Efeitos de uma intervenção multidisciplinar na composição corporal, medidas antropométricas, capacidade cardiorrespiratória e pressão arterial em mulheres com excesso de peso e obesidade
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O presente estudo teve como primeiro objetivo através de uma revisão sistemática de literatura, analisar os efeitos de intervenções multidisciplinares com variáveis mais específicas como as medidas antropométricas, composição corporal, pressão arterial e capacidade cardiorrespiratória em adultos. O segundo objetivo foi avaliar o impacto de uma intervenção multidisciplinar nas mesmas variáveis anteriormente descritas em mulheres participantes no programa GAPAAF (Gabinete de aconselhamento para a alimentação e Atividade Física).
Em primeiro lugar foi realizada uma pesquisa eletrónica estruturada em duas bases de dados, nomeadamente PubMed e SportDiscus através da metodologia PICOS, recomendada pelas guidelines PRISMA (Liberati et al., 2009). Num segundo momento, num estudo de carater quasi-experimental, foram analisados dados de 61 mulheres participantes no programa GAPAAF no que diz respeito às medidas antropométricas, composição corporal, pressão arterial e capacidade cardiorrespiratória.
Numa primeira instância, a pesquisa efetuada resultou na inclusão de 12 estudos que avaliam a importância de uma intervenção multidisciplinar na composição corporal, medidas antropométricas, na capacidade cardiorrespiratória e na pressão arterial e adultos com excesso de peso e obesidade.
Na investigação, verificou-se que todas as variáveis dependentes evoluíram positivamente ao longo da intervenção mas que não se correlacionaram com o tipo de atividade física, com a idade e com a idade menstrual.
A revisão encontra-se limitada em termos de identificação de estudos, no entanto aqueles que foram apurados indicam que a alteração de comportamentos alimentares e de atividade física reduzem o excesso de peso e obesidade.
O estudo empírico conclui que a intervenção de carater multidisciplinar para o combate ao excesso de peso e obesidade é extremamente eficaz.
Purpose The first aim of this study was, through a systematic review of the literature, analyze the effects of multidisciplinary interventions with more specific variables such as: anthropometric measurements, body composition, blood pressure, and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults. The second goal was to evaluate the impact of a multidisciplinary intervention on the same variables previously described, in women participating in the GAPAAF program (Office advice for nutrition and physical activity). Method Firstly, a structured electronic survey was conducted in two databases, including PubMed and SportDiscus through PICOS methodology, recommended by the PRISMA guidelines (Liberati et al., 2009). Subsequently, in an intervention study, data from 61 participants were analyzed in women from GAPAAF program with regard to anthropometric measurements, body composition, blood pressure, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Results The conducted survey resulted in the inclusion of 12 studies assessing the importance of a multidisciplinary intervention on body composition, anthropometric measures, cardiorespiratory capacity, blood pressure and adult overweight and obesity. On the investigation study, it was found that all dependent variables positively evolved during the intervention but did not correlate with the type of physical activity, age and menstrual age. Conclusions The review is limited in terms of identified studies, however those which were verified indicate that changing eating behavior and physical activity reduce overweight and obesity. The empirical study finds that the intervention of multidisciplinary character to combat overweight and obesity is extremely effective.
Purpose The first aim of this study was, through a systematic review of the literature, analyze the effects of multidisciplinary interventions with more specific variables such as: anthropometric measurements, body composition, blood pressure, and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults. The second goal was to evaluate the impact of a multidisciplinary intervention on the same variables previously described, in women participating in the GAPAAF program (Office advice for nutrition and physical activity). Method Firstly, a structured electronic survey was conducted in two databases, including PubMed and SportDiscus through PICOS methodology, recommended by the PRISMA guidelines (Liberati et al., 2009). Subsequently, in an intervention study, data from 61 participants were analyzed in women from GAPAAF program with regard to anthropometric measurements, body composition, blood pressure, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Results The conducted survey resulted in the inclusion of 12 studies assessing the importance of a multidisciplinary intervention on body composition, anthropometric measures, cardiorespiratory capacity, blood pressure and adult overweight and obesity. On the investigation study, it was found that all dependent variables positively evolved during the intervention but did not correlate with the type of physical activity, age and menstrual age. Conclusions The review is limited in terms of identified studies, however those which were verified indicate that changing eating behavior and physical activity reduce overweight and obesity. The empirical study finds that the intervention of multidisciplinary character to combat overweight and obesity is extremely effective.
Orientação: João Leal