Relação dos centros de pressão dos quatro apoios do cavalo com a conformação dos respetivos membros
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A conformação pode modular a predisposição para lesões de um cavalo. Por outro lado, o comportamento dos centros de pressão (CdP) dos cascos do cavalo pode fornecer informação relativa ao desempenho mecânico do seu sistema biológico.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a correlação dos CdP dos cascos com os principais defeitos de conformação da população estudada.
Oito cavalos Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL) saudáveis, com a cabeça numa posição neutra foram colocados, durante 15 ensaios de 8 segundos, com os membros anteriores (MA) numa placa de pressão e com os membros posteriores (MP) noutra. Os resultados sincronizados foram usados para caracterizar o deslocamento do CdP de cada casco e estudar a sua correlação com a conformação. Os resultados foram analisados de forma qualitativa, através da interpretação de áreas de contato e estabilogramas, assim como de forma quantitativa utilizando estatística inferencial para determinar uma eventual correlação com a conformação, recorrendo a um índice de conformação (IC).
O defeito de conformação mais frequente foi os cavalos serem “esquerdos” e o que menos se observou foi serem “fechados de frente”. O IC variou entre 1 e 7. A média das áreas de contato dos cascos dos 8 cavalos foi maior nos MP do que nos MA, tendo acontecido o mesmo para os valores dos deslocamentos do CdP, que foram significativamente maiores nos MP do que nos MA Não foi detetada correlação entre os deslocamentos totais dos CdP e a conformação.
Concluíu-se que o CdP dos PSL em estação não está dependente de variações de conformação em que o IC seja igual ou inferior a 7.
Conformation is commonly believed to affect susceptibility to injury in horses. Furthermore, the behavior of the centre of pressure (CoP) of horses hooves can provide information regarding the mechanical performance of the biological system. The main goal of the present dissertation was to test the correlation between the hooves CoP with specific undesirable traits of conformation in the studied population. Eight healthy Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL), with the head in a neutral position were placed for 15 trials of 8 seconds, with the forelimbs above one pressure plate and the hindlimbs on another. Synchronized results were used to characterize the displacement of the CoP of each hoof and study their correlation with conformation. The results were analyzed qualitatively, through the interpretation of hoof contact areas and stabilograms, as quantitatively using inferential statistics to determine a possible correlation with the conformation, using a conformational score. The most prevalent trait was “turned out feet” and the least prevalent trait was “base narrow”. The conformational score ranged between 1 and 7. The averages of the hoof contact areas of the 8 horses were higher in the hindlimbs than in the forelimbs and the same happened to the displacement values of the CoP, which were significantly higher in the hindlimbs than in the forelimbs. No correlation was detected between total displacements of CoP and the conformation. Concluding the CoP in the static PSL horses is not dependent on changes in conformation when the score of conformation is equal or less than 7.
Conformation is commonly believed to affect susceptibility to injury in horses. Furthermore, the behavior of the centre of pressure (CoP) of horses hooves can provide information regarding the mechanical performance of the biological system. The main goal of the present dissertation was to test the correlation between the hooves CoP with specific undesirable traits of conformation in the studied population. Eight healthy Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL), with the head in a neutral position were placed for 15 trials of 8 seconds, with the forelimbs above one pressure plate and the hindlimbs on another. Synchronized results were used to characterize the displacement of the CoP of each hoof and study their correlation with conformation. The results were analyzed qualitatively, through the interpretation of hoof contact areas and stabilograms, as quantitatively using inferential statistics to determine a possible correlation with the conformation, using a conformational score. The most prevalent trait was “turned out feet” and the least prevalent trait was “base narrow”. The conformational score ranged between 1 and 7. The averages of the hoof contact areas of the 8 horses were higher in the hindlimbs than in the forelimbs and the same happened to the displacement values of the CoP, which were significantly higher in the hindlimbs than in the forelimbs. No correlation was detected between total displacements of CoP and the conformation. Concluding the CoP in the static PSL horses is not dependent on changes in conformation when the score of conformation is equal or less than 7.
Orientação : João M. C. S. Abrantes ; co-orientação : Manuel Pequito