A Documentação da União Europeia : acesso e disponibilização
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Desde o aparecimento da Internet, têm surgido inúmeras oportunidades para os autores de artigos científicos disponibilizarem de forma livre e gratuita a sua
produção intelectual. Tal produção poderá estar disponível nas mais diversas formas e inserida nos mais variados ambientes institucionais (Repositórios, Bases de Dados,
entre outros). Tal constituiu uma verdadeira revolução informativa que, depois,
ultrapassou em larga medida os meios limitados do mundo académico, tornando-se
num fenómeno global. Consideramos que a disponibilização e o acesso à
documentação da União Europeia constitui uma das faces visíveis dessa revolução.
A nível da Informação, sempre houve uma necessidade dos dirigentes europeus em
adotar uma Política de Informação adequada. Desde a necessidade de transmitir
informação ao público e aos jornalistas nos primeiros tempos da Comunidade até à
criação do Portal da União Europeia, vai um longo processo de amadurecimento do
projeto europeu. A política de transparência que hoje se verifica e que se revela,
acima de tudo, nas ligações proporcionadas pelo Portal é o resultado de um longo
caminho de integração europeia.
Assim, esta investigação consiste na identificação e na análise da documentação em
acesso livre produzida pela União Europeia. O seu objetivo prioritário é tentar
determinar até que ponto a documentação europeia consegue estar disponível e
acessível a todos aqueles que a pretendam utilizar. Para tal, foram analisadas as mais
diversas fontes institucionais, assim como as várias Bases de Dados e os vários
sítios Web onde se pode aceder gratuitamente à Informação da União Europeia.
As conclusões a que chegámos, assim como as considerações finais apresentadas no
final deste trabalho de investigação levam-nos a perceber as políticas de acesso à
documentação europeia e até que ponto elas servem de suporte à boa governação e à
Ever since the advent of the Internet, there have been numerous opportunities for authors of scientific papers to make their intellectual production available in open access and for free. Such production may be available in several different forms and within a number of institutional solutions (Repositories, Databases, among others). This has been a real Information revolution that, later on, vastly surpassed the limited means of the academic world and became a global phenomenon. We consider that the availability and access to European Union documentation has been one of the visible faces of that revolution. At the level of Information, European leaders have always needed to adopt an appropriate Information Policy. From the need to convey journalists and general public information in the early days of the Community to the creation of the European Union Portal, goes a long maturation process of the European integration. The transparency policy of today that is patent, above all, in the links provided by the Portal is the result of a long journey of European integration. Thus, this research is the identification and the analysis of the European Union Open Access Documents. Its main objective is to try and determine up to what point European documents are available and accessible to all those that use them. In order to fulfill this proposal, several institutional sources have been analyzed, as well as several databases and numerous websites available in open access. The final conclusions, as well as the solutions presented at the end of this investigation, intend to demonstrate the extent to which the European policy for documentation access is in fact a policy that supports good governance and democracy.
Ever since the advent of the Internet, there have been numerous opportunities for authors of scientific papers to make their intellectual production available in open access and for free. Such production may be available in several different forms and within a number of institutional solutions (Repositories, Databases, among others). This has been a real Information revolution that, later on, vastly surpassed the limited means of the academic world and became a global phenomenon. We consider that the availability and access to European Union documentation has been one of the visible faces of that revolution. At the level of Information, European leaders have always needed to adopt an appropriate Information Policy. From the need to convey journalists and general public information in the early days of the Community to the creation of the European Union Portal, goes a long maturation process of the European integration. The transparency policy of today that is patent, above all, in the links provided by the Portal is the result of a long journey of European integration. Thus, this research is the identification and the analysis of the European Union Open Access Documents. Its main objective is to try and determine up to what point European documents are available and accessible to all those that use them. In order to fulfill this proposal, several institutional sources have been analyzed, as well as several databases and numerous websites available in open access. The final conclusions, as well as the solutions presented at the end of this investigation, intend to demonstrate the extent to which the European policy for documentation access is in fact a policy that supports good governance and democracy.
Orientação: Gisélia Maria Martins Felício