Proteínas inibidoras de ribossomas : aplicações na terapia do cancro
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As Proteínas Inibidoras de Ribossomas (RIPs) existem em plantas e fungos,
atuando como forma de proteção das mesmas contra agentes patogénicos. Estas
danificam irreversivelmente os ribossomas das células inibindo consequentemente a
síntese proteíca.
As RIPs há muito que têm sido investigadas, determinando avanços no
conhecimento do seu mecanismo de ação e verificando a sua possível aplicação no
âmbito bio-médico. Relativamente às aplicações bio-médicas, encontramos nas RIPs
actividade antiviral, antifúngica, imunológica e principalmente anti-cancerígena.
Biologicamente, o cancro é definido como uma proliferação celular anormal. Acima
de tudo, o cancro é a doença do século XXI, sendo atualmente uma das principais causas
de morte. É inquestionável a necessidade de investigar uma área tao importante como
esta, ao nível do tratamento, detecção, prevenção ou “apenas” da forma a melhorar a
qualidade de vida dos seus portadores.
As RIPs, sendo enzimas que depurinam o RNA ribossomal (rRNA), inibindo a
síntese proteica, potenciam uma esperança para a sua apllicação no cancro, uma vez que
podem inibir a proliferação celular através de vários mecanismos.
Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs) exist in plants and fungi, acting as a way of protecting them against pathogens. They irreversibly damage the ribosomes, inhibiting the protein synthesis. RIPs have long been researched and advances have been made, especially as far as their mechanism of action works and their potential applications in the bio-medical field are concerned. Within these, we find antiviral, antifungal, immunological and mainly anti-cancer activity. Biologically, cancer is defined as an abnormal cell proliferation. Most of all, cancer is the XXI century disease and is currently a leading cause of death. It is, thus, urgent to investigate such deadly disease on its treatment, detection, and prevention levels or "just" to find a way to help improve the quality of life in cancer patients. RIPs, being enzymes that purify ribosomal RNA (rRNA), inhibiting protein synthesis, increase hope for their use in cancer treatments, since they can inhibit cell proliferation through several mechanisms.
Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs) exist in plants and fungi, acting as a way of protecting them against pathogens. They irreversibly damage the ribosomes, inhibiting the protein synthesis. RIPs have long been researched and advances have been made, especially as far as their mechanism of action works and their potential applications in the bio-medical field are concerned. Within these, we find antiviral, antifungal, immunological and mainly anti-cancer activity. Biologically, cancer is defined as an abnormal cell proliferation. Most of all, cancer is the XXI century disease and is currently a leading cause of death. It is, thus, urgent to investigate such deadly disease on its treatment, detection, and prevention levels or "just" to find a way to help improve the quality of life in cancer patients. RIPs, being enzymes that purify ribosomal RNA (rRNA), inhibiting protein synthesis, increase hope for their use in cancer treatments, since they can inhibit cell proliferation through several mechanisms.
Orientação: Amílcar Roberto