Futebol é saúde - intervenção na Dragon Force Porto
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O presente relatório de estágio é resultado da experiência vivida na escola de futebol Dragon
Force do Porto durante o ano letivo de 2020 e 2021. Este teve como objetivo utilizar parte
do Programa FITescola – uma bateria de testes de aptidão física para crianças e adolescentes
que inclui, entre outros, o índice de massa corporal (IMC), Teste de Agilidade 4x10 metros,
Teste de Agilidade 4x10 metros Adaptado com Bola (teste adaptado neste estágio,
especificamente, para realizar em futebol) e Teste de Impulsão Horizontal – para avaliar a
aptidão física dos atletas (sub7 e sub11) e refletir sobre o que pode ser feito na escola de
futebol, para a promoção da aptidão física dos alunos, considerando a importância da
atividade física e desportiva ao nível escolar, e da sua influência no desenvolvimento das
habilidades físicas e cognitivas dos alunos. Dentre os principais resultados encontrados nos
24 participantes, apenas 2 estavam com obesidade e 1 com excesso de peso, valores abaixo
da média portuguesa em crianças. Já no teste 4 x 10 sem bola, 80% das crianças estavam na
zona saudável. Apesar do tempo de confinamento e mesmo sendo realizadas aulas online
síncronas, esta ferramenta mostrou-se bastante útil em seu propósito, cumprindo seu objetivo
junto aos atletas avaliados.
This internship report is the result of the experience lived at the Dragon Force football school in Porto during the 2020 and 2021 school year. It aimed to use part of the FITescola Program - a battery of physical fitness tests for children and adolescents that includes , among others, the body mass index (BMI), 4x10 meters Agility Test, 4x10 meters Agility Test Adapted with Ball (test adapted specifically for this stage) and Horizontal Impulsion Test – to assess the physical fitness of athletes (sub7 and sub11) and reflect on what can be done in the football school, to promote the physical fitness of students, considering the importance of physical and sports activity at school level, and its influence on the development of physical and cognitive skills from the students. Among the main results found in the 24 participants, only 2 were obese and 1 was overweight, values below the Portuguese average in children. In the 4 x 10 test without the ball, 80% of the children were in the healthy zone. Despite the confinement time and even though synchronous online classes were held, this tool proved to be very useful in its purpose, fulfilling its objective with the evaluated athletes.
This internship report is the result of the experience lived at the Dragon Force football school in Porto during the 2020 and 2021 school year. It aimed to use part of the FITescola Program - a battery of physical fitness tests for children and adolescents that includes , among others, the body mass index (BMI), 4x10 meters Agility Test, 4x10 meters Agility Test Adapted with Ball (test adapted specifically for this stage) and Horizontal Impulsion Test – to assess the physical fitness of athletes (sub7 and sub11) and reflect on what can be done in the football school, to promote the physical fitness of students, considering the importance of physical and sports activity at school level, and its influence on the development of physical and cognitive skills from the students. Among the main results found in the 24 participants, only 2 were obese and 1 was overweight, values below the Portuguese average in children. In the 4 x 10 test without the ball, 80% of the children were in the healthy zone. Despite the confinement time and even though synchronous online classes were held, this tool proved to be very useful in its purpose, fulfilling its objective with the evaluated athletes.
Orientação: Eduardo Teixeira