Papel do Farmacêutico Comunitário no acompanhamento da pessoa com doença oncológica : perceção do doente/sobrevivente
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A doença oncológica atualmente afeta globalmente milhões de pessoas, posicionando-se numa das principais causas de morte a nível mundial, impondo tratamentos complexos e com elevado impacto no doente. Na abordagem a esta doença, o envolvimento e colaboração das equipas multidisciplinares, incluindo os farmacêuticos é crucial em todas as etapas, desde o diagnóstico, aos tratamentos e à gestão dos efeitos secundários inerentes a estes. Deste modo, com este trabalho, pretendeu-se estudar e avaliar a perceção sobre o papel do farmacêutico comunitário no acompanhamento da pessoa com doença oncológica na perspetiva do doente/sobrevivente. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo observacional, transversal a 105 indivíduos doentes ou sobreviventes de doença oncológica, residentes em Portugal, através de um questionário online auto-reportado. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos inquiridos sente confiança no farmacêutico comunitário. Globalmente, 43,8% e 53,3% dos inquiridos, consideram o conhecimento destes profissionais de saúde suficiente nas medidas de prevenção e diagnóstico, respetivamente. Por sua vez, na gestão dos efeitos secundários do tratamento oncológico, a maioria dos inquiridos (61%), considerou que o conhecimento do farmacêutico comunitário era "Bom ou Elevado". A larga maioria dos investigados considerou que é importante a existência de uma comunicação entre as equipas hospitalares e o farmacêutico comunitários (~80%) e seria relevante a implementação de um serviço personalizado nas farmácias para o seu acompanhamento (~70%). Conclui-se com este estudo que, apesar da maioria dos inquiridos sentir confiança no farmacêutico comunitário, existe ainda uma elevada margem para tornar o seu papel mais ativo no acompanhamento da doença oncológica. Adicionalmente, na perspetiva do doente oncológico é essencial a existência de uma comunicação entre o hospital e a farmácia comunitária, bem como a criação de um serviço que permita um melhor acompanhamento no decurso da sua doença. Palavras-chave: cancro; farmacêutico comunitário; doente oncológico; tratamento; intervenção farmacêutica
Oncological disease currently affects millions of people, being one of the main causes of death worldwide, imposing complex treatments with a high impact on the patient. In the management of this disease, the involvement and collaboration of multidisciplinary teams, including pharmacists, is crucial at all stages, from diagnosis, treatments and management of their side effects. Therefore, with this work, we intended to study and evaluate the perception of the role of the community pharmacist in monitoring people with cancer from the perspective of the patient/survivor. To this end, an observational, cross-sectional study was carried out with 105 individuals who were sick or survived an oncological disease, living in Portugal, using a self-reported online questionnaire. The results revealed that the majority of respondents feel trust in the community pharmacist. Overall, 43.8% and 53.3% of respondents consider the knowledge of these health professionals to be sufficient in prevention and diagnostic measures, respectively. In turn, when managing the side effects of cancer treatment, the majority of respondents (61%) considered that the community pharmacist's knowledge was “Good or High”. The vast majority of respondents considered that communication between hospital teams and community pharmacists is important (~80%) and the implementation of a personalized service in pharmacies for their monitoring would be relevant (~70%). It is concluded from this study that although the majority of respondents feel trust in the community pharmacists, there is still a large margin to make their role more active in the monitoring of oncological disease. Additionally, from the cancer patient's perspective, communication between the hospital and the community pharmacy is essential, as well as the creation of a service that allows better monitoring throughout the course of their illness. Keywords: cancer; community pharmacist; cancer patient; treatment; pharmaceutical intervention
Oncological disease currently affects millions of people, being one of the main causes of death worldwide, imposing complex treatments with a high impact on the patient. In the management of this disease, the involvement and collaboration of multidisciplinary teams, including pharmacists, is crucial at all stages, from diagnosis, treatments and management of their side effects. Therefore, with this work, we intended to study and evaluate the perception of the role of the community pharmacist in monitoring people with cancer from the perspective of the patient/survivor. To this end, an observational, cross-sectional study was carried out with 105 individuals who were sick or survived an oncological disease, living in Portugal, using a self-reported online questionnaire. The results revealed that the majority of respondents feel trust in the community pharmacist. Overall, 43.8% and 53.3% of respondents consider the knowledge of these health professionals to be sufficient in prevention and diagnostic measures, respectively. In turn, when managing the side effects of cancer treatment, the majority of respondents (61%) considered that the community pharmacist's knowledge was “Good or High”. The vast majority of respondents considered that communication between hospital teams and community pharmacists is important (~80%) and the implementation of a personalized service in pharmacies for their monitoring would be relevant (~70%). It is concluded from this study that although the majority of respondents feel trust in the community pharmacists, there is still a large margin to make their role more active in the monitoring of oncological disease. Additionally, from the cancer patient's perspective, communication between the hospital and the community pharmacy is essential, as well as the creation of a service that allows better monitoring throughout the course of their illness. Keywords: cancer; community pharmacist; cancer patient; treatment; pharmaceutical intervention