A luz natural e os percursos de um museu : projeto de um museu : edifício multifuncional da Real Vinícola em Matosinhos
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Para a elaboração do presente trabalho tomámos como referência a proposta de projeto do Museu-Edifício Multifuncional da Real Vinícola em Matosinhos a continuidade do trabalho desenvolvido nas disciplinas de Projeto 5.1 e 5.2. Fazemos uma abordagem à memória, à luz e ao percurso na organização do espaço em dois museus que serviram de casos de estudo: o Museu de Serralves, no Porto, e o Centro Galego de Arte Contemporânea, em Santiago de Compostela / Espanha, ambos projetados por Álvaro Siza Vieira. Estes casos estudo são complementados por considerações sobre outros museus de referência que me despertaram interesse para o trabalho, nomeadamente o Museu /Fundação Iberê Camargo, também de Álvaro Siza Vieira, localizado em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil e o Sulmuseu Institute of Comtemporary Art, projeto dos arquitetos Diller Scofidio+Renfro, localizado em Boston, Massachusetts, EUA.
Concluiu-se que a influência da luz natural nos museus tem sido estudada por vários investigadores e contemplada nos projetos de arquitetura, sendo uma mais-valia para os visitantes e para a valorização do acervo. Do Museu faz parte o edifício, galerias ou lugar onde se guardam, conserva, investiga e se expõem obras de arte, de carater permanente ou temporário, uma instituição de usos sociais do património.
The starting point for this study is the Multifunctional – Building – Museum of Real Vinícola project in Matosinhos. It is the follow up of the developments in Project 5.1 and 5.2 subjects. We make an approach to memory, light and path along the organization of space in two museums here considered as case studies: Serralves Museum in Porto and the Galician Center for Contemporary Art in Santiago de Compostela - Spain, both designed by Alvaro Siza Vieira. These case studies have been complimented with other relevant museums that awakened me to develop this research. The inspiration comes mainly from the Ibere Camargo NGO Museum also designed by Alvaro Siza Vieira, located in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil and the Sulmuseu Institute of Comtemporary Art, designed by Diller Scofidio+Renfro and located in Boston, Massachusetts – USA. It was concluded that the influence of natural light has been studied by several authors and taken in account in the projects’ design. This is an asset for visitors and collections. The Museum is constituted by building, galleries and support edifications to keep, preserve, research and expose, in a permanent or temporary basis.
The starting point for this study is the Multifunctional – Building – Museum of Real Vinícola project in Matosinhos. It is the follow up of the developments in Project 5.1 and 5.2 subjects. We make an approach to memory, light and path along the organization of space in two museums here considered as case studies: Serralves Museum in Porto and the Galician Center for Contemporary Art in Santiago de Compostela - Spain, both designed by Alvaro Siza Vieira. These case studies have been complimented with other relevant museums that awakened me to develop this research. The inspiration comes mainly from the Ibere Camargo NGO Museum also designed by Alvaro Siza Vieira, located in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil and the Sulmuseu Institute of Comtemporary Art, designed by Diller Scofidio+Renfro and located in Boston, Massachusetts – USA. It was concluded that the influence of natural light has been studied by several authors and taken in account in the projects’ design. This is an asset for visitors and collections. The Museum is constituted by building, galleries and support edifications to keep, preserve, research and expose, in a permanent or temporary basis.
Orientação: José Gigante