Habilidades cognitivas e competências de leitura em crianças do 1º ano
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A criança quando inicia a educação pré-escolar, já sabe muitas coisas sobre o
mundo que a rodeia através do seu meio familiar e sociocultural.
O conjunto de estimulações fornecidas, desde muito cedo, faz com que a criança
desenvolva o potencial cognitivo e afetivo. O desenvolvimento e as aprendizagens
adquiridas dependem das estimulações realizadas pelo meio envolvente e da qualidade
das interações logo desde o nascimento.
Este processo antes da entrada na escola é movido pelo desejo de saber da
criança e a sua exploração do meio, passando com o início da escolaridade a ser movido
por necessidades externas à criança.
O aluno é confrontado com um currículo formal com objetivos prévios de
aprendizagem que, por vezes, podem estar além dos seus desejos de descoberta ou da
sua história de vida.
A aprendizagem da leitura é uma construção que tem início antes da entrada no
1º ciclo através do desenvolvimento da linguagem oral e do contacto com a cultura
escrita, que permite novas modalidades de comunicação, nova capacidade de simbolizar
e de dominar o meio envolvente.
O sucesso escolar vai depender quer das aprendizagens prévias quer da
capacidade de adaptação e integração no meio escolar. Foi nosso propósito verificar se
existem habilidades cognitivas antecedentes que predizem o sucesso da leitura.
O interesse por este estudo prende-se com a necessidade que professores e
restantes profissionais da educação têm em compreender e analisar com cuidado a
situação de entrada na aprendizagem da leitura de cada uma das crianças.
Escolhemos, baseado na literatura científica, duas habilidades que testamos
previamente em alunos do 1.º ano: a consciência fonológica e o vocabulário. Entre
Março e Junho foi aplicado um teste de leitura/descodificação.
O estudo é de tipo correlacional que se situa entre o estudo descritivo e uma
abordagem experimental. Constatamos que na análise dos resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa, não
observamos correlação entre os níveis da consciência fonológica e a leitura e o
vocabulário e a leitura, não permitindo afirmar que existe uma relação preditora de uma
dessas habilidades com a competência leitora.
When a child starts pre-scholar education, he already knows many things about the world around him and through their family and social and cultural environment. The amount of early stimulations, at an early stage, makes the child develop his cognitive and affective potential. The development and the acquired learning depend on the stimulations carried out by the surrounding environment and on the quality of the interactions from the birth. This process prior to entry into the school is moved by the child’s desire to explore his environment and after the schooling to be moved by child’s external needs. The student is confronted with a formal curriculum, with previous learning objectives that, sometimes, can be beyond his discovery desires or his life history. Learning to read is a construction that begins before the entrance in the elementary school, through the development of oral language and the contact with the written culture, which allows new communication modalities, new ability to symbolize and to dominate the environment skills. The school success depends on the previous learning s and on the adaptation and integration in the school environment capacities. Our intent is to verify if there are any background cognitive skills that predict reading success. The interest on this study stays on the teacher’s and all education professional’s needs to understand and to analyze carefully the reading learning situation of each child. We have chosen, based on scientific literature, two skills that we want to test: the phonologic conscience and the vocabulary. The study is a correlation one that stays between a descriptive study and an experimental approach. The participants are students from first grade which will be submitted to a reading/decoding test between March and June. We note that in the analysis of the results obtained in this research, we found no correlation between levels of phonological awareness and reading and vocabulary and reading, not allowing to affirm that there is a predictive of one of these skills with the reading competence.
When a child starts pre-scholar education, he already knows many things about the world around him and through their family and social and cultural environment. The amount of early stimulations, at an early stage, makes the child develop his cognitive and affective potential. The development and the acquired learning depend on the stimulations carried out by the surrounding environment and on the quality of the interactions from the birth. This process prior to entry into the school is moved by the child’s desire to explore his environment and after the schooling to be moved by child’s external needs. The student is confronted with a formal curriculum, with previous learning objectives that, sometimes, can be beyond his discovery desires or his life history. Learning to read is a construction that begins before the entrance in the elementary school, through the development of oral language and the contact with the written culture, which allows new communication modalities, new ability to symbolize and to dominate the environment skills. The school success depends on the previous learning s and on the adaptation and integration in the school environment capacities. Our intent is to verify if there are any background cognitive skills that predict reading success. The interest on this study stays on the teacher’s and all education professional’s needs to understand and to analyze carefully the reading learning situation of each child. We have chosen, based on scientific literature, two skills that we want to test: the phonologic conscience and the vocabulary. The study is a correlation one that stays between a descriptive study and an experimental approach. The participants are students from first grade which will be submitted to a reading/decoding test between March and June. We note that in the analysis of the results obtained in this research, we found no correlation between levels of phonological awareness and reading and vocabulary and reading, not allowing to affirm that there is a predictive of one of these skills with the reading competence.
Orientação: Óscar Conceição de Sousa