Colaboração entre a educadora da equipa local de intervenção precoce e a educadora da creche: das perspetivas às práticas dos intervenientes
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A identificação precoce, desde os primeiros anos, é fundamental para algumas crianças, para que
o seu desenvolvimento seja o mais adequado possível. Para tal, programas dirigidos para o seu
atendimento e educação até aos seis anos, com o objetivo de promover o seu desenvolvimento físico,
intelectual e social, bem como a preparação para a escola, são indispensáveis. Estes programas devem
desenvolver-se de forma global, combinando as atividades pré-escolares com os cuidados precoces de
saúde. Para estas crianças, a Creche, entendida como um contexto formal de educação, é um recurso
facilitador do seu desenvolvimento, nomeadamente pela interação e pelas experiências de cooperação que
lhes proporciona (Almeida, et al., 2011). É aprendendo umas com as outras que as crianças vão
desenvolvendo as suas potencialidades, ao seu ritmo, ao mesmo tempo que aprendem a ser solidárias e a
aceitar as diferenças que nos caracterizam. É, desta forma, que se constrói, desde cedo, uma educação
inclusiva. Assim, para que o programa de Intervenção Precoce, a par com a Creche, potenciem o
desenvolvimento da criança, é necessário que os profissionais diretamente envolvidos desenvolvam um
trabalho em colaboração. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, teve como objetivo geral analisar como se
processa a colaboração entre duas Educadoras de Infância, uma da Creche e outra da Equipa Local de
Intervenção, na intervenção que realizam com uma criança com Malformação de Dandy Walker. Como
técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados, utilizámos a pesquisa documental, a entrevista semidiretiva,
e a observação naturalista. A análise de conteúdo permitiu-nos tratar os dados recolhidos. A triangulação
dos dados analisados permitiu-nos perceber que a colaboração entre as duas Educadoras assenta numa boa
relação, norteada por objetivos comuns, com envolvimento das duas e do grupo de crianças nas atividades
dinamizadas. A colaboração entre as educadoras apresenta, no entanto, algumas lacunas relativamente à
planificação e avaliação do trabalho desenvolvido, associadas à falta de tempo da Educadora da Equipa
Local de Intervenção. Refletindo sobre essas conclusões, considera-se ser pertinente uma auscultação aos
profissionais de Intervenção Precoce, no sentido de uma possível reestruturação das Equipas Locais de
Intervenção, dotando-as de um acréscimo de recursos humanos, com o objetivo de reforçar a qualidade dos
seus serviços, de molde a que essa qualidade se reflita nas dinâmicas de colaboração com os parceiros
educativos envolvidos.
Early identification, since the early years, is essencial for some children, so that their development is as appropriate as possible. To this end, programs aimed at providing care and education for children up to six years old, with the aim of promoting their physical, intellectual and social development, as well as preparation for school, are indispensable. These programs should be developed globally, combining preschool activities with early health care. For these children, the nursery, understood as a formal context of education, is a facilitating resource for their development, namely through the interaction and cooperation experiences it provides (Almeida, et al., 2011). It is by learning from each other that children develop their potentialities at their own pace, while learning to be supportive and to accept the differences that characterize us. It is in this way that an inclusive education is built early on. Thus, for for the Early Intervention program, along with the Nursery, to enhance the child's development, it is necessary that the profissionals directly involved develop a collaborative teamwork. This qualitative study aimed to analyse how the collaboration between two Kindergarten Educators Local, one from the Nursery and the other from the Local Intervention Team, takes place in the intervention they carry out with a child with Dandy Walker Malformation. As data collection techniques and instruments, we used documentary research, semi-directive interview, and naturalistic observation. Content analysis allowed us to process the data collected. Its triangulation allowed us to process the data collected. Its triangulation allowed us to realize that the collaboration between the two Educators is based on a good relationship, guided by goals, with the involvement of both and the group of children in the dynamic activities; the collaboration between the educators, however, presents some gaps regarding the planning and evaluation of the work developed, associated with the lack of time of the educator of the Local Intervention Team. Reflecting on these conclusions, it is considered pertinent to consult the professionals of Early Intervention, in the sense of a possible restructuring of the Local Intervention Team, endowing them with an increase in human resources, in order to reinforce the quality of their services, so that this quality is reflected in the dynamics of collaboration with the educational partners involved.
Early identification, since the early years, is essencial for some children, so that their development is as appropriate as possible. To this end, programs aimed at providing care and education for children up to six years old, with the aim of promoting their physical, intellectual and social development, as well as preparation for school, are indispensable. These programs should be developed globally, combining preschool activities with early health care. For these children, the nursery, understood as a formal context of education, is a facilitating resource for their development, namely through the interaction and cooperation experiences it provides (Almeida, et al., 2011). It is by learning from each other that children develop their potentialities at their own pace, while learning to be supportive and to accept the differences that characterize us. It is in this way that an inclusive education is built early on. Thus, for for the Early Intervention program, along with the Nursery, to enhance the child's development, it is necessary that the profissionals directly involved develop a collaborative teamwork. This qualitative study aimed to analyse how the collaboration between two Kindergarten Educators Local, one from the Nursery and the other from the Local Intervention Team, takes place in the intervention they carry out with a child with Dandy Walker Malformation. As data collection techniques and instruments, we used documentary research, semi-directive interview, and naturalistic observation. Content analysis allowed us to process the data collected. Its triangulation allowed us to process the data collected. Its triangulation allowed us to realize that the collaboration between the two Educators is based on a good relationship, guided by goals, with the involvement of both and the group of children in the dynamic activities; the collaboration between the educators, however, presents some gaps regarding the planning and evaluation of the work developed, associated with the lack of time of the educator of the Local Intervention Team. Reflecting on these conclusions, it is considered pertinent to consult the professionals of Early Intervention, in the sense of a possible restructuring of the Local Intervention Team, endowing them with an increase in human resources, in order to reinforce the quality of their services, so that this quality is reflected in the dynamics of collaboration with the educational partners involved.
Orientação: Maria Odete Pereira da Silva Emygdio da Silva