Conhecimento dos níveis de aptidão física e interesse pela prática da atividade física em adolescentes dos dois gêneros
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o impacto do conhecimento do nível de
aptidão física em alunos do gênero masculino e feminino no interesse pela prática da
atividade física e na promoção da sua saúde. O trabalho caracterizou-se como pesquisa, os
sujeitos são constituídos por 70 alunos de uma escola pública, sendo estratificado
proporcionalmente, 35 do sexo feminino e 35 do sexo masculino com idade entre 16 e 17
anos, matriculados na 12ª classe do ensino secundário, no município de Ribeira do Pombal –
BA. O instrumento utilizado foi a aplicação de uma bateria de testes compostos por: massa
corpórea; estatura; composição corporal; medidas de força e resistência muscular;
flexibilidade e capacidade aeróbica, proposto por Fontoura (2008) para avaliação de aptidão
física relacionado à saúde na escola, além de questionário em anexo (1) (adaptado de Marques
et al, 2015) para verificar o efeito do conhecimento do nível de aptidão física no gosto dos
alunos pela prática da atividade física e sua influência na saúde. Os resultados apontaram em
análise geral dos gêneros que há diferença entre alunas e alunos nos níveis de aptidão física
que reflete no interesse pela pratica de atividade física. Portanto, esses dados indicam que é de
extrema importância que trabalhos de orientação e incentivo à atividade física sejam
utilizados nas aulas de educação física, mediados pela concepção da promoção da saúde,
fazendo com que, dessa forma, os escolares passem a adotar um estilo de vida mais ativo
fisicamente, e que sirva de incentivo aos demais escolares para que mantenham ou até
melhorem seus padrões de aptidão física. A pesquisa apresenta como suporte teórico Mattos,
Guimarães, Nahas, Vilarta, entre outros, como uma possibilidade de se pensar a escola como
um espaço para promover saúde.
The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the knowledge of the level of physical fitness on male and female students in the interest of practicing physical activity and promoting their health. The aim of this characterized as action research, the subjects are made up of 70 students of a public school, being stratified proportionally, 35 female and 35 male, aged 16 to 17 years, enrolled in the 12th class of secondary education, in the municipality of Ribeira do Pombal -BA. The instrument used was the application of a battery of tests composed of: body mass; stature; body composition; measures of strength and muscular endurance; flexibility and aerobic capacity, proposed by Fontoura (2008) for the evaluation of physical fitness related to health at school, and a questionnaire attached (1) (adapted from Marques et al, 2015) to verify the effect of knowledge of the level of physical fitness I do not like students to practice physical activity and their influence on health. He results pointed out in general analysis of the genera analysis of genders that there is difference between students and students in the levels of physical fitness that reflects in the interest for the practice of physical activit. Therefore, these data indicate that it is of utmost importance that works of guidance and incentive to physical activity are used in physical education classes, mediated by the concept of health promotion, making consequently the academics pass to adopt a life style more physically active, and serve to encourage other scholars to keep or even improve their physical fitness standards. The research presents theoretical support as Mattos, Nahas, Guimarães, Vilarta, and others, as a possibility to think about the school as a space to promote health.
The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the knowledge of the level of physical fitness on male and female students in the interest of practicing physical activity and promoting their health. The aim of this characterized as action research, the subjects are made up of 70 students of a public school, being stratified proportionally, 35 female and 35 male, aged 16 to 17 years, enrolled in the 12th class of secondary education, in the municipality of Ribeira do Pombal -BA. The instrument used was the application of a battery of tests composed of: body mass; stature; body composition; measures of strength and muscular endurance; flexibility and aerobic capacity, proposed by Fontoura (2008) for the evaluation of physical fitness related to health at school, and a questionnaire attached (1) (adapted from Marques et al, 2015) to verify the effect of knowledge of the level of physical fitness I do not like students to practice physical activity and their influence on health. He results pointed out in general analysis of the genera analysis of genders that there is difference between students and students in the levels of physical fitness that reflects in the interest for the practice of physical activit. Therefore, these data indicate that it is of utmost importance that works of guidance and incentive to physical activity are used in physical education classes, mediated by the concept of health promotion, making consequently the academics pass to adopt a life style more physically active, and serve to encourage other scholars to keep or even improve their physical fitness standards. The research presents theoretical support as Mattos, Nahas, Guimarães, Vilarta, and others, as a possibility to think about the school as a space to promote health.
Orientação: Leonardo Manuel das Neves