Cláusulas de declaração e garantia nos contratos de compra e venda de participações societárias de controlo
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Na primeira parte do estudo, o objetivo será analisar a origem das cláusulas de declaração e garantia com um olhar histórico cultural para compreensão das funções principais no sistema do common Law, sob a ótica das expectativas de direito das partes que celebram contrato de transmissão de controlo de sociedades empresariais, sem deixar de ocupar-se dos princípios e dos institutos característicos destas cláusulas com o intuito de estabelecer limites à característica negocial destas cláusulas, bem como abordar a segurança jurídica a ponto de oferecer confiabilidade necessária aos termos dos contratos de M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions).
Na segunda parte, o objetivo será estudar a due diligence e o dever de informação, estabelecer diferenças teóricas entre declarações e garantias. Assim, o estudo de decisões dos tribunais portugueses oferecem importantes contributos para um “ponto de virada” na forma do enquadramento jurídico destas cláusulas, importantes para a problemática que o presente estudo pretende se dedicar: o acórdão do STJ de 1° de março de 2016, ao admitiu a possibilidade de previsão das cláusulas de declaração e garantia como um sistema autônomo - art. 405°. do Código Civil -, permitiria afastar a aplicação de regimes jurídicos, alguns dos quais permitiriam a anulação do negócio jurídico?
In the first part of the study, the objective will be to analyze the origin of the declaration and guarantee clauses, with a cultural historical look to understand the main functions in the common law system, from the perspective of the legal expectations of the parties that enter into a transmission contract control of business companies, without neglecting to deal with the principles and institutes characteristic of these clauses with the aim of establishing limits to the negotiation characteristic of these clauses, as well as addressing legal certainty to the point of offering the necessary reliability to the terms of M&A contracts (Mergers and Acquisitions). In the second part, the objective will be to study due diligence and the duty of information, establishing theoretical differences between declarations and guarantees. Thus, the study of Portuguese court decisions offers important contributions to a “turning point” in the form of the legal framework of these clauses, important for the problem that the present study intends to address: the STJ judgment of March 1, 2016, by admitting the possibility of forecasting declaration and guarantee clauses as an autonomous system - art. 405° of the Civil Code -, would it allow the application of legal regimes to be ruled out, some of which would allow the annulment of the legal transaction?
In the first part of the study, the objective will be to analyze the origin of the declaration and guarantee clauses, with a cultural historical look to understand the main functions in the common law system, from the perspective of the legal expectations of the parties that enter into a transmission contract control of business companies, without neglecting to deal with the principles and institutes characteristic of these clauses with the aim of establishing limits to the negotiation characteristic of these clauses, as well as addressing legal certainty to the point of offering the necessary reliability to the terms of M&A contracts (Mergers and Acquisitions). In the second part, the objective will be to study due diligence and the duty of information, establishing theoretical differences between declarations and guarantees. Thus, the study of Portuguese court decisions offers important contributions to a “turning point” in the form of the legal framework of these clauses, important for the problem that the present study intends to address: the STJ judgment of March 1, 2016, by admitting the possibility of forecasting declaration and guarantee clauses as an autonomous system - art. 405° of the Civil Code -, would it allow the application of legal regimes to be ruled out, some of which would allow the annulment of the legal transaction?
Orientação: Maria do Rosário Pereira Cardoso dos Anjos