Barreiras e facilitadores da adesão em intervenções psicológicas baseadas na internet com adolescentes: uma revisão sistemática
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A investigação tem vindo a demonstrar alguma evidência empírica acerca do potencial
das intervenções psicológicas mediadas pela internet/tecnologia na promoção da saúde mental
em adolescentes. Contudo, pouco se sabe em relação a potenciais barreiras e facilitadores
identificados pelos adolescentes na adesão a este tipo de intervenções. Desta forma, esta revisão
sistemática pretendeu rever sistematicamente a investigação produzida até ao momento sobre
estas variáveis clínicas, bem como potenciais moderadores associados. Foram triados artigos de
uma base de dados (Web of Science), publicados entre janeiro de 2008 a janeiro de 2019, de
modo a selecionar estudos que analisavam, quantitativamente, barreiras ou facilitadores
percebidos à adesão em adolescentes (dos 12 aos 18 anos). Dos 2220 artigos triados
inicialmente, cinco cumpriram os critérios de inclusão. Foram identificadas barreiras
relacionadas com fatores pessoais e internos (e.g., esquecimento, desinteresse), design e
conteúdo dos programas (e.g., dúvidas quanto à relevância e utilidade do próprio programa,
problemas de utilização ou compreensão do conteúdo), e a privacidade e estigma. Foram
identificados como facilitadores da adesão, a natureza interativa das intervenções digitais. Não
foram identificados moderadores nos estudos incluídos. Implicações para a prática clínica e
estudos futuros foram discutidos. Será importante que estudos futuros explorem, de forma mais
rigorosa, algumas das variáveis anteriormente mencionadas, bem como moderadores e/ou
caraterísticas mais especificas, com o objetivo de adaptar os programas de intervenção
online/digitais disponíveis ou futuros, tornando-os mais adequados para os adolescentes como
Research has been demonstrating some empirical evidence about the potential of internet/technology mediated psychological interventions in promoting mental health in adolescents. However, little is known about potential barriers and facilitators identified by adolescents in adhering to this type of intervention. Thus, this systematic review aimed to systematically review the research produced so far on these clinical variables, as well as potential associated moderators. Articles from a database (Web of Science), published from January 2008 to January 2019, were screened to select studies that quantitatively analyzed perceived barriers or facilitators of adherence in adolescents (12 to 18 years). Of the 2220 articles initially screened, five met the inclusion criteria. Barriers related to personal and internal factors (e.g., forgetfulness, disinterest), program design and content (e.g., doubts about the relevance and usefulness of the program itself, problems of use or understanding of the content), and privacy and stigma have been identified. Adherence facilitators have identified the interactive nature of digital interventions. No moderators were identified in the included studies. Implications for clinical practice and future studies were discussed. It will be important for future studies to more accurately explore some of the variables mentioned above, as well as more specific moderators and/or characteristics, in order to adapt available or future online/digital intervention programs, making them more suitable for adolescents as the target population.
Research has been demonstrating some empirical evidence about the potential of internet/technology mediated psychological interventions in promoting mental health in adolescents. However, little is known about potential barriers and facilitators identified by adolescents in adhering to this type of intervention. Thus, this systematic review aimed to systematically review the research produced so far on these clinical variables, as well as potential associated moderators. Articles from a database (Web of Science), published from January 2008 to January 2019, were screened to select studies that quantitatively analyzed perceived barriers or facilitators of adherence in adolescents (12 to 18 years). Of the 2220 articles initially screened, five met the inclusion criteria. Barriers related to personal and internal factors (e.g., forgetfulness, disinterest), program design and content (e.g., doubts about the relevance and usefulness of the program itself, problems of use or understanding of the content), and privacy and stigma have been identified. Adherence facilitators have identified the interactive nature of digital interventions. No moderators were identified in the included studies. Implications for clinical practice and future studies were discussed. It will be important for future studies to more accurately explore some of the variables mentioned above, as well as more specific moderators and/or characteristics, in order to adapt available or future online/digital intervention programs, making them more suitable for adolescents as the target population.
Orientação: Diogo Lamela