Contribuição para o estudo das parasitoses gastrointestinais em ovinos
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O papel preponderante que a indústria agropecuária desempenha na economia nacional e mundial é inegável. Exemplo disso é o comércio de ovinos, cujo crescente valor associado à carne e ao leite está nos dias de hoje aliado a uma crescente demanda por produtos de alta qualidade, o que implica que todas as etapas de produção sejam regidas pelo rigor na monitorização de um elevado número de parâmetros.
A ocorrência de infeções por parasitas gastrointestinais constitui um fator comprometedor dessa qualidade, estando frequentemente associado a perdas nos índices produtivos.
Este estudo exploratório realizado em quatro grupos de borregos teve como objetivo a determinação da prevalência de parasitas gastrointestinais em animais num estado prévio à sua exportação através de técnicas coprológicas, a técnica de flutuação, a técnica de sedimentação e a técnica de McMaster.
Os resultados revelaram a presença de ovos estrongilídeos, oocistos de Eimeria spp. e ovos de Moniezia spp. no total dos oitocentos e oitenta e três animais que fizeram parte deste estudo. Por outro lado, embora se tenha registado a ocorrência de infeções moderadas por Moniezia spp. em algumas amostras, apenas a infeção por Eimeria spp., demonstrou níveis de parasitismo considerados graves.
Com base nas observações, e embora não tenha sido encontrada relação significativa entre a carga parasitária e a proveniência dos animais, recomendou-se a realização de diagnósticos parasitológicos à chegada dos animais à exploração como forma de separação dos indivíduos parasitados.
Outros fatores como, o maior controlo de condições higiénicas, diminuição do stress e reforços nutricionais constituem medidas com potencial profilático principalmente na transmissão de protozoários como as coccidias. Para além disso, a introdução de fármacos coccidiostáticos ou coccidicidas no plano profilático dos animais pode constituir uma vantagem quando as coccidioses representam uma ameaça e os antihelmínticos não têm nenhuma eficácia e estão restritos ao controlo dos nematodes.
The predominant role the farming industry plays in the national and world economy is undeniable. An example of that is sheep trade, whose growing value associated with meat and milk is nowadays coupled with an increasing demand for high quality products, which implies that all stages of production are conducted with accuracy, by monitoring a high number of parameters. The occurrence of infections by gastrointestinal parasites is a compromising factor of quality, being frequently associated with losses in the production indexes. This exploratory study carried out in four groups of lambs aimed at determining the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in animals, prior to their export through coprological techniques, the flotation technique, the sedimentation technique and the McMaster technique. The results revealed the presence of strongylid and Moniezia spp. eggs as well as Eimeria spp. oocysts in total eight hundred and eighty-three animals that were part of this study. On the other hand, although moderate infections by Moniezia spp. were observed in some samples, only the infection by Eimeria spp. demonstrated severe levels of parasitism. Based on this, and although no significant relation was found between the parasitic load and the provenance of the animals, it was recommended to carry out parasitological diagnoses upon the arrival of the animals to the farm as a way of separating the parasitized individuals. Other facts with greater control of hygienic conditions, reduction of stress and nutritional reinforcements are measures with a prophylatic potential, mainly in the transmission of parasites such as coccidias. In addition, the introduction of coccidiostatic or coccidicidal drugs in the animals prophylactic plan may constitute an additional advantage when coccidiosis are a threat and the use of anthelmintics has no efficacy and is restricted to the control of nematodes.
The predominant role the farming industry plays in the national and world economy is undeniable. An example of that is sheep trade, whose growing value associated with meat and milk is nowadays coupled with an increasing demand for high quality products, which implies that all stages of production are conducted with accuracy, by monitoring a high number of parameters. The occurrence of infections by gastrointestinal parasites is a compromising factor of quality, being frequently associated with losses in the production indexes. This exploratory study carried out in four groups of lambs aimed at determining the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in animals, prior to their export through coprological techniques, the flotation technique, the sedimentation technique and the McMaster technique. The results revealed the presence of strongylid and Moniezia spp. eggs as well as Eimeria spp. oocysts in total eight hundred and eighty-three animals that were part of this study. On the other hand, although moderate infections by Moniezia spp. were observed in some samples, only the infection by Eimeria spp. demonstrated severe levels of parasitism. Based on this, and although no significant relation was found between the parasitic load and the provenance of the animals, it was recommended to carry out parasitological diagnoses upon the arrival of the animals to the farm as a way of separating the parasitized individuals. Other facts with greater control of hygienic conditions, reduction of stress and nutritional reinforcements are measures with a prophylatic potential, mainly in the transmission of parasites such as coccidias. In addition, the introduction of coccidiostatic or coccidicidal drugs in the animals prophylactic plan may constitute an additional advantage when coccidiosis are a threat and the use of anthelmintics has no efficacy and is restricted to the control of nematodes.
Orientação: Ana Araújo Munhoz ; co-orientação: João Paisana