Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Lusófona do Porto, vol. 01, n.º 01 (2012)
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Item Arrendamento para comércio. Aplicação da Lei no tempo.Oposição à renovação e denúncia do contrato.(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Garcia, Maria Olinda; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência PolíticaAnotação ao Acórdão do STJ, de 27.05.2010, 1ª Secção, Processo 971/08 (Relator: Hélder Roque)Item Notas dispersas sobre algumas normas do C.P.(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Vilela, Alexandra; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência PolíticaIn this paper it is made a reflection on some rules of the Portuguese Criminal Code. First it is made an analysis of some aspects related to the crime of simple bodily harm, in particular on its public or semi public nature. Thereto, some aspects regarding articles 143, 145 and 146 of the portuguese Criminal Code have to be taken under consideration. Then, in the context of crimes against property, it is analised the legal institute referred to in paragraph 1. of article 206 (restitution or compensation), as well as it subjective scope.Item Validade comunitária e contextos de realização: anotações em espelho sobre a concepção jurisprudencialista do sistema(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Linhares, José Manuel Aroso; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência PolíticaConsidering the specific conception of the legal system proposed by Castanheira Neves’ jurisprudentialism — as a reinvention which may be capable of critically re-thinking and re-experiencing Law’s constitutive cultural-civilizational originarium in a «limit-situation» such as our own —,this essay explores some main challenges and tensions, which contemporary practical thought autonomously recognizes: those challenges and tensions which we identify when invoking the counterpoints plurality/ unity, dogmatic presupposition / critical self-reflection, societas / communitas, legality / morality (but also particular/ universal).Item Intervenções corporais probatórias e direitos fundamentais: compatibilidade e limites(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Bravo, Jorge Reis; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência PolíticaIn this paper we will essentially consider the relations between the State punitive claim as well as the pursuit of material truth of facts on the one hand, and on the other hand, the admissibility of evidence collected on the body of the accused in criminal investigations. Aware of the multiple and different refractions that this matter involves, especially considering the potential interference of the principle nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare (or privilege against self-incrimination), this approach is illustrated by the critical appreciation of the ECHR decision in the case Bogumil vs. Portugal, trying to reach some propositions (necessarily poor) regarding the specifics of evidence-related body interventions in cases of arrest and detention.Item O processo de revisão ordinário dos tratados da UE: a Convenção(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Araújo, Alexandra Rodrigues; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência PolíticaThe Lisbon Treaty introduced changes to the ordinary revision process of EU Treaties. Article 48(3) TEU (Treaty of European Union) included the possibility of the President of the European Council summoning a Convention to analyse the projects to be revised and to adopt, by consensus, a recommendation to be put before the Intergovernmental Conference which would define the changes being introduced into the Treaties. This present work seeks to clarify the principal characteristics of this new stage in the revision process of EU Treaties. The main objective of this study is to set out how and why this new procedure evolved, how it works and what is new about what it brings to the revision process of the European Union.Item O processo disciplinar no Estatuto da Ordem dos Advogados portugueses: entre a vertigem de uma estrutura acusatória e a miragem da protecção dos direitos fundamentais do advogado arguido(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Neves, Rosa Vieira; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência PolíticaThe exercise of disciplinary action, for the practice of misconduct by a lawyer or trainee lawyer, is the sole responsibility of the O.A., as professional body representative of their peers. The disciplinary procedure prescribed in the statute of the O.A., presents a framework for an integrated accusatory principle of research. The participation of the rapporteur of the disciplinary proceedings in the voting of the resolution imposing a disciplinary sanction is substantively unconstitutional for violating paragraph 5 of article 32nd of the Portuguese Constitution. The requirement to comply with this legislation stems, ultimately, from the similar nature of the fundamental rights of the accused lawyer or trainee lawyer to the rights, freedoms and guarantees protected in criminal proceedings.Item Uma reconstituição do sentido do Direito – na sua autonomia, nos seus limites, nas suas alternativas(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Neves, António Castanheira; Faculdade de DireitoThe present essay starts from a diagnosis of the contemporary social and cultural situation and considers a set of plausible cultural polarities in general and the polarity freedom/ sense in particular with the purpose of developing a reflection about Law’s reconstructed sense, its autonomy, its limits and its actual alternatives.Item A intervenção do tribunal judicial no processo de constituição do tribunal arbitral e o princípio do contraditório(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Duarte, Paulo; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência PolíticaUnder specific circumstances, the arbitral tribunal constitution procedure may come to an impasse, due to divergences between the parties or to the mere innaction of one of them or even of a third party. Such is the case when one of the parties or a third party does not appoint the arbitrator it should appoint according to the law or to the arbitration agreement. In order to overcome these types of situations, the Voluntary Arbitration Law provides for the intervention of the President of the Tribunal da Relação in the arbitral tribunal constitution procedure, granting him the power to, by appplication of one of the parties, name or choose the arbitrator the appointment of which has been ommited by the other party or the third party. This paper adresses the question of whether the procedure aimed at the decision of the President of the Tribunal da Relação must incorporate the defendant’s right to contradictory. The answer to this question is based, mainly, on the determination of which is the procedural form applicable to the intervention of the President of the Tribunal da Relação and on analysis of both the structure and effects of the arbitration agreement and the arbitrator´s contract.Item A "crise da lei" no pensamento jurídico contemporâneo(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Rozeira, Gustavo Gramaxo; Faculdade de Direito e Ciência PolíticaThis articles discusses the current crisis of parliamentary enacted statutes in the face of new and modern emerging sources of legal norms and the competition of statutory law enacted by non-state entities, such as supranational organizations and territorial bodies. This dilution of the perception of parliamentary law’s preeminence must however be met with some reservations, as the conclusion remains that parliamentary enacted statutory norms are, still to this contemporary age, the most important of all types of normative acts.Item As organizações internacionais e a proteção dos direitos dos indígenas no âmbito do Direito Internacional: especial referência ao sistema interamericano de direitos humanos e ao direito brasileiro(Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, 2012) Maia, Catherine; Prado, Rafael; Faculdade de DireitoThe purpose of this article is to analyze the role played by key international organizations, particularly those of the UN and the OAS systems in protecting the rights of indigenous peoples under international law. The method adopted for the preparation of this work is descriptive and analytical, applying document analysis based on primary literature sources, especially those arising in organs of the UN and inter-American systems, mainly the jurisprudence from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. This article starts with the assumption underlying that international organizations have a preponderant role in the need to safeguard and secure the universality and indivisibility of human rights of indigenous peoples. It is argued further that resolutions and conventions emanating from such organizations are absorbed by national legal order of States members, so that, once these standards internalized by States, they can acquire legal force, beyond moral, in order that their liability is accepted.