Qual o papel da atividade física e desportiva dentro e fora do contexto escolar na aptidão física de crianças e adolescentes?
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Objetivo: A presente dissertação de mestrado teve como principal objetivo analisar a associação da atividade física e desportiva dentro e fora do contexto escolar na aptidão física de crianças e adolescentes.
Método: Numa primeira fase, foi elaborada uma revisão sistemática de literatura (RSL), numa segunda fase, foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal com o objetivo de analisar a associação de diferentes domínios da atividade física e desportiva dentro e fora do contexto escolar na aptidão física de crianças e adolescentes que já praticam algum tipo de desporto extraescolar. Foram incluídos no estudo os resultados de 31 participantes (12 raparigas e 19 rapazes) de idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 17 anos. Foram aplicados questionários de atividade física e recolhidos dados de aptidão aeróbia, através do teste de vaivém e calculado o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) através do peso e estatura dos participantes.
Resultados: Na revisão sistemática da literatura foram analisados um total de 12 artigos que preencheram os critérios de inclusão; 2 estudos eram estudos de intervenção e 10 estudos observacionais. A variável independente analisada foi a Atividade Física (AF) extraescolar sendo a aptidão física a variável dependente estudada.
Os resultados da revisão sistemática sugerem que se deve aumentar o tempo em Atividade Física Moderada e Vigorosa (AFMV) e diminuir as atividades sedentárias, estando a intensidade da AF relacionada a uma melhor aptidão física.
Nos resultados do estudo observacional dos 31 participantes foi verificado que o tempo semanal despendido em desporto extraescolar estava associado com o IMC, independentemente do tempo total de atividade física (r=-0,411; p=0,030), mas não da associação do comportamento sedentário recreativo total (r=-0,265; p=0,174). Para as restantes variáveis analisadas (AF total, desporto escolar, desporto, AF não formal e comportamento sedentário (CS) recreativo, não se verificou associação com nenhum dos componentes da aptidão física estudados (aptidão aeróbia ou IMC).
Conclusão: Os resultados da revisão sistemática sugerem que se deve aumentar o tempo em AF de intensidade moderada a vigorosa e diminuir as atividades sedentárias para melhorar os níveis de aptidão física, existindo diferenças entre os sexos. Os participantes de desportos competitivos, clubes desportivos e/ou AF fora do contexto escolar têm níveis superiores de aptidão física.
Os resultados do estudo observacional dizem-nos que o volume de desporto fora do contexto escolar pode ser determinante para que crianças e adolescentes possam ter um peso saudável.
Objective: The main objective of this dissertation was to analyze the association of physical activity (PA) and sport within and outside the school context with physical fitness in children and adolescents. Method: The first part of the dissertation consisted of a systematic literature review; The second part consists of a cross-sectional observational study that was carried out to analyze the association of different domains of PA and sports within and outside the school context in the physical fitness of children and adolescents. The results of 31 participants (12 girls and 19 boys) aged 9 to 17 years were included in the study. Physical activity questionnaires were applied, and aerobic fitness data was assessed with the shuttle-run test. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated with the weight and height of the participants. Results: In the systematic review of the literature, a total of 12 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed: 2 intervention studies and 10 observational studies. The independent variable analyzed was out-of-school PA, and physical fitness was the dependent variable investigated. The results of the systematic review suggest that one should increase the time in Moderate-to-vigorous PA and decrease the sedentary activities, being the intensity of the PA related to a better physical fitness. In the results of the observational study, it was verified that the weekly time spent in out-of-school sports was associated with BMI, regardless of the total time of physical activity (r = -0.411; p = 0.030), but not independent of sedentary recreational behavior (r = -0.265, p = 0.174). For the remaining analyzed variables (total PA, school sport, sport, non-formal PA and recreational sedentary time), there was no association with any of the physical fitness components studied (aerobic fitness or BMI). Conclusion: The results of the systematic review suggest that the time in moderate-to-vigorous PA should be increased, and sedentary activities should be reduced to improve levels of physical fitness, with differences between the sexes. Participants in competitive sports, sports clubs and / or PA outside the school context have higher levels of physical fitness. The results of the observational study tell us that the volume of sport outside the school context can be relecant for children and adolescents to have a healthy weight.
Objective: The main objective of this dissertation was to analyze the association of physical activity (PA) and sport within and outside the school context with physical fitness in children and adolescents. Method: The first part of the dissertation consisted of a systematic literature review; The second part consists of a cross-sectional observational study that was carried out to analyze the association of different domains of PA and sports within and outside the school context in the physical fitness of children and adolescents. The results of 31 participants (12 girls and 19 boys) aged 9 to 17 years were included in the study. Physical activity questionnaires were applied, and aerobic fitness data was assessed with the shuttle-run test. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated with the weight and height of the participants. Results: In the systematic review of the literature, a total of 12 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed: 2 intervention studies and 10 observational studies. The independent variable analyzed was out-of-school PA, and physical fitness was the dependent variable investigated. The results of the systematic review suggest that one should increase the time in Moderate-to-vigorous PA and decrease the sedentary activities, being the intensity of the PA related to a better physical fitness. In the results of the observational study, it was verified that the weekly time spent in out-of-school sports was associated with BMI, regardless of the total time of physical activity (r = -0.411; p = 0.030), but not independent of sedentary recreational behavior (r = -0.265, p = 0.174). For the remaining analyzed variables (total PA, school sport, sport, non-formal PA and recreational sedentary time), there was no association with any of the physical fitness components studied (aerobic fitness or BMI). Conclusion: The results of the systematic review suggest that the time in moderate-to-vigorous PA should be increased, and sedentary activities should be reduced to improve levels of physical fitness, with differences between the sexes. Participants in competitive sports, sports clubs and / or PA outside the school context have higher levels of physical fitness. The results of the observational study tell us that the volume of sport outside the school context can be relecant for children and adolescents to have a healthy weight.
Orientação: Diana de Aguiar Pereira dos Santos