Intervenção como mediação entre o novo e o antigo
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Os novos modos de habitar assentam principalmente em necessidades tendências, de
conforto, e técnicas infra-estruturais específicas que hoje se apresentam com relevante
significado e com grande importância no desenvolvimento do projecto de uma habitação.
A cidade do porto, assim como outras grandes cidades europeias, tem sofrido uma perda de
população, sendo este um fenómeno que tem vindo a evoluir de uma forma gradual e
constante. Esta fuga dos centros urbanos para zonas periféricas reflecte-se ao nível social,
económico e cultural, verificando-se simultaneamente um desgaste e alguma incapacidade de
evolução das antigas formas tipológicas, para os novos modos de vida e consequentemente,
novas formas de habitar.
Estes novos modos de habitar reflectem-se em necessidades formais e espaciais que por
vezes entram em conflito com as linguagens que os edifícios pré-existentes apresentam.
No caso do Porto, onde a construção predominante é a Casa Burguesa, são visíveis
intervenções que procuram novas imagens para os edifícios e que na maioria das vezes
provocam um conflito entre a pré-existência e a intervenção.
Esta dissertação vem assim, contribuir para uma maior compreensão acerca da metodologia,
das linguagens e dos processos construtivos utilizadas na reabilitação da Casa Burguesa do
Porto, de forma a procurar o entendimento entre o novo e o antigo.
The new forms of inhabiting are mainly based on needs and trends of comfort and specific infrastructural techniques, which are presented in this day and age, and are of relevant significance and importance in the development of housing projects. The city of Porto as well as other major European cities, have suffered a loss of population, this phenomenon has evolved in a gradual and steady way. This escape from urban centers to outlying areas is reflected at a social, economic and cultural level, and simultaneously an inability to evolve from the old typological ways, to new ways of life and consequently, new ways of living. These new modes of living are reflected in the formal and spatial needs that sometimes can come in conflict with the appearance that pre-existing buildings present. In the case of Porto, where predominant construction, is that of the Bourgeois House, are visible interventions seeking new images for buildings and most often cause a conflict between the pre-existence and the intervention. This dissertation is thus a contribute to a greater understanding of the methodology and language of construction processes used in the rehabilitation of the Porto “Bourgeois Houses “ and also a way of perceiving between new and old.
The new forms of inhabiting are mainly based on needs and trends of comfort and specific infrastructural techniques, which are presented in this day and age, and are of relevant significance and importance in the development of housing projects. The city of Porto as well as other major European cities, have suffered a loss of population, this phenomenon has evolved in a gradual and steady way. This escape from urban centers to outlying areas is reflected at a social, economic and cultural level, and simultaneously an inability to evolve from the old typological ways, to new ways of life and consequently, new ways of living. These new modes of living are reflected in the formal and spatial needs that sometimes can come in conflict with the appearance that pre-existing buildings present. In the case of Porto, where predominant construction, is that of the Bourgeois House, are visible interventions seeking new images for buildings and most often cause a conflict between the pre-existence and the intervention. This dissertation is thus a contribute to a greater understanding of the methodology and language of construction processes used in the rehabilitation of the Porto “Bourgeois Houses “ and also a way of perceiving between new and old.
Orientação: José Manuel Gigante