Interpretando o profetismo pentecostal sul-africano num contexto de abuso da prática religiosa
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Esta dissertação pretende apresentar uma linha de investigação no âmbito da dinâmica do profetismo, e assim, dentro da vertente pentecostal, os seus líderes sedutores, o possível narcisismo e o inevitável abuso religioso vivenciado na África do Sul. Com o objetivo primordial de interpretar tais espiritualidades como a influência da cultura e da superstição num amálgama do cristianismo pentecostal sul-africano, foram analisados crentes das principais denominações pentecostais clássicas. Face ao desespero das doenças sociais e físicas, os sul-africanos pobres procuram normalmente a magia, na pessoa do «sangoma», para aliviar as suas aflições. No entanto, também são atraídos para as grandes tendas onde milagres, curas e exorcismos são oferecidos em toda a África do Sul por profetas-pastores. Esta concorrência no mercado religioso faz com que a multiplicidade do fenómeno religioso seja oferecida por esses autoproclamados profetas. Os abusos da prática religiosa observados nos arredores de Pretória atraíram a atenção do governo. Apesar da liberdade religiosa consagrada na Constituição da República da África do Sul, a Comissão para a Promoção e Proteção das Comunidades Culturais, Religiosas e Linguísticas da África do Sul tentou regulamentar a religião em 2016. Este acontecimento catalisou as igrejas pentecostais e carismáticas do país a tomarem uma posição para que não fossem comparadas ao que foi considerado ser um abuso dos direitos humanos e violação da lei. Palavras-chave: Pentecostalismos, Profetismo, Avivamentos, Narcisismo, Abuso Religioso
This dissertation aims to present a line of research within the scope of prophetic dynamics and, thus, within the Pentecostal perspective, its alluring leaders, possible narcissism, and the inevitable religious abuse experienced in South Africa. With the primary goal of interpreting such spiritualities as the influence of culture and superstition amalgamated with South African Pentecostal Christianity, believers from the main classical Pentecostal denominations were analyzed. Faced with desperation of social and physical illnesses, poor South Africans usually seek magic through the person of a 'sangoma' to alleviate their afflictions. However, they are also drawn to large tents where miracles, healings, and exorcisms are offered throughout South Africa by prophet-pastors. This competition in the religious market leads to a multiplicity of the religious phenomenon offered by these self-proclaimed prophets. The abuses of religious practice observed in the outskirts of Pretoria caught the government's attention. Despite the religious freedom enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Cultural, Religious, and Linguistic Communities in South Africa attempted to regulate religion in 2016. This event catalyzed the Pentecostal and Charismatic churches in the country to take a stand so as not to be compared to what was considered an abuse of human rights and a violation of the law. Keywords: Pentecostalisms, Prophetism, Revivals, Narcissism, Religious Abuse
This dissertation aims to present a line of research within the scope of prophetic dynamics and, thus, within the Pentecostal perspective, its alluring leaders, possible narcissism, and the inevitable religious abuse experienced in South Africa. With the primary goal of interpreting such spiritualities as the influence of culture and superstition amalgamated with South African Pentecostal Christianity, believers from the main classical Pentecostal denominations were analyzed. Faced with desperation of social and physical illnesses, poor South Africans usually seek magic through the person of a 'sangoma' to alleviate their afflictions. However, they are also drawn to large tents where miracles, healings, and exorcisms are offered throughout South Africa by prophet-pastors. This competition in the religious market leads to a multiplicity of the religious phenomenon offered by these self-proclaimed prophets. The abuses of religious practice observed in the outskirts of Pretoria caught the government's attention. Despite the religious freedom enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Cultural, Religious, and Linguistic Communities in South Africa attempted to regulate religion in 2016. This event catalyzed the Pentecostal and Charismatic churches in the country to take a stand so as not to be compared to what was considered an abuse of human rights and a violation of the law. Keywords: Pentecostalisms, Prophetism, Revivals, Narcissism, Religious Abuse