Abandono e desistência da intervenção em perpetradores de violência nas relações de intimidade : revisão sistemática da literatura
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A literatura acerca da intervenção com perpetradores de violência nas relações de
intimidade (VRI) tem revelado elevadas taxas de abandono, às quais se associam a uma
maior probabilidade de reincidência criminal. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em
analisar as taxas de abandono e identificar as variáveis (sociodemográficas, jurídico penais, individuais e fatores externos) associadas ao abandono de programas de
intervenção para perpetradores de VRI. Para o efeito, procedeu-se à realização de uma
revisão sistemática da literatura publicada entre 2010 e 2021. Utilizou-se a seguinte
equação de pesquisa: (“intimate partner violence” OR “domestic violence” OR “spouse
abuse”) AND (intervention OR treatment OR program OR rehabilitation) AND (dropout
OR attrition OR completion). Da pesquisa resultaram 1241 artigos, dos quais 31 foram
incluídos na presente revisão sistemática. Os resultados desta revisão apontam para taxas
de abandono entre os 0.33% e os 67.5%. Os resultados mostram ainda a existência de
quatro categorias de variáveis associadas ao abandono em programas de intervenção com
perpetradores de VRI, sendo as variáveis sociodemográficas as mais estudadas nos
diferentes estudos, seguidas das variáveis individuais, das variáveis relacionadas com a
violência e por fim dos fatores externos ao sujeito. De entre estas, as variáveis mais
associadas ao abandono são o consumo de substâncias, desemprego, idade jovem, estado
civil solteiro, baixa escolaridade, perturbação mental e história criminal. Apesar dos
resultados controversos sobre a eficácia dos programas de intervenção com ofensores
conjugais, vale evidenciar a relevância do desenvolvimento e implementação de programas
de reeducação sobre violência nas relações de intimidade, de modo a proteger as vítimas e
consequentemente reduzir a reincidência.
The literature on intervention with perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) has revealed high dropout rates, as it is associated with a higher probability of criminal recidivism. The goal of this work is to analyze the rates of dropout, identify the variables (sociodemographic, violence related, individuals and external factors) associated with dropout from intervention programs for IPV perpetrators. For the matter, a sistematic review published between 2010 and 2021 was carried out. The following research was used: (“intimate partner violence” OR “domestic violence” OR “spouse abuse”) AND (intervention OR treatment OR program OR rehabilitation) AND (dropout OR attrition OR completion). The review resulted in 1241 articles, of which 31 were included in the present systematic review. The results of this review point to dropout rates between 0.33% and 67.5%. The results also show the existence of four categories of variables associated with dropout in intervention programs with perpetrators of IPV, with sociodemographic variables being the most studied, followed by individuals variables, variables related to violence and factors external to the subject. Among these, the variables most associated with dropout are substance use, unemployment, young age, single marital status, low education, mental disorder and criminal history. Despite the controversial results on the effectiveness of intervention programs with marital offenders, it is worth highlighting the relevance of the development and implementation of re-education programs on violence in intimate relationships in order to protect victims and consequently reduce redidivism.
The literature on intervention with perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) has revealed high dropout rates, as it is associated with a higher probability of criminal recidivism. The goal of this work is to analyze the rates of dropout, identify the variables (sociodemographic, violence related, individuals and external factors) associated with dropout from intervention programs for IPV perpetrators. For the matter, a sistematic review published between 2010 and 2021 was carried out. The following research was used: (“intimate partner violence” OR “domestic violence” OR “spouse abuse”) AND (intervention OR treatment OR program OR rehabilitation) AND (dropout OR attrition OR completion). The review resulted in 1241 articles, of which 31 were included in the present systematic review. The results of this review point to dropout rates between 0.33% and 67.5%. The results also show the existence of four categories of variables associated with dropout in intervention programs with perpetrators of IPV, with sociodemographic variables being the most studied, followed by individuals variables, variables related to violence and factors external to the subject. Among these, the variables most associated with dropout are substance use, unemployment, young age, single marital status, low education, mental disorder and criminal history. Despite the controversial results on the effectiveness of intervention programs with marital offenders, it is worth highlighting the relevance of the development and implementation of re-education programs on violence in intimate relationships in order to protect victims and consequently reduce redidivism.
Orientação: Olga Cunha