A utilização de sistemas modulares e pré-fabricados para uma arquitetura mais eficiente
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Esta dissertação no âmbito do curso de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura da Universidade Lusófona pretende desenvolver um projeto arquitetónico de habitação, que investiga as possibilidades de uma arquitetura modular fortemente apoiada na pré-fabricação, e a sua repercussão na construção de uma arquitetura de qualidade e eficaz a vários níveis. Este trabalho iniciou-se em primeiro lugar com a disciplina de Métodos e Investigação, e foi depois desenvolvida no âmbito da disciplina de Projeto no 5 ano do curso acima referido. Queremos desenvolver um projeto de arquitetura no sentido de demonstrar que a utilização de estruturas modulares, e de elementos pré-fabricados, pode resultar em ganhos significativos na qualidade da construção, nos custos de materiais, nos custos energéticos e nos prazos da obra, o que pode ainda resultar em verdadeiros ganhos energéticos e da sustentabilidade. Iremos orientar a nossa investigação para o caso específico da habitação a custos controlados. Atualmente a sociedade encontra-se perante desafios ao nível ambiental, económico e social, provocando, entre outros aspetos, enormes dificuldades por parte da população em ter acesso a habitação digna, a um preço equilibrado, especialmente em áreas que se localizam perto dos grandes aglomerados urbanos. Pensamos ser importante investigar modos paralelos e alternativos de construção aos ditos modos mais tradicionais, no caso Português falamos da construção me alvenaria de tijolo furado, no sentido de tornar a edificação mais económica e viável, mas também mais sustentável em termos da sua construção e manutenção, sem que a qualidade seja penalizada. Iremos analisar alguns casos de estudo, como referência e exemplo das possibilidades e condicionantes ligadas a uma construção modular e, num segundo momento, desenvolver um projeto de arquitetura habitacional onde pretendemos demonstrar a viabilidade de uma resposta prática e projectual à problemática apresentada. Palavras-chave: Sistemas modulares, Pré-fabricados, Flexibilidade, Arquitetura modular.
This dissertation within the scope of the Integrated Master's in Architecture course at Universidade Lusófona aims to develop an architectural housing project, which investigates the possibilities of modular architecture heavily supported by prefabrication, and its impact on the construction of quality and effective architecture. at various levels. This work began first with the Methods and Research discipline, and was then developed within the Project discipline in the 5th year of the aforementioned course. We want to develop an architectural project in order to demonstrate that the use of modular structures and prefabricated elements can result in significant gains in construction quality, material costs, energy costs and construction deadlines, which it can also result in true energy and sustainability gains. We will focus our investigation on the specific case of affordable housing. Currently, society is facing challenges at an environmental, economic and social level, causing, among other aspects, enormous difficulties on the part of the population in accessing decent housing, at a balanced price, especially in areas that are located close to large agglomerations. urban. We think it is important to investigate parallel and alternative ways of construction to the so-called more traditional ways, in the Portuguese case we are talking about perforated brick masonry construction, in order to make the building more economical and viable, but also more sustainable in terms of its construction and maintenance. , without quality being penalized. We will analyze some case studies, as a reference and example of the possibilities and constraints linked to modular construction and, secondly, develop a housing architecture project where we intend to demonstrate the feasibility of a practical and design response to the problem presented. Keywords: Modular systems, Prefabricated, Flexibility, Modular architecture.
This dissertation within the scope of the Integrated Master's in Architecture course at Universidade Lusófona aims to develop an architectural housing project, which investigates the possibilities of modular architecture heavily supported by prefabrication, and its impact on the construction of quality and effective architecture. at various levels. This work began first with the Methods and Research discipline, and was then developed within the Project discipline in the 5th year of the aforementioned course. We want to develop an architectural project in order to demonstrate that the use of modular structures and prefabricated elements can result in significant gains in construction quality, material costs, energy costs and construction deadlines, which it can also result in true energy and sustainability gains. We will focus our investigation on the specific case of affordable housing. Currently, society is facing challenges at an environmental, economic and social level, causing, among other aspects, enormous difficulties on the part of the population in accessing decent housing, at a balanced price, especially in areas that are located close to large agglomerations. urban. We think it is important to investigate parallel and alternative ways of construction to the so-called more traditional ways, in the Portuguese case we are talking about perforated brick masonry construction, in order to make the building more economical and viable, but also more sustainable in terms of its construction and maintenance. , without quality being penalized. We will analyze some case studies, as a reference and example of the possibilities and constraints linked to modular construction and, secondly, develop a housing architecture project where we intend to demonstrate the feasibility of a practical and design response to the problem presented. Keywords: Modular systems, Prefabricated, Flexibility, Modular architecture.