O in-store marketing e o in-store branding como formas de diferenciação da farmácia comunitária
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Este trabalho de natureza essencialmente monográfica teve como principal
objectivo efectuar um levantamento das boas práticas da grande distribuição em matéria de
in-store branding e in-store marketing passíveis de serem aplicadas à Farmácia Comunitária
como forma de diferenciação. Paralelamente, foi realizado um inquérito a clientes de
farmácia e parafarmácia numa tentativa de melhor compreender as suas preferências
enquanto consumidores de ambos os espaços. Foi também conduzido um pequeno estudo
com o objectivo de testar em duas farmácias a aplicabilidade dos conceitos abordados e
quantificar o seu impacto. As equipas das farmácias foram envolvidas no processo e
também inquiridas sobre as métricas a implementar.
Considera-se que ambos os inquéritos foram profícuos na medida em que as
respostas obtidas se encontram suficientemente alinhadas com as ilações retiradas da
bibliografia analisada. Designadamente, conclui-se que o espaço de exposição das
Farmácias é possivelmente sub-aproveitado, principalmente face às Parafarmácias, e que
as equipas das farmácias recorrem sobretudo à intuição, e não a normas, na forma de
colocar produtos em exposição. Relativamente ao estudo propriamente dito, apesar da
modesta dimensão, considera-se que o objectivo foi conseguido na medida em que as
acções levadas a cabo se traduziram em aumento de vendas dos produtos impactados.
This thesis, of a mainly monographic nature, had as a main objective to gather relevant information on top retailer’s in-store marketing and in-store branding best practices which could be adapted to Community Pharmacies for differentiation purposes. Meanwhile, a survey of retail pharmacy clients was carried out in an attempt to improve our understanding of consumer preferences. A modest study was also conducted in two pharmacies to assess the application of the acquired concepts and to measure their impact in sales. Both pharmacies’ workers were involved in the process and inquired about the concepts as well. Both surveys were constructive seeing as the answers mostly coincided with the conclusions drawn from the literature. Specifically, it was concluded that the shelf-space of Community Pharmacies is likely underutilized, especially when compared to retail chainstores, and that the workers resort mostly to instinct when it comes to shelf-space allocation instead of standards. In regards to the study itself we can conclude, to some extent, that it was successful insofar as the intervention resulted in an increase in sales for the concerned products.
This thesis, of a mainly monographic nature, had as a main objective to gather relevant information on top retailer’s in-store marketing and in-store branding best practices which could be adapted to Community Pharmacies for differentiation purposes. Meanwhile, a survey of retail pharmacy clients was carried out in an attempt to improve our understanding of consumer preferences. A modest study was also conducted in two pharmacies to assess the application of the acquired concepts and to measure their impact in sales. Both pharmacies’ workers were involved in the process and inquired about the concepts as well. Both surveys were constructive seeing as the answers mostly coincided with the conclusions drawn from the literature. Specifically, it was concluded that the shelf-space of Community Pharmacies is likely underutilized, especially when compared to retail chainstores, and that the workers resort mostly to instinct when it comes to shelf-space allocation instead of standards. In regards to the study itself we can conclude, to some extent, that it was successful insofar as the intervention resulted in an increase in sales for the concerned products.
Orientação: António Hipólito Aguiar