Estratégias de marketing aplicadas a Bibliotecas Universitárias : Estudo de caso da biblioteca da Escola Superior de Comunicação Social
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No presente trabalho de investigação procede-se ao estudo da aplicação do marketing em
bibliotecas universitárias, particularmente o Marketing Digital, aplicado concretamente à
Biblioteca da Escola Superior de Comunicação Social. Para concretizar este estudo
estruturou-se o trabalho, com uma primeira parte onde se procede à caracterização e
contextualização da organização no seio da ESCS, incidindo-se particularmente na
descrição dos serviços disponibilizados. Em seguida, procede-se ao enquadramento
relativamente ao papel da Biblioteca Universitária ao longo do tempo, ao conceito de
marketing de serviços e de produtos e estratégias de marketing em Unidades de
Informação. Por forma a dar resposta às questões de partida, as quais pretendem identificar
o perfil dos utilizadores da biblioteca da ESCS, aferir se os utilizadores consideram que o
site da biblioteca tem qualidade, qual a sua satisfação quando acedem ao site, se se
encontram receptivos à adesão da biblioteca a uma rede social, que soluções de marketing
podem ser aplicadas e que alterações devem ser implementadas nos serviços existentes
para satisfazer as necessidades dos utilizadores, elaborou-se um inquérito por questionário.
O inquérito por questionário constituído por 4 grupos distintos, organizado por 73 questões
abertas e fechadas foi distribuído por uma amostra representativa de alunos e docentes da
ESCS. A análise e discussão dos resultados permitiu-nos concluir que a utilização das
estratégias de marketing numa biblioteca permite ajudar no desenvolvimento de
serviços/produtos adequados às reais necessidades dos utilizadores. A partir do nosso
conhecimento profissional e, sempre suportado pela literatura de referência da área,
construiu-se a matriz SWOT da Biblioteca da ESCS, por forma a identificar as fragilidades e
forças do sistema, sendo fundamental para a futura etapa de planeamento estratégico,
permitindo proceder às alterações necessárias. São ainda apresentadas soluções de
marketing, visando melhorar os serviços e produtos oferecidos e disponibilizados. Este
trabalho permitiu concluir que a aplicação de estratégias de marketing em Bibliotecas
Universitárias ainda é pouco utilizada, havendo um significante desconhecimento desta
disciplina na área biblioteconómica, sendo necessário reflectir sobre a “fraca” interacção
entre a Biblioteca da ESCS e os seus utilizadores, aproveitando as mais-valias provenientes
destas estratégias.
In this research work we proceed to study the application of marketing in academic libraries, particularly Digital Marketing applied specifically to the Biblioteca da Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS). To complete this study the work was structured with a first part focusing on the characterization and contextualization of the organization within the ESCS, particularly in the description of the services provided. Then we proceeded to analyze the role of the university library over time, the concept of marketing services and products and marketing strategies in intelligence units. In order to address the starting issues, which aim to identify the profile of the ESCS library users - assess if they feel that the library site has enough quality, what is their satisfaction level when accessing the site, if they are receptive to library having any presence on a social network, available marketing solutions that can be applied and what changes should be implemented in existing services to meet the needs of users - we prepared a survey by questionnaire. The survey questionnaire consisted of 4 distinct groups, organized by 73 open and closed questions were distributed to a representative sample of students and teachers at ESCS. The analysis and discussion of the results allowed us to conclude that the use of marketing strategies enables a library to help in the development of services/products that meet real user needs. From our professional knowledge and, supported by reference literature, the matrix SWOT Library of ESCS was built in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system, this is central to the future of the strategic planning stage, allowing to make the necessary amendments. There are also presented marketing solutions in order to improve the services and products offered and available. This study concluded that the implementation of marketing strategies in university libraries is not widely used, and there is a significant lack of knowledge about this subject in the librarianship area, being necessary to reflect on the "weak" interaction between the ESCS library and its users, leveraging capital gains from these strategies.
In this research work we proceed to study the application of marketing in academic libraries, particularly Digital Marketing applied specifically to the Biblioteca da Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS). To complete this study the work was structured with a first part focusing on the characterization and contextualization of the organization within the ESCS, particularly in the description of the services provided. Then we proceeded to analyze the role of the university library over time, the concept of marketing services and products and marketing strategies in intelligence units. In order to address the starting issues, which aim to identify the profile of the ESCS library users - assess if they feel that the library site has enough quality, what is their satisfaction level when accessing the site, if they are receptive to library having any presence on a social network, available marketing solutions that can be applied and what changes should be implemented in existing services to meet the needs of users - we prepared a survey by questionnaire. The survey questionnaire consisted of 4 distinct groups, organized by 73 open and closed questions were distributed to a representative sample of students and teachers at ESCS. The analysis and discussion of the results allowed us to conclude that the use of marketing strategies enables a library to help in the development of services/products that meet real user needs. From our professional knowledge and, supported by reference literature, the matrix SWOT Library of ESCS was built in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system, this is central to the future of the strategic planning stage, allowing to make the necessary amendments. There are also presented marketing solutions in order to improve the services and products offered and available. This study concluded that the implementation of marketing strategies in university libraries is not widely used, and there is a significant lack of knowledge about this subject in the librarianship area, being necessary to reflect on the "weak" interaction between the ESCS library and its users, leveraging capital gains from these strategies.
Orientação: Gisélia Felício