O uso da madeira lamelada em edificações de grande porte
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A dissertação de mestrado denominada “O Uso da Madeira Lamelada em Edificações
de Grande Porte”, apresenta a Madeira Lamelada Colada (MLC) como um material essencial
para o futuro da arquitetura mundial. São apresentados todos os contextos ambientais que
incentivaram o avanço tecnológico na confecção de produtos em madeira engenheirada, e o
porquê devemos fomentar a utilização desse material no futuro. O processo completo da
produção das peças de Madeira Lamelada Colada é abordado, possibilitando uma melhor
compreensão dos procedimentos necessários para a construção de uma edificação com o
sistema estrutural em MLC.
Para fins deste estudo, foram escolhidas edificações com no mínimo 2000m2 de área
para o estudo mais a fundo, excluindo edificações com programas comerciais e de habitação
coletiva. O escopo de obras de referência foi escolhido por apresentar dois tipos de
pensamento sobre a utilização da madeira engenheirada, demonstrando diferentes soluções
construtivas. O projeto realizado na cadeira de projeto do 5˚ ano também é analisado de
maneira comparativa entre as outras referências.
Na parte final do trabalho, são apresentados os dados técnicos da Madeira Lamelada
Colada, assim como os pormenores construtivos, possibilitando um entendimento das
características e oportunidades apresentadas pela madeira. Outro fator abordado é a questão
sensorial e emocional da madeira, que por se tratar de um recurso natural, possui um impacto
na percepção do espaço.
Palavras-Chave: Estrutura, Madeira, MLC, Sustentabilidade, Conforto.
The master's thesis entitled "The Use of Glue Laminated Timber in Large Buildings", presents the Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam) as an essential material for the future of global architecture. All the environmental context that encouraged technological advances in the manufacture of engineered wood products are presented, as well as the reason we should encourage the use of this material in the future. The complete production process of the pieces of Glued Laminated Timber is described, allowing a better understanding of the basic procedures for the construction of a building with a Glulam structural system. For the purpose of this study, buildings with at least 2000m2 of area were chosen to be analyzed, excluding commercial and housing buildings. The scope of reference works was chosen to present two types of thinking about the use of engineered wood, demonstrating different construction solutions. The project developed in the 5th year project class is also analyzed in a comparative way among the other references. In the final part of the work, the technical information of the Glued Laminated Timber is presented, in addition to the constructive details, allowing a better understanding of the characteristics and technical opportunities of wood. Another factor addressed is the sensory and emotional factor of wood, because since it is a natural resource, it has an impact on the perception of the space. Keywords: Structure, Timber, Glulam, Sustainability, Comfort.
The master's thesis entitled "The Use of Glue Laminated Timber in Large Buildings", presents the Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam) as an essential material for the future of global architecture. All the environmental context that encouraged technological advances in the manufacture of engineered wood products are presented, as well as the reason we should encourage the use of this material in the future. The complete production process of the pieces of Glued Laminated Timber is described, allowing a better understanding of the basic procedures for the construction of a building with a Glulam structural system. For the purpose of this study, buildings with at least 2000m2 of area were chosen to be analyzed, excluding commercial and housing buildings. The scope of reference works was chosen to present two types of thinking about the use of engineered wood, demonstrating different construction solutions. The project developed in the 5th year project class is also analyzed in a comparative way among the other references. In the final part of the work, the technical information of the Glued Laminated Timber is presented, in addition to the constructive details, allowing a better understanding of the characteristics and technical opportunities of wood. Another factor addressed is the sensory and emotional factor of wood, because since it is a natural resource, it has an impact on the perception of the space. Keywords: Structure, Timber, Glulam, Sustainability, Comfort.
Orientação: António Sérgio Koch de Araújo e Silva