Capacidade para amar e qualidade das relações amorosas
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O amor é algo que nos acompanha ao longo do nosso ciclo vital, sendo um construto
que depende da perceção individual de cada um. Existem alguns componentes importantes
para se manter um relacionamento amoroso satisfatório, como por exemplo o suporte
emocional, que tem um impacto positivo na díade conjugal e a satisfação e qualidade das
relações, que têm influência na estabilidade e durabilidade da mesma. A capacidade para
amar engloba um conjunto de características promissoras de satisfação no relacionamento
amoroso. Os objetivos do presente estudo são avaliar as diferenças da capacidade para
amar em função do género, explorar a relação entre a capacidade para amar e a qualidade
das relações amorosas, e ainda testar os principais preditores de satisfação com a relação,
bem como, de conflito, suporte e profundidade na mesma. A amostra foi constituída por
643 participantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 74 anos, que se encontravam
numa relação. Os principais resultados indicaram que o género não tem um efeito
significativo na capacidade para amar. Também foi possível verificar que a idade, o
número de filhos, o tempo de relação e a satisfação com a mesma associam-se
significativamente com a qualidade das relações amorosas. Para além disto, também se
pôde constatar que existem preditores envolvidos na satisfação, no suporte, no conflito e na
profundidade na relação. A idade parece ser um preditor negativo de satisfação com a
relação, enquanto que, a confiança básica, a procura por um eu ideal e pertencer ao género
masculino são preditores positivos. A confiança básica é ainda um preditor positivo de
suporte na relação e negativo no conflito. A idade é também um preditor positivo de
conflito, no entanto, a permanência da paixão prediz de forma negativa esta dimensão.
Finalmente, a idade e o eu ideal predizem positivamente a perceção de profundidade na
relação amorosa. Posto isto, foram discutidos estes resultados, em que se sublinha a
importância de determinados aspetos para um relacionamento saudável
Love is something that comes with us throughout our life cycle, being a construct that depends on each individual’s perception. There are some important components to keep a satisfying loving relationship such as an emotional support that has a positive impact on marital duo, and satisfaction and relationships quality, wich have an influence on its stability and durability. The ability to love includes a set of promising characteristics of satisfaction in the loving relationship. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the diferences in the ability to love according to gender, explore the relation between the ability to love and the quality of loving relationship, and also test the main predictors of relationship satisfaction, as well as conflict, support and depth in it. The sample was made by 643 subjects, aged between 18 and 74 years, who were in a relationship. The main results indicated that gender does not have a significant effect on the capability to love. It was also possible to verify that the age, number of children, time of relationship and satisfaction with it, have a significant influence on the loving relationships quality. In addition, it was also observed that there are predictors involved in satisfaction with the relationship, in support, conflict and depth in it. The age seems to be a negative predictor of relationship satisfaction, while the basic trust, looking for an ideal self and being a male are positive predictors. Basic trust is a positive predictor in relationship support and negative in conflict. Age is also a positive predictor of conflict, however, the passion permanency predicts this dimension in a negative way. Finally, age and ideal self positively predicts depth perception in loving relationship. Therefore, these results were discussed, in which we highlight the importance of certain details for a healthy relationship.
Love is something that comes with us throughout our life cycle, being a construct that depends on each individual’s perception. There are some important components to keep a satisfying loving relationship such as an emotional support that has a positive impact on marital duo, and satisfaction and relationships quality, wich have an influence on its stability and durability. The ability to love includes a set of promising characteristics of satisfaction in the loving relationship. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the diferences in the ability to love according to gender, explore the relation between the ability to love and the quality of loving relationship, and also test the main predictors of relationship satisfaction, as well as conflict, support and depth in it. The sample was made by 643 subjects, aged between 18 and 74 years, who were in a relationship. The main results indicated that gender does not have a significant effect on the capability to love. It was also possible to verify that the age, number of children, time of relationship and satisfaction with it, have a significant influence on the loving relationships quality. In addition, it was also observed that there are predictors involved in satisfaction with the relationship, in support, conflict and depth in it. The age seems to be a negative predictor of relationship satisfaction, while the basic trust, looking for an ideal self and being a male are positive predictors. Basic trust is a positive predictor in relationship support and negative in conflict. Age is also a positive predictor of conflict, however, the passion permanency predicts this dimension in a negative way. Finally, age and ideal self positively predicts depth perception in loving relationship. Therefore, these results were discussed, in which we highlight the importance of certain details for a healthy relationship.
Orientação: Maria José Pereira Ferreira.