Insolvência de pessoas singulares: o caso particular dos cônjuges
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A crise económica e financeira que se abateu em Portugal, fruto da mesma conjuntura a nível europeu, está a dizimar a estrutura da sociedade portuguesa. Estamos em tempo de mudança no sentido de alteração radical à estrutura económica e social enraizada na nossa sociedade e que se repercute na estrutura financeira e pessoal de cada família marcada por um aumento excessivo do endividamento familiar.
Este sobre-endividamento das famílias, fruto, também, de vinte anos dourados da banca portuguesa, acaba por gerar situações de graves dramas e colapso financeiro, passíveis de desestruturação familiar cujo desfecho, quando não se tomam medidas atempadas para o evitar, só poderá ser resolvido através de um instituto que, até agora, por falta de aplicação prática, é parco em soluções jurídicas úteis para as famílias e para a sociedade: a insolvência de pessoas singulares, no nosso trabalho, o caso particular dos cônjuges.
Pouco encontramos escrito sobre o assunto e pouca é a jurisprudência, na medida em que, até há uns anos atrás, só acontecia às empresas.
“O caráter pontual que a matéria apresenta não admite mais do que o tratamento casuístico que lhe vai sendo dedicado (…)”.
Atualmente, a situação é bem diferente e, por esse facto, sentimos necessidade de desenvolver o tema.
É nesta medida que vamos analisar a legislação, aferir da sua adequação à sociedade atual, uma vezes concordando, outras vezes discordando e procurando propor soluções que passam pela referência a vários institutos jurídicos, a saber, coligação, patrimónios autónomos, regimes de bens no casamento, responsabilidade por dívidas entre outros. Estas soluções terão como base a doutrina e, sempre que possível, a jurisprudência.
The economic and financial crisis that hit Portugal, resulting in the same situation at European level, is decimating the structure of Portuguese society. We are at a time of a radical change to the economic and social structure, rooted in our society and this has reflected in the financial structure of each family and individual. This over-indebtedness of households, due to the outcome of twenty years of golden Portuguese bank, ultimately generates situations of serious drama and financial collapse, subject to the outcome of which, family breakdown, when timely action to prevent it fails, can only be resolved through an institute that so far, for lack of practical application, is sparing with useful legal solutions for families and for society: the insolvency of individuals, the particular case of spouses. Little is found written on the subject as little is its jurisprudence, because that was a situation that happened only to businesses, a few years ago. "The sporadic nature of the matter doesn´t require more than the casuistic treatment it has been dedicated to (...).” Currently the situation is quite different and we feel the need to develop the subject. For this reason we’ll analyze current legislation, assessing its suitability to to-day's society, sometimes agreeing, other disagreeing and propositioning solutions through reference to various legal institutes, namely coalition, autonomous assets, matrimonial property regimes, liability for debts among others. These solutions will be based on doctrine and, whenever possible, jurisprudence.
The economic and financial crisis that hit Portugal, resulting in the same situation at European level, is decimating the structure of Portuguese society. We are at a time of a radical change to the economic and social structure, rooted in our society and this has reflected in the financial structure of each family and individual. This over-indebtedness of households, due to the outcome of twenty years of golden Portuguese bank, ultimately generates situations of serious drama and financial collapse, subject to the outcome of which, family breakdown, when timely action to prevent it fails, can only be resolved through an institute that so far, for lack of practical application, is sparing with useful legal solutions for families and for society: the insolvency of individuals, the particular case of spouses. Little is found written on the subject as little is its jurisprudence, because that was a situation that happened only to businesses, a few years ago. "The sporadic nature of the matter doesn´t require more than the casuistic treatment it has been dedicated to (...).” Currently the situation is quite different and we feel the need to develop the subject. For this reason we’ll analyze current legislation, assessing its suitability to to-day's society, sometimes agreeing, other disagreeing and propositioning solutions through reference to various legal institutes, namely coalition, autonomous assets, matrimonial property regimes, liability for debts among others. These solutions will be based on doctrine and, whenever possible, jurisprudence.
Orientação: Carolina Cunha