Sistemas educativos : Comparação do Sistema Educativo Português com Sistemas Educativos de Referência
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A actividade de um Supervisor Pedagógico processa-se no interior dos sistemas
educativos. Ele é um profissional altamente especializado que tem de tomar decisões no
sentido da melhoria do sistema e dos agentes que nele intervêm. Neste estudo, parte-se do
princípio que as decisões dentro de um sistema educativo têm de ser decisões bem
fundamentadas, pois irão ter repercussões em todo o sistema e nos seus elementos. Para estas
decisões serem consequentes, não podem ser tomadas sem uma orientação que esteja baseada
em modelos ou práticas consideradas boas. Só depois de se saber as melhores práticas é que
podemos conhecer se as nossas decisões estão a ser tomadas num sentido correcto. Pretendeuse
saber quais os sistemas educativos, do conjunto mundial de países, que respondiam melhor
a um grupo de critérios considerados críticos. Com base nos critérios do Índice de Educação
do PNUD foi encontrado um conjunto de países com um Índice de Educação considerado
elevado e, a partir deste dado, foi feito a dois níveis um estudo em Educação Comparada. Na
primeira parte, é comparado o sistema educativo português com o conjunto destes países. Esta
comparação mais global foi realizada nos seguintes critérios: índice de educação do PNUD;
percentagem do PIB gasta na educação; número de anos na escolaridade obrigatória; e
número de universidades por milhão de habitantes. Na segunda parte; é feita uma comparação
mais focada entre o sistema educativo português e os sistemas educativos da OCDE e da
União Europeia nos seguintes seis critérios: resultados no programa PISA e as cinco metas da
União Europeia para a educação e formação para o ano de 2010. No conjunto dos 10
indicadores, os resultados mostram que em quatro [Índice de Educação, duração da
escolaridade obrigatória, número de universidades por milhão de habitantes e taxa de variação
do total de licenciados em matemática, ciências e tecnologias] Portugal apresenta resultados
positivos que o colocam próximo dos sistemas educativos de referência, quer a nível mundial
quer a nível europeu. No PIB gasto em educação, a situação do sistema educativo português
está próxima dos valores de referência com um valor ligeiramente abaixo da média. Em cinco
dos indicadores estudados [resultados do estudo PISA em literacia científica; abandono
escolar precoce; número de alunos de 15 anos com baixos resultados em leitura; percentagem
de jovens de 22 anos que concluem o ensino secundário e participação da população adulta na
aprendizagem ao longo da vida], o estudo comparativo revela que o Portugal apresenta
resultados baixos quando comparado com os países da OCDE e da União Europeia. Verificase
que em termos mundiais o sistema educativo português mostra uma tendência de
aproximação aos sistemas educativos de referência. Na comparação com os sistemas educativos da União Europeia e com os sistemas educativos dos países que fazem parte da
OCDE, o sistema educativo português ainda está muito longe dos sistemas educativos de
referência destas duas organizações internacionais. Portugal apresenta um comportamento
misto no conjunto de indicadores estudados que poderá resultar de razões sociais, culturais e
The work of an Educational Supervisor takes place within the education systems. The Educational Supervisor is a highly skilled professional who has to make decisions to improve the system and the agents involved in it. In this study, it is assumed that the decisions within the educational system must be well founded because these decisions will have repercussions throughout the system and its elements. For these decisions to be consistent, they cannot be taken without a guide that is based on models or practices considered to be good. Only when we know the best practices, can we know whether our decisions are taken in the right direction. We want to know which educational systems responded best to a group of criteria considered critical. Based on the criteria, of the Index of Education of the UNDP number of countries was found with a high Index of Education and from these criteria was done in two ways a study in Comparative Education. The first part compares the Portuguese education system with all these countries. This more general comparison was made on the following criteria: UNDP education index; percentage of GDP spent on education; duration of compulsory education; number of universities per million inhabitants. In the second part, a comparison more focused is made between the Portuguese education system and the educational systems of OECD and the European Union on the following six criteria: results in the PISA and Five European Union benchmarks for 2010. In all 10 indicators, the results show that in four [UNDP education index; duration of compulsory education; number of universities per million inhabitants; growth rate of total tertiary graduates in Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST)] Portugal shows positive results that place it close to the education systems of reference, both worldwide and European level. In the GDP spent on education, the situation of the Portuguese education system is close to reference values, a value slightly below average. In five of the studied indicators [results in the PISA; early school leavers; percentage of low-achieving pupils in reading literacy; upper secondary completion rates of young people; participation of adults in lifelong learning], comparative study shows that Portugal features low results when compared with OECD countries and the European Union. In global terms, the Portuguese education system shows a tendency to approach to the education systems of reference. In comparison with the educational systems of the European Union and the education systems of countries belonging to OECD, the Portuguese education system is still far from the educational systems of reference of these two international organizations. Portugal has a mixed behaviour in the studied set of indicators that may result from social, cultural and historical reasons.
The work of an Educational Supervisor takes place within the education systems. The Educational Supervisor is a highly skilled professional who has to make decisions to improve the system and the agents involved in it. In this study, it is assumed that the decisions within the educational system must be well founded because these decisions will have repercussions throughout the system and its elements. For these decisions to be consistent, they cannot be taken without a guide that is based on models or practices considered to be good. Only when we know the best practices, can we know whether our decisions are taken in the right direction. We want to know which educational systems responded best to a group of criteria considered critical. Based on the criteria, of the Index of Education of the UNDP number of countries was found with a high Index of Education and from these criteria was done in two ways a study in Comparative Education. The first part compares the Portuguese education system with all these countries. This more general comparison was made on the following criteria: UNDP education index; percentage of GDP spent on education; duration of compulsory education; number of universities per million inhabitants. In the second part, a comparison more focused is made between the Portuguese education system and the educational systems of OECD and the European Union on the following six criteria: results in the PISA and Five European Union benchmarks for 2010. In all 10 indicators, the results show that in four [UNDP education index; duration of compulsory education; number of universities per million inhabitants; growth rate of total tertiary graduates in Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST)] Portugal shows positive results that place it close to the education systems of reference, both worldwide and European level. In the GDP spent on education, the situation of the Portuguese education system is close to reference values, a value slightly below average. In five of the studied indicators [results in the PISA; early school leavers; percentage of low-achieving pupils in reading literacy; upper secondary completion rates of young people; participation of adults in lifelong learning], comparative study shows that Portugal features low results when compared with OECD countries and the European Union. In global terms, the Portuguese education system shows a tendency to approach to the education systems of reference. In comparison with the educational systems of the European Union and the education systems of countries belonging to OECD, the Portuguese education system is still far from the educational systems of reference of these two international organizations. Portugal has a mixed behaviour in the studied set of indicators that may result from social, cultural and historical reasons.
Orientação: Glória Ramalho