Empreendedorismo e criação do próprio emprego : projeto de consultoria e formação
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O desemprego é um problema abordado diariamente pelo impacto que tem na economia a nível nacional e global. É importante estudar e aprofundar a existência de políticas ativas de emprego e de medidas que permitam mitigar esta questão, gerir o desafio constante e as fragilidades provocadas pelas crises económicas. Uma das medidas de apoio existentes, e ferramenta útil de combate ao desemprego em Portugal, é o Programa de Apoio ao Empreendedorismo e à Criação do Próprio Emprego (PAECPE). Esta linha de apoio aos empreendedores, gerida pelo IEFP, incentiva o empreendedorismo em detrimento da compensação financeira passiva, decorrente do desemprego, sendo também uma ferramenta impulsionadora do empreendedorismo social. É nesta linha, que o presente trabalho pretende contribuir para a análise do empreendedorismo no contexto da medida de apoio à criação do próprio emprego, através do seu enquadramento, bem como permitir incentivar os potenciais promotores a conhecerem os apoios disponíveis e a criarem o seu próprio emprego, como alternativa à situação indesejada de falta de trabalho. Neste sentido, tendo em consideração toda a experiência profissional da promotora e a sua rede de contactos estabelecida ao longo dos anos, ambos pontos fortes do projeto agora apresentado, no âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas, este projeto tem como objetivo a criação de emprego e inicio de atividade de prestação de serviços de consultoria e formação, em especial na área de plano de negócios, sob a forma jurídica de Empresário em Nome Individual. O projeto aqui apresentado constitui a criação de um único posto de trabalho, o da promotora e pretende abranger o mercado nacional, tendo como clientes entidades prestadoras de apoio técnico e prestadoras de formação, credenciadas para o efeito, bem como, futuros empreendedores, empregados ou desempregados, que pretendam obter consultoria e/ou formação no âmbito da elaboração de plano de negócios. Para que a atividade possa ser iniciada, será apenas necessário a realização de investimento correspondente à aquisição de um computador portátil, no valor total de 549,99€. Prevê-se que a atividade inicie em janeiro de 2024, pelo que o presente projeto é elaborado com o período de análise de três anos civis completos (2024, 2025 e 2026), prevendo-se a apresentação de resultados positivos logo no primeiro ano de atividade. Este trabalho encontra-se estruturado em várias partes. A primeira parte aborda na introdução o histórico da ideia e da promotora, a segunda o enquadramento teórico do empreendedorismo e a sua relação com o desemprego, o mercado de trabalho e as políticas ativas de emprego, em Portugal, seguindo-se a metodologia geral do plano de negócios e a análise do mercado, apresentação de resultados e proposta de posicionamento. Na última parte encontram-se as recomendações e orientações para o futuro, bem como as conclusões, referências bibliográficas e anexos. Palavras-Chave: Empreendedorismo, Criação do Próprio Emprego, Plano de Negócios
Unemployment is an issue that is addressed daily due to the impact it has on the economy at national and global level. It is important to study and deepen the existence of active employment policies and measures to mitigate this issue, to manage the constant challenge and fragilities caused by economic crises. One of the existing support measures and useful tool to combat unemployment in Portugal is the Support Program for Entrepreneurship and the Self-Employment (PAECPE). This line of support for entrepreneurs, managed by IEFP, encourages entrepreneurship to the detriment of passive financial compensation, resulting from unemployment, and is also a driving tool for social entrepreneurship. It is along these lines that this work aims to contribute to the analysis of entrepreneurship in the context of measures to support the creation of one's own employment, through its framework, as well as allowing potential promoters to be encouraged to learn about the support available and to create their own employment, as an alternative to the unwanted situation of lack of work. In this sense, taking into account the promoter professional experience and her network established over the years, both strengths of the project now presented, within the scope of the Master's Degree in Business Management, this project aims to create employment and start an activity, providing consulting and training services, especially in the business plan issue, under the legal form of Individual Entrepreneur. The presented project constitutes the creation of a single job feature, the promoter’s job and intends to cover the national market, having as clients technical support and training providers, accredited for this purpose, as well as future entrepreneurs, employed or unemployed, who wish to obtain consultancy and / or training to draw up a business plan. In order to start an activity, it will only be necessary investment on the acquisition of a laptop, in the total amount of € 549.99. It is expected that the activity will start in january 2024, so this project is prepared with the analysis period of three full calendar years (2024, 2025 and 2026), and it is expected to present positive results in its first year activity. This work is structured in several parts. The first part addresses in the introduction, including the idea and of the promoter history, the second part integrates the theoretical framework of entrepreneurship, its relationship with unemployment, the labor market and the active employment Portuguese policies, followed by the general methodology of the business plan and the market analysis, as well as the results presentation and positioning proposal. In the last part there are the recommendations and guidelines for the future, the conclusions, bibliographical references and annexes. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment, Business Plan.
Unemployment is an issue that is addressed daily due to the impact it has on the economy at national and global level. It is important to study and deepen the existence of active employment policies and measures to mitigate this issue, to manage the constant challenge and fragilities caused by economic crises. One of the existing support measures and useful tool to combat unemployment in Portugal is the Support Program for Entrepreneurship and the Self-Employment (PAECPE). This line of support for entrepreneurs, managed by IEFP, encourages entrepreneurship to the detriment of passive financial compensation, resulting from unemployment, and is also a driving tool for social entrepreneurship. It is along these lines that this work aims to contribute to the analysis of entrepreneurship in the context of measures to support the creation of one's own employment, through its framework, as well as allowing potential promoters to be encouraged to learn about the support available and to create their own employment, as an alternative to the unwanted situation of lack of work. In this sense, taking into account the promoter professional experience and her network established over the years, both strengths of the project now presented, within the scope of the Master's Degree in Business Management, this project aims to create employment and start an activity, providing consulting and training services, especially in the business plan issue, under the legal form of Individual Entrepreneur. The presented project constitutes the creation of a single job feature, the promoter’s job and intends to cover the national market, having as clients technical support and training providers, accredited for this purpose, as well as future entrepreneurs, employed or unemployed, who wish to obtain consultancy and / or training to draw up a business plan. In order to start an activity, it will only be necessary investment on the acquisition of a laptop, in the total amount of € 549.99. It is expected that the activity will start in january 2024, so this project is prepared with the analysis period of three full calendar years (2024, 2025 and 2026), and it is expected to present positive results in its first year activity. This work is structured in several parts. The first part addresses in the introduction, including the idea and of the promoter history, the second part integrates the theoretical framework of entrepreneurship, its relationship with unemployment, the labor market and the active employment Portuguese policies, followed by the general methodology of the business plan and the market analysis, as well as the results presentation and positioning proposal. In the last part there are the recommendations and guidelines for the future, the conclusions, bibliographical references and annexes. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment, Business Plan.