Exame andrológico de touros a campo com utilização do equipamento iSperm
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A eficiência reprodutiva é importante para que as explorações de bovinos de carne se mantenham rentáveis. A fertilidade do touro é um ponto importante, com grande impacto nos índices produtivos da exploração. Assim sendo, o exame andrológico a cada touro do efetivo torna-se fundamental a cada época reprodutiva para identificar animais inférteis e também subférteis, podendo eliminá-los da população reprodutora. O presente estudo teve como objetivo demonstrar a eficácia do equipamento iSperm na realização de exames andrológicos a campo e identificar os parâmetros avaliados com este equipamento, que sejam importantes no exame andrológico, estudando as relações destes entre si. Neste trabalho foram obtidos dados de exames andrológicos a campo em explorações de bovinos de carne no Alentejo nas épocas reprodutivas de 2019/20, 20/21 e 21/22. Estes exames consistiram num exame de estado geral do animal, exame direcionado ao aparelho reprodutor (com medição do perímetro escrotal) e avaliação de uma amostra seminal obtida por eletroejaculação. Em todos os exames o sémen foi avaliado com o equipamento iSperm. Os 96 avaliados eram de várias raças, nomeadamente Limousine (n=53), Aberdeen-Angus (n=18), Outras (n=8) e os seus cruzamentos (n=12), tendo estes animais idades compreendidas entre os 16 meses e os 10 anos de idade. Verificou-se uma diferença significativa do perímetro escrotal (PE) entre as diferentes raças estudadas, bem como uma correlação positiva deste com a idade e com a condição corporal (CC). Quanto ao sémen, verificou-se que a percentagem de formas anormais (FA) estava positivamente correlacionada coma idade do touro e negativamente correlacionada com a mobilidade massal (MM) e a mobilidade progressiva (MP). O equipamento identificou vários tipos de FA, incluindo anomalias de cauda, cabeça e peça intermédia. Todos os animais rejeitados (n=21) foram-no por avaliações de sémen insatisfatórias, sendo que animais inaptos tinham estatisticamente menos MM e MP e mais FA do que animais aptos. Com a realização deste estudo conseguimos concluir que o equipamento iSperm é um equipamento rápido e eficaz na avaliação da amostra de sémen, fornecendo informação relevante sobre a sua qualidade para cada animal, permitindo determinar imediatamente e sem equipamento adicional se o animal é apto para a reprodução. Deve no entanto salvaguardar-se que não deve ser conveniente ser o único elemento de análise para a determinação do valor reprodutivo do touro. PALAVRAS CHAVE: Sémen, touro, exame andrológico, iSperm
Reproductive efficiency is very important to maintain economically viable beef cattle farms. Andrological examination of all the bulls of the herd at the beginning of the reproductive season allows for the identification an eventual culling of infertile or subfertile males, which would hinder overall reproductive efficiency. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the iSperm equipament in andrological evaluation in field conditions, identifying parameters relevant for the exclusion of inapt bulls. The andrological examinations (AE)) presented in this study were performed in extensive beef cattle farms in Alentejo during the reproductive seasons of 2019/20, 20/21 and 21/22. All AE were performed through a physical examination of the animal, examination of the reproductive organs (including scrotal circumference), and semen evaluation of a sample collected using electroejaculation. Semen was analysed using, the iSperm equipment. Scrotal circumference (SC) differed significantly between breeds and there was a significant positive correlation between the bull´s SC and its age and body condition score (BC). Regarding the seminal exam, the percentage of abnormal forms (AF) correlated negatively with mass motility (MM) and progressive motility (PM). iSperm equipment was able to identify several types of AF, including anomalies in the tail, head and intermediate part. All rejected animals (n=21) had unsatisfactory semen evaluations, and rejected animals had statistically less MM and MP and more AF than approved animals. With this study we can conclude that the iSperm equipment is a fast and effective tool in the evaluation of a semen sample, providing relevant information about its quality for individual animals, allowing the immediate decision to approve or reject a bull for reproduction, based on semen quality. However, it should be noted that semen evaluation alone (with or without iSperm) is not enough to perform a thorough AE and final decisions regarding overall reproductive soundness of the bull should not be made without a complete physical examination. KEY WORDS: Semen, bull, andrological examination, iSperm
Reproductive efficiency is very important to maintain economically viable beef cattle farms. Andrological examination of all the bulls of the herd at the beginning of the reproductive season allows for the identification an eventual culling of infertile or subfertile males, which would hinder overall reproductive efficiency. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the iSperm equipament in andrological evaluation in field conditions, identifying parameters relevant for the exclusion of inapt bulls. The andrological examinations (AE)) presented in this study were performed in extensive beef cattle farms in Alentejo during the reproductive seasons of 2019/20, 20/21 and 21/22. All AE were performed through a physical examination of the animal, examination of the reproductive organs (including scrotal circumference), and semen evaluation of a sample collected using electroejaculation. Semen was analysed using, the iSperm equipment. Scrotal circumference (SC) differed significantly between breeds and there was a significant positive correlation between the bull´s SC and its age and body condition score (BC). Regarding the seminal exam, the percentage of abnormal forms (AF) correlated negatively with mass motility (MM) and progressive motility (PM). iSperm equipment was able to identify several types of AF, including anomalies in the tail, head and intermediate part. All rejected animals (n=21) had unsatisfactory semen evaluations, and rejected animals had statistically less MM and MP and more AF than approved animals. With this study we can conclude that the iSperm equipment is a fast and effective tool in the evaluation of a semen sample, providing relevant information about its quality for individual animals, allowing the immediate decision to approve or reject a bull for reproduction, based on semen quality. However, it should be noted that semen evaluation alone (with or without iSperm) is not enough to perform a thorough AE and final decisions regarding overall reproductive soundness of the bull should not be made without a complete physical examination. KEY WORDS: Semen, bull, andrological examination, iSperm
Orientação: Mariana Raposo Batista