Análise das Parcerias Público-Privadas em Portugal e de diferentes experiências na Europa
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O tema a ser estudado compreende uma modalidade de contratação que vem sendo
utilizada de forma bastante crescente, na Europa e em Portugal, desde o final do
século XX, com objetivo de assegurar o desenvolvimento e o crescimento
econômico, utilizando para isto, o aperfeiçoamento do uso dos recursos públicos
para a execução de obras e serviços de infraestrutura, através das Parcerias Público Privadas. Trata-se de um modelocontratual que possibilita o Estado contemplar um
investimento público, sem que haja umcusto imediato, com impacto financeiro a
longo prazo.
Através do entendimento da literatura a pesquisa pretende analisar como ocorre a
Parceria Público-Privada em Portugal e em outros dois países da Europa, e se esse
tipo de contrato contribui para uma maior eficiência e qualidade do serviço público
prestado e para redução das despesas públicas. Além disso, a pesquisa também
pretende verificar quais os fatores concretos que fazem com que esse modelo de
contrato seja utilizado por esses países, em especial por Portugal, que está entre os
países que mais utilizam as Parcerias Público- Privadas na Europa.
The theme to be studied comprises a contracting modality that has been used in an increasing way in Europe and Portugal since the end of the 20th century with the objective of ensuring the development and economic growth using for this the improvement of the use of public resources for the execution of infrastructure works and services through Public-Private Partnerships. It is a contractual model that allows the State to contemplate a public investment without an immediate cost whit a long-term financial impact. Through the understanding of the literature the research intends to analyze how the Public-Private Partnership takes place in Portugal and in other European countries and if this type of contract contributes to a greater efficiency and quality of the public service provided and to a reduction in public expenses. In addition, the research also intends to verify which concrete factors make this contract model to be used by these countries, in particular by Portugal, with is among the countries that most use Public-Private Partnerships in Europe.
The theme to be studied comprises a contracting modality that has been used in an increasing way in Europe and Portugal since the end of the 20th century with the objective of ensuring the development and economic growth using for this the improvement of the use of public resources for the execution of infrastructure works and services through Public-Private Partnerships. It is a contractual model that allows the State to contemplate a public investment without an immediate cost whit a long-term financial impact. Through the understanding of the literature the research intends to analyze how the Public-Private Partnership takes place in Portugal and in other European countries and if this type of contract contributes to a greater efficiency and quality of the public service provided and to a reduction in public expenses. In addition, the research also intends to verify which concrete factors make this contract model to be used by these countries, in particular by Portugal, with is among the countries that most use Public-Private Partnerships in Europe.
Orientação: Nuno José Vasconcelos de Albuquerque Sousa