Queratoconjutivite seca quantitativa em cães : estudo retrospetivo
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A queratoconjuntivite seca quantitativa, resulta da deficiência da porção aquosa do filme lacrimal. No cão, além de ser uma doença frequente, pode comprometer a visão e o bem-estar animal. Possui múltiplas causas descritas na literatura, sendo a etiologia imunomediada a mais comum. Pode ter uma apresentação uni ou bilateral. O diagnóstico é feito através dos sinais clínicos e do Teste lacrimal de Schirmer <15mm/min. Este estudo retrospetivo teve como objetivo caracterizar os 222 cães diagnosticados com queratoconjuntivite seca quantitativa no Anicura Restelo Hospital Veterinário, entre 1 de Janeiro de 2018 a 31 de Dezembro de 2022. Da população em estudo, os machos férteis e as fêmeas esterilizadas foram os mais acometidos com a doença. Houve uma maior prevalência de animais de raça Bulldog Francês, Shih-Tzu, Pug, Yorkshire Terrier e sem raça definida. A idade média ao diagnóstico foi de 7,41±3,94, ocorrendo sobretudo em animais geriátricos, apresentando uma distribuição ocular predominantemente bilateral (59%). A etiologia mais frequente foi a imunomediada, constituiu 85,6% da amostra. O corrimento ocular foi o sinal clínico mais frequente e o tratamento foi instituído tendo em conta a gravidade e a sintomatologia, passou essencialmente pela administração de lacrimoestimulantes, lacromiméticos e quando necessário antibioterapia. No presente estudo concluiu-se que, a queratoconjuntivite seca acomete tanto raças puras como raças indefinidas e afeta principalmente cães com idade mais avançada. Demonstrou-se ainda que as raças braquicéfalas Bulldog francês, Shih-Tzu e Pug são as mais afetadas por esta doença e também as mais predispostas à formação de queratite pigmentar e de úlceras de córnea. A maioria dos animais apresentou pior resposta ao tratamento apresentavam ao diagnóstico uma queratoconjuntivite seca severa. Palavras-chave: queratoconjuntivite seca; filme lacrimal; teste lacrimal de schirmer; lacrimoestimulantes; imunomediada.
Quantitative keratoconjunctivitis sicca results from deficiency of the aqueous portion of the tear film. In dogs, in addition to being a frequent disease, it can compromise vision and animal welfare. It has multiple causes described in the literature and the most common one is known as immune-mediated. It can have a unilateral or bilateral presentation and the diagnosis is made through clinical signs and the Schirmer tear test. This retrospective study had the objective to characterize the 222 dogs diagnosed with quantitative keratoconjunctivitis sicca at the Anicura Restelo Veterinary Hospital, between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2022. The study population shows fertile males and sterilized females were the most affected by the disease. There was a higher prevalence of French Bulldog, Shih-Tzu, Pug, Yorkshire Terrier and mixed breed animals. The average age at diagnosis was 7.41±3.94, occurring mainly in geriatric animals with a predominantly bilateral ocular distribution (59%). The most frequent etiology was immune-mediated, constituting 85.6% of the sample. Ocular discharge was the most frequent clinical sign and treatment was instituted taking into account the severity and symptomatology, essentially involving the administration of lacrimation stimulants, lacromimetics and, when necessary, antibiotics as well. In the present study it was concluded that keratoconjunctivitis sicca affects both purebred and undefined breeds and mainly affects older dogs are the main target of the illness. It had also been proved that the brachycephalic breeds French Bulldog, Shih-Tzu and Pug are the most affected by this disease and also the most predisposed to the formation of pigmentary keratitis and secondary corneal ulcers. Most of the animals that showed the worst response to treatment had severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca at diagnosis. Keywords: keratoconjunctivitis sicca; tear film; Schirmer's tear test; tear stimulants; immune-mediated.
Quantitative keratoconjunctivitis sicca results from deficiency of the aqueous portion of the tear film. In dogs, in addition to being a frequent disease, it can compromise vision and animal welfare. It has multiple causes described in the literature and the most common one is known as immune-mediated. It can have a unilateral or bilateral presentation and the diagnosis is made through clinical signs and the Schirmer tear test. This retrospective study had the objective to characterize the 222 dogs diagnosed with quantitative keratoconjunctivitis sicca at the Anicura Restelo Veterinary Hospital, between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2022. The study population shows fertile males and sterilized females were the most affected by the disease. There was a higher prevalence of French Bulldog, Shih-Tzu, Pug, Yorkshire Terrier and mixed breed animals. The average age at diagnosis was 7.41±3.94, occurring mainly in geriatric animals with a predominantly bilateral ocular distribution (59%). The most frequent etiology was immune-mediated, constituting 85.6% of the sample. Ocular discharge was the most frequent clinical sign and treatment was instituted taking into account the severity and symptomatology, essentially involving the administration of lacrimation stimulants, lacromimetics and, when necessary, antibiotics as well. In the present study it was concluded that keratoconjunctivitis sicca affects both purebred and undefined breeds and mainly affects older dogs are the main target of the illness. It had also been proved that the brachycephalic breeds French Bulldog, Shih-Tzu and Pug are the most affected by this disease and also the most predisposed to the formation of pigmentary keratitis and secondary corneal ulcers. Most of the animals that showed the worst response to treatment had severe keratoconjunctivitis sicca at diagnosis. Keywords: keratoconjunctivitis sicca; tear film; Schirmer's tear test; tear stimulants; immune-mediated.