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Cada vez mais a escola tem um papel preponderante na formação de futuros cidadãos, dotados de competências científicas e sociais, que lhes permita intervir e transformar os seus contextos: a sociedade de que fazem parte. Contudo, não é possível conceber ações de intervenção ou transformação sem que exista inclusão nessa mesma sociedade. Esta condição leva-nos, de novo, ao ponto de partida: a escola. Posto isto, é fundamental que a escola assuma a educação numa perspetiva de inclusão, pois só desta forma estará a cumprir o seu verdadeiro papel.
Neste sentido, o presente relatório compreende as diversas etapas de um trabalho de projeto de investigação-ação, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Especial - Domínio Cognitivo e Motor. Com ele pretendeu-se elaborar uma investigação-ação numa turma do sexto ano do 2.º ciclo do ensino Básico, com vários casos emergentes de alunos com problemáticas distintas. As diferentes problemáticas base dos alunos provocavam neles uma constante desmotivação, em relação ao seu processo de aprendizagem, encontrando-se numa situação de grandes dificuldades de aprendizagem que comprometiam o seu sucesso no final de ciclo. O grupo/turma evidenciava também uma dinâmica pouco positiva, encontrando-se numa espiral decrescente de desânimo e desinteresse pelas atividades letivas e até pelas relações entre os vários indivíduos do grupo. Neste sentido, o objetivo primordial deste projeto é promover a inclusão através da cooperação, da entreajuda e da partilha, dotando os alunos de capacidades de espírito crítico e de reflexão, fomentando o desenvolvimento da metacognição. Posto isto, pretende-se que a par do desenvolvimento de competências académicas, os alunos da turma desenvolvam valores como a fraternidade e a solidariedade que lhes permitam crescer em termos sociomorais, assumindo um papel ativo tanto no seu processo de aprendizagem como no dos demais.
The school has an increasingly leading role in the development of future citizens, endowed with scientific and social skills, which allows them to intervene and transform their contexts: the society they are part of. However, it is not possible to conceive actions of intervention or transformation with the absence of inclusion in that same society. This condition takes us back to the starting point: the school. Therefore, it is crucial that the school regards education in a perspective of inclusion, because only this way will it fulfill its true role. As a result, the present report covers the various stages of a research-action project, within the framework of the master's degree in special education-cognitive and Motor Domain. It was intended to establish a research-action in a sixth year of the second cycle of basic education class, with several emerging cases of students with different issues. The different problematic student base caused them a constant lack of motivation, concerning their learning process, putting them in a situation of major learning difficulties which were clouding their success at the end of the cycle. The group/class also showed a poor dynamic, revealing a descending spiral of discouragement and disengagement in the school activities and in the relationships between the various individuals in the group. In this sense, the primary objective of this project is to promote inclusion through cooperation, assistance and sharing, providing the students with critical and reflection skills and encouraging the development of metacognition. Having said that, alongside with the development of academic skills, the students are expected to develop values such as fraternity and solidarity which allow them to grow in social and moral conscience terms, assuming an active role both in their own learning process and in that of others.
The school has an increasingly leading role in the development of future citizens, endowed with scientific and social skills, which allows them to intervene and transform their contexts: the society they are part of. However, it is not possible to conceive actions of intervention or transformation with the absence of inclusion in that same society. This condition takes us back to the starting point: the school. Therefore, it is crucial that the school regards education in a perspective of inclusion, because only this way will it fulfill its true role. As a result, the present report covers the various stages of a research-action project, within the framework of the master's degree in special education-cognitive and Motor Domain. It was intended to establish a research-action in a sixth year of the second cycle of basic education class, with several emerging cases of students with different issues. The different problematic student base caused them a constant lack of motivation, concerning their learning process, putting them in a situation of major learning difficulties which were clouding their success at the end of the cycle. The group/class also showed a poor dynamic, revealing a descending spiral of discouragement and disengagement in the school activities and in the relationships between the various individuals in the group. In this sense, the primary objective of this project is to promote inclusion through cooperation, assistance and sharing, providing the students with critical and reflection skills and encouraging the development of metacognition. Having said that, alongside with the development of academic skills, the students are expected to develop values such as fraternity and solidarity which allow them to grow in social and moral conscience terms, assuming an active role both in their own learning process and in that of others.
Orientação: Filomena de Lurdes Tomé
do Rosário Pereira Serralha