Análise da performance reprodutiva em porcas inseminadas com duas técnicas diferentes de inseminação artificial
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A inseminação artificial surge como técnica reprodutiva em espécies de animais de produção no início do séc. XX. Só em meados dos anos oitenta do mesmo século, a inseminação artificial deu os primeiros passos em Portugal e nos dias de hoje é uma ferramenta fundamental na reprodução da suinicultura moderna em Portugal e no resto do mundo. Dentro da inseminação artificial destacam-se duas técnicas que são as mais utilizadas neste momento nas diversas explorações de suínos, a técnica de inseminação pós-cervical e a técnica cervical, sendo que a técnica pós-cervical permite utilizar metade da dose da cervical e com isso obter vantagens económicas e maior difusão do progresso genético. O objectivo deste trabalho foi permitir a comparação da taxa de fertilidade e prolificidade obtidas com a utilização de cada uma das técnicas, assim para a técnica pós-cervical obteve-se uma taxa de fertilidade média de 95,28%, e uma prolificidade de 11,93 leitões nascidos por porca. Na técnica cervical a taxa de fertilidade foi de 96,4% e a prolificidade média foi de 11,64 leitões nascidos por porca. No entanto, as diferenças registadas não são significativas em termos de resultados reprodutivos, o que permite concluir que não há diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os resultados das duas técnicas de IA. Assim sendo, o uso da técnica de IA pós cervical permite obter iguais resultados com menores custos económicos de IA e uma maior difusão do progresso genético dos reprodutores.
Artificial insemination as a reproductive technique in animal species production appears at the beginning of the XX century. Only in the mid eighties of that century, artificial insemination has taken the first steps in Portugal. Nowadays AI is a fundamental tool in the field of play in modern pig production in Portugal and the rest of the world. Within the AI stand out two techniques that are currently widely used in several pig farms, the technique of post-cervical insemination and the cervical technique. The post-cervical technique allows you to use half the dose of the cervical and thus economic advantage and greater dissemination of genetic improvement. The aim of this work was to allow comparison of fertility rate and prolificacy obtained with the use of each technique, so for post-cervical technique resulted in an fertility rate of 95.28% and an average litter size of 11.93 piglets per sow and for cervical technique, results in a fertility rate of 96.4% and the prolificacy average was 11.64 piglets per sow. However, the reported differences are not significant in terms of reproductive outcomes, allowing us to conclude that there is no statistically significant differences between the results of the two techniques. Therefore, the use of the post- cervical AI technique allows for equal results with lower economic costs of AI and a greater diffusion of genetic progress from breeding.
Artificial insemination as a reproductive technique in animal species production appears at the beginning of the XX century. Only in the mid eighties of that century, artificial insemination has taken the first steps in Portugal. Nowadays AI is a fundamental tool in the field of play in modern pig production in Portugal and the rest of the world. Within the AI stand out two techniques that are currently widely used in several pig farms, the technique of post-cervical insemination and the cervical technique. The post-cervical technique allows you to use half the dose of the cervical and thus economic advantage and greater dissemination of genetic improvement. The aim of this work was to allow comparison of fertility rate and prolificacy obtained with the use of each technique, so for post-cervical technique resulted in an fertility rate of 95.28% and an average litter size of 11.93 piglets per sow and for cervical technique, results in a fertility rate of 96.4% and the prolificacy average was 11.64 piglets per sow. However, the reported differences are not significant in terms of reproductive outcomes, allowing us to conclude that there is no statistically significant differences between the results of the two techniques. Therefore, the use of the post- cervical AI technique allows for equal results with lower economic costs of AI and a greater diffusion of genetic progress from breeding.
Orientação: Pedro Miguel Silvério Lopes ; co-orientação: Ângela Dâmaso