Caracterização de hábitos de compra de suplementos alimentares pela Internet
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Através do levantamento bibliográfico de estudos antecedentes, é possível verificar que a toma
de suplementos alimentares tem aumentado exponencialmente nos últimos anos, apontando
para uma continuidade no seu crescimento devido ao facto deste tipo de produtos conseguir
colmatar as diversas necessidades da população consoante a sua faixa etária. Este elevado
consumo adjudicado ao facto de a internet ser cada vez mais um meio de aquisição de produtos
por parte da população, fez com que os suplementos alimentares fossem cada vez mais
adquiridos por esta via.
Este estudo tem por objetivo determinar e caracterizar os hábitos de compra de suplementos
alimentares pela internet, através de um estudo transversal de cariz exploratório, utilizando um
inquérito divulgado através de plataformas digitais.
Verificou-se que a prevalência de consumidores de suplementos alimentares está a aumentar
transversalmente nas diversas faixas etárias da população, no entanto com maior incidência em
mulheres e em indivíduos mais jovens. O tipo de suplementos alimentares mais adquiridos via
internet são proteínas, vitaminas e minerais, sendo que estes dois últimos são os mais
consumidos pela população. A maior parte dos participantes refere que antes da compra
aconselha-se junto dos sites das marcas ou por profissionais de saúde, e identificam com as
maiores dificuldades sentidas no ato da compra via internet o receio de dificuldades
alfandegárias e a credibilidade das informações fornecidas.
A utilização dos suplementos alimentares em Portugal apresenta um potencial enorme no que
toca à melhoria da saúde pública, nomeadamente pelo facto de existir cada vez mais
informação, no entanto esta mesma informação tem de ser cada vez mais estudada, enquadrada e
controlada pelos profissionais de saúde e por autoridades competentes, uma vez que a
acessibilidade a este tipo de produtos é bastante facilitada.
Through the bibliographic survey of previous studies, it is possible to verify that the taking of food supplements has increased exponentially in recent years, pointing to a continuity in its growth since this type of product can meet the diverse needs of the population according to their age group. This high consumption, and since the internet is increasingly a means of purchasing products by the population, meant that food supplements were increasingly acquired through this route. This study aims to determine and characterize the habits of purchasing food supplements over the internet, through a cross-sectional exploratory study, using a survey disseminated through digital platforms. It was found that the prevalence of consumers of dietary supplements is increasing across the different age groups of the population, however with a higher incidence in women and younger individuals. The type of food supplements most purchased via the internet are proteins, vitamins and minerals, the latter two being the most consumed by the population. Most of the participants reported that, before purchasing, advice was given to the brand's websites or by health professionals and identified the fear of customs difficulties and the credibility of the information provided as the greatest difficulties experienced when purchasing via the internet. The use of dietary supplements in Portugal has enormous potential in terms of improving public health, namely because there is more and more information, however this same information needs to be increasingly studied, framed, and controlled by health professionals and by competent authorities, since accessibility to this type of product is greatly facilitated.
Through the bibliographic survey of previous studies, it is possible to verify that the taking of food supplements has increased exponentially in recent years, pointing to a continuity in its growth since this type of product can meet the diverse needs of the population according to their age group. This high consumption, and since the internet is increasingly a means of purchasing products by the population, meant that food supplements were increasingly acquired through this route. This study aims to determine and characterize the habits of purchasing food supplements over the internet, through a cross-sectional exploratory study, using a survey disseminated through digital platforms. It was found that the prevalence of consumers of dietary supplements is increasing across the different age groups of the population, however with a higher incidence in women and younger individuals. The type of food supplements most purchased via the internet are proteins, vitamins and minerals, the latter two being the most consumed by the population. Most of the participants reported that, before purchasing, advice was given to the brand's websites or by health professionals and identified the fear of customs difficulties and the credibility of the information provided as the greatest difficulties experienced when purchasing via the internet. The use of dietary supplements in Portugal has enormous potential in terms of improving public health, namely because there is more and more information, however this same information needs to be increasingly studied, framed, and controlled by health professionals and by competent authorities, since accessibility to this type of product is greatly facilitated.
Orientação: Ana Sofia Fernandes ; coorientação: João Gregório