Avaliação da regulamentação sobre proteção de incêndios em áreas comuns (zonas industriais)
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A indústria é um dos motores económicos e de desenvolvimento de um país, sendo em Portugal
responsável por cerca de um quarto do emprego e um quinto do PIB.
A Segurança Contra Incêndios é algo que preocupa o legislador e tem vindo a evoluir ao longo
dos tempos. Esta área, tem sido pensada e legislada ao nível do edificado como unidade de
construção com alguma preocupação para as construções contiguas. Contudo não se verifica uma
preocupação concreta com as áreas comuns.
As alterações climáticas têm vindo a notar-se com maior frequência e com consequências para
a sociedade muitas vezes nefastas. Em Portugal, no ano de 2017 verificaram-se em duas épocas
distintas, junho e outubro, condições meteorológicas extremas que condicionaram a forma como
os incêndios florestais evoluíram, ultrapassando as capacidades para o combate e para a proteção
de pessoas e bens. Assistiu-se na sequência destes incêndios a afetação de algumas zonas
empresariais com a destruição completa ou parcial de grande parte de unidades industriais,
comerciais e de armazenagem. No presente trabalho estas áreas passarão a receber a designação
geral de zonas industriais, que compreende também as denominadas como parques e áreas
Verificando que em situações extremas não houve capacidade de combate e proteção contra
incêndios das zonas industriais, surgiu a necessidade de pensar e estudar o assunto. Foram
estudados e analisados estes incêndios por várias entidades, como a Comissão Técnica
Independente (CTI) e o Centro de Estudos Sobre Incêndios Florestais. Da leitura do relatório da CTI
sobre os incêndios de 15 de outubro de 2017, surgiu a ideia de estudar uma questão específica que
é a regulamentação sobre proteção contra incêndios em áreas comuns das zonas industriais.
Industry is one of the economic and development drivers of a country, being responsible in Portugal for about a quarter of employment and a fifth of GDP. Fire Safety is something that concerns the legislator and has evolved over time. This area has been conceived and legislated at the building level as a construction unit with some concern for contiguous constructions. However, there is no real concern with the common areas. Climate change has been noted more frequently and with consequences for society that are often harmful. In Portugal, in the year 2017, in two different seasons, June and October, there were extreme weather conditions that conditioned the way forest fires evolved, overcoming the capacities to fight and to protect people and property. As a result of these fires, there was the impact of some business areas with the complete or partial destruction of most industrial, comercial and storage units. In the present work, these areas will receive the general designation of industrial zones, which also includes those called parks and industrial areas. Noting that, in that extreme situations, there was no capacity to fight and protect against fires in industrial areas, the need arose to think and study the subject. These fires were studied and analyzed by various entities, such as the Independent Technical Commission (ITC) and the Center for Studies on Forest Fires. From reading the ITC report on fires of October 15, 2017, the idea arose to study a specific issue that is the regulation on fire protection in common areas of industrial zones.
Industry is one of the economic and development drivers of a country, being responsible in Portugal for about a quarter of employment and a fifth of GDP. Fire Safety is something that concerns the legislator and has evolved over time. This area has been conceived and legislated at the building level as a construction unit with some concern for contiguous constructions. However, there is no real concern with the common areas. Climate change has been noted more frequently and with consequences for society that are often harmful. In Portugal, in the year 2017, in two different seasons, June and October, there were extreme weather conditions that conditioned the way forest fires evolved, overcoming the capacities to fight and to protect people and property. As a result of these fires, there was the impact of some business areas with the complete or partial destruction of most industrial, comercial and storage units. In the present work, these areas will receive the general designation of industrial zones, which also includes those called parks and industrial areas. Noting that, in that extreme situations, there was no capacity to fight and protect against fires in industrial areas, the need arose to think and study the subject. These fires were studied and analyzed by various entities, such as the Independent Technical Commission (ITC) and the Center for Studies on Forest Fires. From reading the ITC report on fires of October 15, 2017, the idea arose to study a specific issue that is the regulation on fire protection in common areas of industrial zones.
Orientação: Joaquim Luís Pais Barbosa