Avaliação da adição ao exercício físico e da psicopatologia em praticantes de Crossfit
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A prática desportiva traz benefícios físicos e psicológicos a indivíduos
de diferentes faixas etárias, havendo, cada vez mais, um acesso generalizado
ao desporto através da implementação de novas modalidades desportivas. O
Crossfit é uma modalidade recente em Portugal, embora o seu conceito já
seja conhecido da maioria dos praticantes de desporto. O objetivo principal
deste modelo de treino é desenvolver a condição física de uma forma ampla,
ou seja, prepara os seus praticantes para qualquer contingência física; a
obtenção de resultados físicos é substancialmente menos morosa do que
através de outras modalidades, sendo principalmente por essa razão que
existem cada vez mais pessoas a aderir a esta modalidade.
O presente estudo justifica-se pela importância de compreender se os
indivíduos que dedicam parte do seu tempo à prática de Crossfit apresentam
níveis elevados de adição ao exercício físico e de psicopatologia.
Deste modo, a população deste estudo é constituída por 111
praticantes de Crossfit, com mais de 18 anos, de ambos os sexos. Foi
utilizado um protocolo do qual fazia parte um Questionário Sociodemográfico, o
Inventário de Sintomas Psicopatológicos e a Escala de Dependência ao
Exercício Físico. Como principal resultado podemos concluir que não existem
sinais de adição ao exercício físico nem de psicopatologia na amostra deste
The physical exercise brings physical and psychological benefits to individuals of different age groups, thus existing a more and more generalised access to sport through the implementation of new kinds of sport. Crossfit is a recent kind of sport in Portugal, although this concept is already known by the vast majority of sportspeople. The main objective of this training model is to develop physical condition in a broad way, that is, to prepare its practitioners to any physical contingency; the achievement of physical results is substantially less slow than through other kinds of sports, thus being this the main reason why there are more and more people who start practising this sport. The current study has been done for the importance there is to understand if the individuals that spend a considerable part of their time practising Crossfit present high levels of addiction to physical exercise and of psychopathology. Therefore, this study sample contains 111 Crossfit practitioners over 18 years old, from both genders. It was used a protocol composed by a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Brief Symptom Inventory and the Exercise Dependence Scale. As a main result we may conclude that there are neither signs of addiction to physical exercise nor of psychopathology in this study sample.
The physical exercise brings physical and psychological benefits to individuals of different age groups, thus existing a more and more generalised access to sport through the implementation of new kinds of sport. Crossfit is a recent kind of sport in Portugal, although this concept is already known by the vast majority of sportspeople. The main objective of this training model is to develop physical condition in a broad way, that is, to prepare its practitioners to any physical contingency; the achievement of physical results is substantially less slow than through other kinds of sports, thus being this the main reason why there are more and more people who start practising this sport. The current study has been done for the importance there is to understand if the individuals that spend a considerable part of their time practising Crossfit present high levels of addiction to physical exercise and of psychopathology. Therefore, this study sample contains 111 Crossfit practitioners over 18 years old, from both genders. It was used a protocol composed by a Sociodemographic Questionnaire, the Brief Symptom Inventory and the Exercise Dependence Scale. As a main result we may conclude that there are neither signs of addiction to physical exercise nor of psychopathology in this study sample.
Orientação: Ângela Leite