific association between the variables. Method On a first phase, a structured electronic survey was conducted, in three distinct databases, following the approach of the PI[C]OS model referenced and recommended in the PRISMA guidelines. On a second phase, in the longitudinal study, data from 1243 students participating in the PESSOA program was analyzed with regard to the SB and the HRQOL. Results In the first study, the research resulted in the inclusion of 16 articles that assess sedentary behaviors and the relation to the psychological outcomes of the quality of life and well being for the qualitative synthesis. In the empirical study, it was found that the variables under study did not evolve with the intervention, and that there is an association between the SB and the perceived HRQOL. Conclusions Similarly to other articles, the review is limited to the quality and quantity of the identified studies. However, the evidence found is consistent and supports the idea that an increased time spent in SB is associated with several psychosocial health indicators. In the empirical study, although the PESSOA program has not had the expected impact on the SB and the perceived HRQOL, it was found that the variables are inversely correlated, going towards the existing evidence.
Orientação: António Palmeira