Equidade nos museus para pessoas cegas e normovisuais : novas etapas infoinclusivas ao nível tiflocientífico /1.º Museu Tiflológico em Portugal – Castelo de Vide
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A equidade nos museus para as pessoas cegas e normovisuais é a expressão sociomuseológica equitativa, ou questão de partida em pesquisa, investigação e desenvolvimento, que sustenta a conceitualidade e a metodologia organizacional e científica desta Tese de Doutoramento, sendo, nesta dimensão e perspetiva, que nos decidimos realizá-la. Esta trajetória dimensional e de incidência, de acordo com a saturabilidade de pesquisa que conseguimos efetuar, não nos parece ter precedentes análogos, essencialmente ao nível da experiência viva e confirmada, validada e aplicada à Sociomuseologia, pensada para todos e com especial enfoque na acessibilidade e usabilidade cognitivas nos museus, cujas políticas funcionais e operacionais assentam nos princípios básicos e dinamizadores da equidade alargada ao público-alvo em referência, pessoas cegas e pessoas sem essas limitações sensoriais, permitindo-lhes usufruírem, nas visitas aos museus, de um plano de igualdade em direitos e oportunidades, qualidade no prazer observacional e de intelecção. Os passos formais, no plano prático, e de conteúdo intelectual, em termos sistemático normativos e cognitivos, os seis Capítulos, que fundamentam e estruturam esta Tese, são, em nossa opinião, fundamentos estruturantes bem elucidativos e demonstrativos da nossa constatação e convicção da realidade anómala e excludente que tem vindo a ser oferecida pela generalidade dos museus aos cidadãos que, sob o ponto de vista anatómico, não veem e os que veem, nesta aceção procurando espelhar o nosso propósito metodológico e científico no encaminhamento e afunilamento do nosso alicerçado e comprovado pensamento para uma síntese integradora em reflexões e considerações finais, salientando e justificando a inequívoca importância, a nosso ver, desta investigação, que profundamente nos atraiu e envolveu, a qual muito desejamos que venha a ser profícua em posteriores etapas equitativas a prosseguir. Palavras-Chave: Sociomuseologia equitativa, Equidade, Inclusão, Tifloinclusão, Tiflologia/Tiflociência
Equity in museums for blind and visually impaired people is the equitable sociomuseological expression, or starting point in research, investigation and development, which supports the conceptuality and organizational and scientific methodology of this Doctoral Thesis, being, in this dimension and perspective, that we decided to do it. This dimensional and incidence trajectory, according to the saturability of the research that we were able to carry out, does not seem to us to have analogous precedents, essentially at the level of live and confirmed experience, validated and applied to sociomuseology, designed for everyone and with a special focus on accessibility and cognitive usability in museums, whose functional and operational policies are based on the basic and driving principles of equity extended to the target audience in question, blind people and people without these sensory limitations, allowing them to enjoy, in museum visits, an equality plan in rights and opportunities, quality in observational and intellectual pleasure. The formal steps, on a practical level, and of intellectual content, in normative and cognitive systematic terms, the six Chapters, which support and structure this Thesis, are structuring foundations that are very elucidative and demonstrative of our observation and conviction of the anomalous and excluding reality that has being offered by most museums to citizens who, from an anatomical point of view, do not see and those who do, in this sense seeking to mirror our methodological and scientific purpose in directing and funneling our grounded and proven thinking towards an integrative synthesis in reflections and final considerations, emphasizing and justifying the unequivocal importance, in our view, of this investigation, which deeply attracted and involved us, which we very much hope will be fruitful in subsequent equitable stages to proceed. Keywords: Equitable sociomuseology, Equity, Inclusion, Typhloinclusion, Typhlology
Equity in museums for blind and visually impaired people is the equitable sociomuseological expression, or starting point in research, investigation and development, which supports the conceptuality and organizational and scientific methodology of this Doctoral Thesis, being, in this dimension and perspective, that we decided to do it. This dimensional and incidence trajectory, according to the saturability of the research that we were able to carry out, does not seem to us to have analogous precedents, essentially at the level of live and confirmed experience, validated and applied to sociomuseology, designed for everyone and with a special focus on accessibility and cognitive usability in museums, whose functional and operational policies are based on the basic and driving principles of equity extended to the target audience in question, blind people and people without these sensory limitations, allowing them to enjoy, in museum visits, an equality plan in rights and opportunities, quality in observational and intellectual pleasure. The formal steps, on a practical level, and of intellectual content, in normative and cognitive systematic terms, the six Chapters, which support and structure this Thesis, are structuring foundations that are very elucidative and demonstrative of our observation and conviction of the anomalous and excluding reality that has being offered by most museums to citizens who, from an anatomical point of view, do not see and those who do, in this sense seeking to mirror our methodological and scientific purpose in directing and funneling our grounded and proven thinking towards an integrative synthesis in reflections and final considerations, emphasizing and justifying the unequivocal importance, in our view, of this investigation, which deeply attracted and involved us, which we very much hope will be fruitful in subsequent equitable stages to proceed. Keywords: Equitable sociomuseology, Equity, Inclusion, Typhloinclusion, Typhlology