Análise retrospectiva da casuística radiográfica de 3 anos num Hospital de referência belga
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A Radiografia é um método complementar de diagnóstico frequentemente utilizado
na prática clínica veterinária de equídeos. Esta técnica tem sofrido uma evolução constante
desde 1845, quando foi descrita pela primeira vez, sendo fundamental uma correta captação
de imagem e interpretação das mesmas. Tendo em conta que a claudicação é o principal
fator de consulta veterinária em equinos, pode-se afirmar que a radiologia é de extrema
importância, de modo a poder-se responder a uma cada vez mais elevada exigência
com este animal, que passou de selvagem a atleta de alta competição. Realizou-se um estudo
retrospectivo, englobando 938 animais admitidos no Pólo Equino da Universidade de
Liège, submetidos a estudo radiológico, com o objetivo de caracterizar a população, as
suas características e compará-la através de um questionário com populações de hospitais
de outras regiões distintas. Da totalidade dos exames analisados (n=938), podemos observar
que na sua maioria foram realizados nos membros anteriores, mais do lado direito que
no esquerdo, sendo a claudicação a principal causa de consulta. Em termos de comparação
com as populações de outros hospitais podemos observar algumas diferenças, consoante o
desporto que realizam e o tipo de hospital em questão, o que acaba por influenciar de certa
forma o motivo da consulta.
Radiography is an auxiliary diagnostic technique often used in equine veterinary practice. This technique was described for the first time in 1845, and has been developed ever since. Radiography is of extreme importance, to achieve the very high clinical standard that is demanded nowadays, after the evolution of the horse from wild animal to high performance athlete, because lameness is the main factor for equine veterinary consultation A retrospective study was done including 938 animals admitted to the Equine Complex, University of Liege, for a radiologic study with the objective of characterising the population, their characteristics, and compare using a questionnaire with different populations of hospitals in other countries. Of all tests analysed (n = 938), was observed that the majority were performed in the forelimbs, more on the right than on the left, and that the main cause of consultation was lameness. In terms of comparison with populations from other hospitals some differences where seen depending on the sport those animals performed, and the type of hospital in question, which ultimately influence somehow the causes of consultation.
Radiography is an auxiliary diagnostic technique often used in equine veterinary practice. This technique was described for the first time in 1845, and has been developed ever since. Radiography is of extreme importance, to achieve the very high clinical standard that is demanded nowadays, after the evolution of the horse from wild animal to high performance athlete, because lameness is the main factor for equine veterinary consultation A retrospective study was done including 938 animals admitted to the Equine Complex, University of Liege, for a radiologic study with the objective of characterising the population, their characteristics, and compare using a questionnaire with different populations of hospitals in other countries. Of all tests analysed (n = 938), was observed that the majority were performed in the forelimbs, more on the right than on the left, and that the main cause of consultation was lameness. In terms of comparison with populations from other hospitals some differences where seen depending on the sport those animals performed, and the type of hospital in question, which ultimately influence somehow the causes of consultation.
Orientação: João Brandão